Wind River

The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.

33 minutes
Directed by Drury Gunn Carr
Produced by High Plains Films

WIND RIVER is a modern-day story of cowboys and Indians. White ranchers on the Wind River Indian Reservation in central Wyoming are fighting to protect their long-held water rights for irrigated agriculture. The Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes are fighting to save the de-watered Wind River and a part of their own heritage.
This is a classic example of the changing face of the West, as environmentalists and Indian activists use the courts in an attempt to curtail some of the traditional, but harmful, practices of white ranchers and farmers.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2000
Copyright Date: 2000
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-077-4
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-821-9

Reviews "A taut and impassioned chronicle of a high stakes water-rights fiasco in Wyoming." Timothy McGettigan, Professor of Sociology, University of Southern Colorado
"This film does an excellent job of telling both sides of the story...The Shoshone and Arapaho people of the Wind River Reservation conceive of water as an integral part of a natural system; its highest 'use' is to maintain the integrity of that system. In contrast, the local ranchers, and the government agencies that assist them, view water in utilitarian terms; water is wasted unless it is diverted and applied in a manner that brings an economic return." Daniel McCool, Director of The American West Center, University of Utah
"Wind River tells a compelling story that extends far beyond questions of water rights, examining core community values and concerns relating to human dignity, self survival, and fundamental fairness." Stuart Lieberman, Environmental Attorney
"The video is thought provoking and will be an excellent resource for teachers. It is highly recommended for all high school and public libraries." Barbara Butler, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, MC Journal
"Will inspire lively debate because so many perspectives are represented, all with valid arguments." School Library Journal
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"Tells a compelling story that extends far beyond questions of water rights." Stuart Lieberman, Environmental Attorney

Links www.highplainsfilms.org (The producers' web site)
Study guide
Awards and Festivals Bronze Plaque, Columbus International Film Festival
Best of Category, EarthVision Environmental Film & Video Festival
Merit Award, International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula
Equinox Environmental Film Festival
Fargo Film Festival
Na'al Kid Summer Film Festival
Subjects Agriculture American Studies Environmental Justice History Humanities Law Multicultural Studies Native Americans Natural Resources Rivers Social Psychology Water Western US
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