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Bread Bike

Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.

A printer-friendly version of this page 19 minutes
SDH Captioned>>

Directed by Beth Gage, George Gage
Produced by Gage & Gage Productions
Executive Producer James Forrester
Story: Beth Gage
Editor: Zen Rosenthal
Cinematography: George Gage
Music: John Madara

"Bread Bike celebrates the joy and longing we all share for fellowship and community." Peter Reinhart, Chef on Assignment, Culinary Arts, Johnson and Wales University
BREAD BIKE is Sam, Matt and Mariah, three energetic young people on California's central coast who were unfulfilled with what they studied in college. They have a passion for dough—the bread kind—and love making food for other people. Now, with their passion for baking, their desire to create community, and their belief that everyone loves good food, they've turned their hobby into their profession.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2023     Copyright Date: 2023
DVD ISBN: 1-961192-07-1

"Through trust and friendship Sam, Mariah, and Matt are building a working model of sustainable living by combining healthy baked goods with locally sourced grains and bicycle delivery. The trio's vision for building community through healthy food reconfirms that solutions to many of the world's problems are all around us if we 'think globally, act locally.' "
Evan N. Shenkin, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Linfield University

"Bread Bike celebrates the joy and longing we all share for fellowship and community. In this case it all begins with a single bread baker on a bicycle cart, who soon unites with two other kindred bakers who then, together, leaven and energize an entire village through their artisanship. The resulting connectedness ignites a tribal-like communion experience that transcends all ideologies and reminds us, yet again, of what is truly important."
Peter Reinhart, Chef on Assignment, Culinary Arts, Johnson and Wales University, Author, The Bread Baker's Apprentice and Pizza Quest: My Never-Ending Search for the Perfect Pizza

"Bread Bike is a joyful short film about a group of young entrepreneurs who design their business around sustainable community principles. They deliver their bread on bicycles, allowing them to meet people along the delivery routes and interact with the community. This would not be possible in a car or delivery truck which separates the driver from the community and pollutes the air. The film emphasizes that the goal of a business does not have to be profit, but it can be community and sustainability. In classrooms, this film can be used to discuss the relationship between businesses and the community they serve; what it means to be a responsible entrepreneur; and how businesses can foster sustainable communities."
Ralph Buehler, Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Tech, Author, Cycling for Sustainable Cities

"Bread Bike shows how three people with a common passion for baking combined to create synergy and impact a community. The film depicts the reality that baking at any scale - home, retail or industrial - includes the most varied interests, such as the science-minded, creatives, communicators, business-oriented and community-builders. It truly is a topic of unity."
Elisa L. Karkle, Assistant Professor of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University

"An upbeat short film with compelling themes, an excellent soundtrack, and strong cinematography."
Matthew W. Rothfuss, Bethlehem Area Public Library, Educational Media Reviews Online

"The film follows the trio as hard work, money, and some long hours culminate in dance parties and fellowship at Bread Bike Bakery, where seasonal and local ingredients are crafted into sourdough breads and more. An upbeat addition with topics for business, economics, and entrepreneur-themed classes."
Maggie Knapp, School Library Journal

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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features
English SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing

Awards and Festivals
Mountainfilm Festival
Ojai Film Festival
San Luis Obispo Film Festival
Sedona International Film Festival
Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival
Cambria Film Festival
Salida Film Festival
Montecito Film Festival
Make Waves Film Festival

American Studies
Environmental Ethics
Food And Nutrition
Local Economies
Renewable Energy
Social Psychology
Voluntary Simplicity
Western US

Related Titles

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Our food has a huge carbon footprint. FIXING FOOD tells five stories of creative new ways to lower the cost.

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Big or Small?
What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5 billion people: Big, or small?

Future Food
With 9 billion people on planet Earth in the year 2050, this 6-part series examines how we will feed ourselves in the 21st century.

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