On the Edge of the Forest

E.F. Schumacher makes a plea for ecological balance as he visits a virgin forest in Australia.

32 minutes
Produced by Barrie Oldfield
Associate Producer: Nicholas Partridge

Filmed in a virgin forest in Western Australia shortly before his death, economist E.F. Schumacher makes a powerful plea for common sense and good planetary behavior. Walking through the forest of giant jarrah and karri trees, he reminds us of the efficiency of the perfectly balanced forest ecosystem. We should marvel at it, and learn from it about long-term survival in our biosphere--not "clear-cut" it in the name of economics, and progress.
Talking straight to the audience, he is clearly concerned that his message be understood by as many people as possible. If we go on satisfying our wants and needs with such tremendous violence on the front line with nature, then, Schumacher says, we can classify ourselves with the endangered species. For all life depends on the thin mantle of topsoil.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1979
Copyright Date: 1977
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-926-7
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-247-4

Reviews "Revealing scenes of plants and animals stress their interaction and the need for all forms of life to support one another...machine-ravaged forest, which Schumacher describes as formerly 'like a temple', are seen to be like a scarred battlefield...A highly effective, beautifully photographed film. Recommended for all ages."
"An appealing summary of some of this popular economist's ideas . . .an appropriate selection for environment and economic classes in junior high school through colleges as well as for public libraries." Booklist
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"A highly effective, beautifully photographed film. Recommended for all ages."
Landers Film & Video Reviews

Awards and Festivals Best Motion Picture, National Arbor Day Awards
Honorable Mention, Columbus International Film Festival
River City Film Conference
Subjects Australia Consumerism Ecology Environment Environmental Ethics Forests and Rainforests Global Issues Natural Resources Social Psychology Voluntary Simplicity
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