The Human Race Series
The Bomb Under the World

What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries like India?

52 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Werner Volkmer
Produced by Catherine Mullins & Marrin Canell
for Green Lion Productions Hosted by Gwynne Dyer


"Insightful and well-argued."
Online Journal of Peace & Conflict Resolution
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Following deregulation of the economy, consumerism has hit India, and India's growing population is looking westward, demanding the same goods and a similar living standard.
And why shouldn't they? But what are the broader consequences of Western-style consumerism taking hold in large developing countries?
Other titles in the series are:
The Gods of Our Fathers - There is nothing innate in patriarchy and militarism. We can change our culture.
The Tribal Mind - Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.
Escaping From History - Poverty and the consumer ethic clash in Mexico City. What can we do?

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1995
Copyright Date: 1994
DVD ISBN: 0-7722-1219-8
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0569-8

Reviews "THE BOMB UNDER THE WORLD is primarily concerned with the societal and environmental impact of consumer culture in the underdeveloped world. It provides an insightful and well-argued case that if we are to survive this transformation, it must be understood and handled with intelligence and care." Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
"An outstanding effort, sure to inspire both serious thinking and fruitful debate. Highly recommended." EDITOR'S CHOICE, Video Librarian, March/April 1996
"Striking and well edited." Booklist
"This is a fascinating series...deeply concerning by definition, but unable by circumstance to offer the quick-fix solution we all want." The West Australian
"While many may see programs about overpopulation and other unpleasantries as depressing and futile, this series provides a glimmer of hope."
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Awards and Festivals International Film Festival, Pretoria
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