
 | | Beyond Being Silenced: Gyaa Isdlaa  The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore... | |
 | | Bully Dance  Delightful and provocative animated film gives insight on dealing creatively with bullies. | |
 | | Crips and Bloods: Made in America  Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA. | |
 | | Dr. Feelgood  The case of Dr. William Hurwitz educates audiences on the complexities involved in opioid painkiller prescriptions. | |
 | | The Gods of Our Fathers  There is nothing innate in patriarchy and militarism. We can change our culture. | |
 | | The Heretic  Follows Rob Bell, founder of a megachurch in Michigan, and now an influential writer and speaker, as he spreads a message of love and inclusion and searches for what it means to be human. | |
 | | Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot. | |
 | | No Man's Land  Behind the scenes account of the occupation of Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by Bundy-led armed militants and their 41-day standoff with federal authorities. | |
 | | Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now. | |
 | | Rosita  The plight of a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl, who becomes pregnant as the result of a rape, triggers a battle over whose life has precedence. | |
 | | s-yéwyáw Awaken  Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders. | |
 | | The Toxic Reigns of Resentment  An interview film on the emotion of resentment and how it defines culture and politics today. | |
 | | Tribal Justice  Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice. | |
 | | Virulent: The Vaccine War  Examines the consequences of vaccine hesitancy and denial. | |
 | | Welcome to Commie High  In-depth exploration of Community High School in Ann Arbor, MI, one of the sole survivors from America's early 70s "free schools" movement, now a thriving public school. | |
Abandonado  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Abandoned  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Abandoned (Short Version)  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
The Air We Breathe  Connects asthma and other respiratory diseases with air pollution and suburban sprawl.
The American Ruling Class  A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?'
Baboon Tales  Dr. Shirley Strum's new interpretation of baboon society.
Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes  Lynden B. Miller explores the life and work of America's first female landscape architect, Beatrix Farrand.
Better This World  The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.
Between Joyce and Remembrance  A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Beyond Being Silenced: Gyaa Isdlaa  The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore...
Big Spuds, Little Spuds  The impact of climate change and monoculture on one of the world's staple food crops.
Biodiversity vs. Extinction  Mass extinction of species can be stopped if we understand the importance of biodiversity.
Biophilic Design  A design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, buildings where people feel and perform better.
Black Sea  Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.
Black Wave  The story of the Exxon Valdez and the 20-year legal battle to get restitution from ExxonMobil.
Blind Trust  Celebrates the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.
Blowback  Using films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples, BLOWBACK explores how movies shape our understanding of the wars that are fought in our name.
Blowpipes and Bulldozers  The story of the Penan, a tribe of rainforest nomads in Borneo, as seen by Bruno Manser.
A Bold Peace  70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.
The Bomb Under the World  What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries like India?
Borderline Cases  The environmental impact of the 2,000 factories (maquiladoras) on the US-Mexico border.
Bottle Conditioned  An intimate look at lambic beer and three of its most revered brewers and blenders as they each navigate the growing demands of consumers today.
Boys Will Be Men  Some answers for the hard questions about growing up male in America.
Bread Bike  Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.
Bully Dance  Delightful and provocative animated film gives insight on dealing creatively with bullies.
Busting Out  An exploration of the history and politics of breast obsession in America, and its connection with breast cancer, breastfeeding and body image.
Capturing The Flag  Four friends travel to Cumberland County, NC — posterchild for voter suppression in 2016 — intent on proving that the big idea of American democracy can be defended by small acts of individual citizens.
China Blue  A clandestinely shot, deep-access account of how the clothes we buy are actually made.
Chávez Ravine  Don Normark's haunting photographs bring back to life a Mexican American village razed in the 1950s to build Dodger Stadium.
Circuit Earth  Shot throughout Philadelphia during the first Earth Week in 1970, the film features community groups, citizens and celebrities reflecting on the crisis facing the planet.
Cities  Is "sustainable cities" an oxymoron or can they be made to work?
Citizen George  Presents the life and work of 86-year-old Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace.
Coming Home  Suzuki explores biophilia -- the innate, hereditary need of human beings to affiliate with nature.
Coming to Light  An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.
Coming to Light (Short Version)  An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.
Community  Micro-credit is transforming the lives of women in Bangladesh.
Community Animals  Leading thinkers explore community, work, time, values, and change.
A Crime on the Bayou  A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.
Crips and Bloods: Made in America  Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA.
Crutch  Chronicles the gravity defying life of Bill Shannon, an internationally renowned artist, breakdancer and skate punk—on crutches.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution  Two-part series examining Cuba's enormous experiment in sustainable development in the face of an economic crisis brought on by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 1  Examines Cuba's response to the food crisis created by the collapse of the Soviet Bloc in 1989.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 2  In spite of the economic crisis and US embargo, the Cuban health system is an outstanding success story around the world.
Cull of the Wild  The argument for ending animal trapping for profit, recreation or wildlife management.
Cultivating Opportunity  Hard-pressed farmers in the southeast US and in Mozambique find co-ops work.
The Cutting Edge  Ugandan project attempts to change attitudes about female genital mutilation.
Dance Me To The End Of Time  Set against the backdrop of Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring, the film documents the last 4 years of the filmmaker's life-partner, outspoken lesbian theater director, Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer.
A Dangerous Idea  Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.
Darkness on the Edge of Town  Hungarian filmmaker Arpád Bogdan sets out to discover what's behind the new wave of anti-Roma sentiment in Hungary today.
Day One  Traumatized Middle Eastern and African teen refugees are guided through a program of healing by devoted educators at a unique St. Louis public school for refugees only.
Democracy à la Maude  A Canadian woman leads the fight against unjust corporate globalization, and for social justice.
Detropia  A vivid portrait of Detroit, America's first major post-industrial city, as it struggles to deal with the consequences of a broken economic system.
Developing Stories - Series 1  The view on the environment from developing countries
Developing Stories - Series 2  The view from developing countries on population and migration.
The Dingles  A warm and loving film about a household facing and overcoming a crisis.
Dinner for Two  A funny, animated object lesson in conflict resolution.
The Divided Brain  Explores Iain McGilchrist's pioneering exploration of the differences between the brain's right and left hemispheres and their effects on society, history, and culture.
Dominoes  Lively cut-out animation illustrates the tensions when a newcomer enters a pre-established group.
Dr. Feelgood  The case of Dr. William Hurwitz educates audiences on the complexities involved in opioid painkiller prescriptions.
Drones In My Backyard  How comfortable should Americans be with the growing use of drones by all segments of society?
Drumbeat for Mother Earth  Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.
E. F. Schumacher...  Summary of Schumacher's economic arguments referring to the world energy situation.
Early Life  How irrevocably are we shaped by the first few years of our lives? Early Life explores the arguments through the stories of young children and their families in four different continents.
Early Life 2  Second series of Early Life programs that follows Mayor Amilcar Huanchuari as he tours Brazil and his native Peru looking at programs promoting early childhood development.
Earth Seasoned: #GapYear  Diagnosed with learning difficulties, Tori finds her greatest teacher in nature, spending a "gap year" living semi-primitively with four other young women in Oregon's Cascade Mountains.
Ecosophia  Some of the wisest ecological minds come together for an honest appraisal of our civilization without greenwash.
Educating Lucia  The odds are against girls getting an education in Zimbabwe and throughout much of Africa.
Elbow Room  Office workers deal with a dispute in this amusing and enlightening animated short.
Elder Voices  Japanese Americans, European Jews and peace activists who came of age during the Depression and WWII address the political storm clouds gathering today.
The Elephants' Dream of Peace  In Ivory Coast the national soccer team, the Elephants, helped stop a civil war in 2005. Can the efforts of their top players avert disaster this time?
The Emoji Story  Explores the complex, conflict-prone, and often hilarious world of the creators, lovers, and arbiters of emoji, our world's newest pictorial language.
Energy and Morality  The complex relationship of energy use to different value systems.
Everything's Cool  Examines the media strategies, on both sides, that have resulted in the US government's failure to take decisive action on global warming.
Faces of the Hand  The human hand, and its use, in different cultures.
Facing Fear  A former neo-Nazi skinhead and the gay victim of his hate crime meet by chance 25 years later, are reconciled and collaborate in educational presentations.
Favela Farm  In Brazil can Pedro build a Life App to help the secret world of urban farms and gardens in Rio's shanty towns?
Fighting Back  Women in Bosnia are rebuilding war-torn lives.
Food  Devising a sustainable food system -- one that is healthy, accessible, and affordable.
For Earth's Sake  Portrait of David Brower, America's leading environmentalist.
For the Love of Movies  For the Love of Movies is the first documentary to dramatize the history of American film criticism and to explore its role in the evolution of American film.
The Forest For The Trees  The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.
Forests, Biodiversity and You  Can forests retain their productivity and biodiversity? Consuming less ourselves is key.
Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate  2-DVD set explores the human capacity to forgive through a compelling range of stories, from personal betrayal to global reconciliation after genocide.
The Four Corners  The "hidden" cost of energy development in the homeland of the Hopi, Navajo, and Mormons.
From Chechnya to Chernobyl  Fleeing the war in Chechnya, refugees have settled near Chernobyl.
Fury for the Sound  Women's contribution to the battle to save the rainforest at Clayoquot Sound.
Fury for the Sound (Short Version)  Women's contribution to the battle to save the rainforest at Clayoquot Sound.
G is for Gun  Explores both sides of the highly controversial trend of arming teachers and staff in America's K-12 schools.
Gaia  A portrait of James Lovelock, originator of the theory that the earth is a self-regulating system maintaining the conditions that allow its perpetuation.
Gene Blues  Examines the ethical issues associated with DNA testing.
Girls from Chaka Street  The break-up of the Soviet Union leaves some women with few options but prostitution.
The Gods of Our Fathers  There is nothing innate in patriarchy and militarism. We can change our culture.
The Golf War  Globalization comes to a Philippine seaside community, which has to defend its ancestral lands against golf course development.
The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It  The story of conscientious objectors in World War II.
GoodWood  Forest communities can have both jobs and trees.
Grace Under Fire  Dr. Grace Kodindo explores what help is available for the people, particularly women, affected by the ongoing and bloody conflict in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
A Great Wonder  Documents the difficult transition of three of the "Lost Boys and Girls" of Sudan to life as immigrants in Seattle, WA.
Green Animation  Eleven funny shorts on the environment.
Greening Business  Reports on sustainable business practices and philosophy.
Growing Season  Horticulture dramatically improves prisoners' attitudes.
Helen Nearing  A moving portrait of the lives and deaths of homesteading authors, Helen and Scott Nearing.
The Heretic  Follows Rob Bell, founder of a megachurch in Michigan, and now an influential writer and speaker, as he spreads a message of love and inclusion and searches for what it means to be human.
A Home Called Nebraska  People in Nebraska wholeheartedly welcome refugees and show that the newcomers enrich their communities, their economies, and their lives.
Home of the Brave  Examines the case of Viola Liuzzo, the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement.
Home Place  Putting the role of human beings in the biosphere back into proper perspective.
Hong Kong Symphony  Tan Dun's "Symphony 1997" premieres as Hong Kong switches from British to Chinese rule.
House on Fire  Breaking the cycle of domestic violence.
How to Become a President  Former World Soccer Player of the Year, George Weah, is running for president again in his native Liberia. Is he out of his depth?
The Human Race  Is the western model of global development sustainable in a finite environment?
The Human Scale  Influential Danish architect Jan Gehl argues that we can build cities in a way which takes human needs for inclusion and intimacy into account.
If A Tree Falls  The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist.
In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
In The Mayor's Footsteps - Brazil  Mayor Amilcar Huancahuari visits Brazil to assess efforts to promote early childhood development there.
In The Mayor's Footsteps - Peru  Mayor Amilcar Huancahuari is trying to convert his native Peru to his optimistic philosophy of promoting early childhood development.
In the Name of the Gene  Debunks the pseudo-scientific reasoning behind the dangerous theories of eugenics and genetic determinism.
Introduction to Biodiversity  The concept of biological diversity and its importance to humans.
Invisible Garments: Expensive Soles  Nike and other multinationals are moving production to countries like Indonesia.
It Takes a Child  15 year-old child labor activist, Craig Kielburger, works for reform around the world.
Jongsada Suwanchondee in Thailand  HIV-positive, this former Thai heroin addict helps others understand AIDS.
Kabul Transit  A street-level documentary that explores the soul of a city devastated by nearly three decades of war.
Kanehsatake  The confrontation between the Mohawk Nation and the Canadian Government at the Mercier Bridge.
Keepers of the Coast  Surfers organize to save the ocean and the coastline.
Keystone Species  The principle of keystone species proves the interconnectedness of the living world.
Kibera Kids  The adults of Kibera are working hard to offer kids a safe and stimulating haven in pre-schools.
kids + money  Money talks. Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.
Land of Widows  Population and health problems in post civil war Cambodia.
Letters from our Lives  Disabled women write open letters to the world about their plight.
Life Apps  5-part series in which tech-savvy young adults from around the globe create mobile apps for a better, more sustainable world.
The Lincoln School Story  The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.
Living the Good Life  A portrait of the daily life of America's most famous back-to-the-landers.
Living Under the Cloud  A sobering look at the Chernobyl disaster, with exclusive home video footage.
Llamado Para La Madre Tierra  Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.
Looking For My Gypsy Roots  Hungarian film director Arpád faces a dilemma - should he track down his Roma father?
Looting the Seas  Investigates the looming collapse of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stocks and the role EU policies have played in the crisis.
The Man We Called Juan Carlos  Chronicles the violent history of Guatemala and life of Wenceslao Armira, a Mayan father, farmer, teacher, guerilla, priest and champion of human rights.
The Mayor's Dream  The Mayor's dream is simple: a better world because every child gets a better start.
Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot.
Midwives...Lullabies...and Mother Earth  Fascinating look at pioneering natural birth doctor, Michel Odent.
Mobile Harvest  In India can Sachin build a "Life App" to help stem the tide of farmer suicides?
The Motherhood Manifesto  Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance.
Motor  The controversy surrounding off-road motor vehicles using public lands.
The Music Garden  An exploration of Bach's music as interpreted through gardening.
My Father's Garden  Explores sustainable agriculture and the contrast between chemical and organic farming.
My First Day at School  Three children prepare to enter primary school in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon  Unveiling the ancient astronomy of southwestern Pueblo Indians.
Natural Connections  Makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
Natural Connections (Classroom Version)  5-part series that makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
No Man's Land  Behind the scenes account of the occupation of Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by Bundy-led armed militants and their 41-day standoff with federal authorities.
No Spare Parts  Ingenious recycling of used car parts in Ghana.
On the Edge of the Forest  E.F. Schumacher makes a plea for ecological balance as he visits a virgin forest in Australia.
On the Way  Sex education project combats teenage pregnancy in Peru.
Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.
Original Minds  Inspirational film that shows a way to bring out the individual talents of five teenagers normally classified as learning disabled.
Othello  A video guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, dealing with revenge and pride.
Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now.
Our Vanishing Forests  The history and policies of the U.S. Forest Service.
Our Vanishing Forests (Short Version)  The history and policies of the U.S. Forest Service
The Outsiders  Explores the moral and economic dilemmas that adolescents face in the Ukraine today.
Passage  A brilliantly innovative telling of the story of Dr. John Rae who discovered the awful truth about the fate of the Franklin Expedition's attempt to find the Northwest Passage.
Paying the Price  John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions had on the children of Iraq during the 1990s.
Paying the Price (Short Version)  John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions have had on the children of Iraq.
The Perils of Plectropomus  The life and death struggles of fish on a coral reef today.
Phallacies  An unfettered study of the penis's place in history, art, religion, and contemporary life.
Planet Neighborhood  The latest in energy saving technology and good design.
Play Again (New Edition)  What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure.
Power to Heal  The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.
The President's Dilemma  In the face of rising sea levels due to climate change, Kiribati President Anote Tong must decide the fate of his people. Should he plan for an orderly evacuation of the islands?
The Prince  A young Pakistani landowner chooses between trying to implement the MDGs in the village that his family owns, and a quiet life.
The Providers  Three healthcare providers bring care to a rural American community, showing the transformative power of providers' relationships with marginalized patients.
Psychology and the New Heroism  Philip Zimbardo and Daniel Ellsberg discuss why some people are willing to take courageous nonviolent action in defense of ethical principles.
The Quiet Mutiny (Activist Version)  John Pilger reveals the shifting morale and open rebellion of Western troops serving in Vietnam.
The Quiet Mutiny  John Pilger reveals the shifting morale and open rebellion of Western troops serving in Vietnam.
Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.
Rain in a Dry Land  Two Somali Bantu families leave behind a legacy of slavery in Africa and find new homes in urban America.
Rain in a Dry Land (Short Version)  Two Somali families find new homes in urban America.
Rainmakers - Series 1  Six youth leaders from around the world are making a difference.
Rainmakers - Series 2  The second series about youth leaders around the world making a difference.
Ramiro Garcia in Peru  Social change is possible through the arts and humor.
Razvan Marcu in Romania  After Ceausescu, Razvan Marcu now fights for a clean environment.
The Real Patch Adams  He's a doctor, a clown, and a social activist, who wants to change the health care system.
A Reckoning in Boston  In prosperous and progressive Boston, what keeps the gap between rich and poor, white and Black, so glaringly wide?
Reclaim the Condom  Trained advice columnist Sheila launches a campaign in Mozambique to promote condoms as sexy contraceptives - not weapons in the fight against HIV and disease.
Redwood Summer  Documents both sides in the summer of struggle between environmentalists vs. loggers and timber companies.
ReInventing The World  Three 50-minute programs on creating sustainable cities, food systems, and lifestyles.
Rena Mcleod in Canada  An aboriginal mother fights for native justice.
The Return  After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.
A Rising Tide  An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families.
Rising Waters  Shows that global warming is already hurting the Pacific Islands.
Risky Business  A discussion-starter on genetically engineered plants and animals.
Rosita  The plight of a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl, who becomes pregnant as the result of a rape, triggers a battle over whose life has precedence.
s-yéwyáw Awaken  Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders.
Sarabande  Feature film maker Atom Egoyan weaves a tale inspired by Bach's 4th Cello Suite.
Science For Survival  Fusion of modern science with women's knowledge in India.
The Science of Whales  The latest discoveries about whale behavior and communication and the grave danger posed by new U.S. Navy sonar technology.
Seats At The Table  Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.
Secrets of the Choco  The Choco rainforest in Colombia faces development. What is the best option?
Shakuntala Kazmi in India  A low-caste Hindu, Shakuntala Kazmi fights for women's rights.
The Significance of Salmon  Salmon and people both need clean water to survive. Can we make the connection?
Sir! No Sir!  The untold story of the GI movement to end the war in Vietnam.
Soldiers of Conscience  To kill or not to kill? For some the war is within.
Southbound  Examines logging in the southeastern US and the controversy over chip mills.
Stay or Go?  Who will grow China's food as young people leave the countryside for the cities?
Stephanie, Erdo and Kay-Kay  Revisits three children in the United States, Kenya, and China, who were born in 1992, the year of the first Rio Earth Summit, and measures the impact of globalization on their lives.
Still Waters  In his tiny, one-room, after hours, free school in Brooklyn, Stephen Haff teaches forty Latinx kids reading, creative writing and Latin.
Street Fight  Tells the gripping story of the race for mayor of Newark, N.J., where elections are won and lost in the streets.
Suspended Dreams  The lasting effects of the civil war in Lebanon.
Suspino: A Cry for Roma  An unflinching look at the persecution of Europe's largest minority, the Roma or 'gypsies'.
Suspino: A Cry for Roma (Short Version)  An unflinching look at the persecution of Europe's largest minority, the Roma or 'gypsies'.
The Tale of the Three Lost Jewels  A tale of love and hope in the Gaza Strip.
TemeTTeme  Dramatic children's film about urbanization and family values in Ethiopia.
The Third Harmony  Tells the story of nonviolence, the greatest overlooked resource in human experience.
30 Frames a Second: The WTO in Seattle  Photojournalist's personal odyssey through the streets of Seattle during the WTO meeting.
This Is Home  Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.
Tickle The Sky  Robert Fulghum shows us the joy of climbing trees.
Tools for Research  A classic animal rights film that raises important questions about the use of animals in laboratories.
Town Destroyer  A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.
Toxic Bust  Explores the relationship between breast cancer and exposure to toxic chemicals.
The Toxic Reigns of Resentment  An interview film on the emotion of resentment and how it defines culture and politics today.
Translation Possible  Using a simple filmic device, this film illustrates the disorientation we all feel on encountering a new culture, and the way we gradually learn to fit in.
Tribal Justice  Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.
The Tribal Mind  Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.
Turning Down The Heat  Renewable energy sources and energy conservation are the solution to global warming.
Tête à Tête à Tête  A playful animated film that provides a thought-provoking commentary on how beings interact.
Una Paz Audaz  El camino de Costa Rica hacia la desmilitarización.
The Unforgiven  Should General Butt Naked (née Joshua Blahyi) - now a Christian pastor - be forgiven for his role in Liberia's horrific civil war?
Uranium  Native peoples pay the consequences of uranium mining.
Uranium Derby  A filmmaker discovers that her hometown of Ames, IA, was secretly involved in the Manhattan Project.
Valentine Road  In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath.
Varmints  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Varmints (Short Version)  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Victor "Gotti" Cherry in New York  A former gang leader now works with troubled youth.
Virulent: The Vaccine War  Examines the consequences of vaccine hesitancy and denial.
Voices of the Land  Our spiritual connection to the land, and how wilderness can heal the soul.
The Waiting Room  A day in the life of a public hospital's ER waiting room captures what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance.
The War on Democracy  John Pilger reports that, in spite of a history of repeated US-backed suppression, popular democratic movements are gaining ground in Latin America.
We Are Not Ghosts  Detroiters are reinventing the old Motor City as a vibrant new self-sustaining and human-scaled city for a post industrial world.
We Are The Radical Monarchs  Follows the Radical Monarchs, a group of young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice.
Welcome to Commie High  In-depth exploration of Community High School in Ann Arbor, MI, one of the sole survivors from America's early 70s "free schools" movement, now a thriving public school.
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy  Two elderly men possess starkly contrasting attitudes towards their high-ranking Nazi fathers. A study of brutality, self-deception, guilt and the nature of justice.
What's the Economy for, Anyway?  Ecological economist Dave Batker questions whether GDP is an adequate measure of society's well-being and suggests workable alternatives.
When Abortion was Illegal  Devastating stories from the era of illegal abortion.
When the Dust Settles  Gophers teach us a funny lesson in conflict resolution.
Where I Became  Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.
Which Way Home  The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Which Way Home - Original  The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Who's Counting?  Marilyn Waring demystifies global economics from a feminist perspective.
Whose Home on the Range?  The peace process between environmentalists, ranchers, and the U.S. Forest Service in the toughest county in the West.
Wind River  The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.
The Wisdom to Survive  Examines the challenges that climate change poses and discusses meaningful action that can be taken by individuals and communities.
Work and Time  A program about stress. How we can overcome being over-worked and out of time?
World Drums  250 of the world's greatest percussionists collaborate to perform World Drums.
World of Apps  Young people are writing apps to solve problems from reproductive health care in South Africa to helping young minority adults in London who are "stopped and searched."
Written on the Landscape  The Ancestral Puebloan culture's complex astronomy reveals a legacy of scientific observation and a spiritual tradition, with its powerful impact on the American Southwest.
Xmas Without China  Explores the intersection of consumerism and immigration in American culture.
The Yes Men Fix The World  Two daring political activists, posing as top executives, infiltrate conferences and pull off pranks designed to provoke better business practices.
Young Wives' Tales  Very early marriage threatens young girls' health and survival.
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