Seats At The Table

Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.

87 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Chris Farina
Editor: Bill Reifenberger Camera: Gene Rhodes Sound: Gabriel DeLoach Post-Production Supervisor: Stace Carter A Rosalia Films Production


"An excellent catalyst for discussion on empathy and human rights, and a wonderful tribute to an imaginative and trail-blazing teacher." Susan Hackley, Harvard Law School
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SEATS AT THE TABLE portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students at a maximum security juvenile facility as they discuss classic works of Russian literature.
University of Virginia Lecturer Andrew Kaufman created this course and has been teaching it since 2010. The literature provides a point of reference whereby they can discuss their lives openly and honestly and learn from each other. Each group's stereotypical views are replaced by a much more nuanced understanding of the other set of students as they form strong relationships which belies their original preconceptions. Both sets of students come away transformed by this singular educational experience, empowered to pursue lives of greater purpose and inspired by the discovery of their shared humanity.
SEATS AT THE TABLE explores the relationship between education and transformation, revealing the humanity behind institutional stereotypes, both collegiate and correctional.

Grade Level: 7 - 12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2020
Copyright Date: 2018
DVD ISBN: 1-948745-53-4

Reviews "Seats at the Table is more than a film. It serves as an invitation to listen and see authentic experiences of what happens when a college class learns alongside young men in a correctional facility. The students appear to initially come from vastly different backgrounds, but even though they do, their stories and writing share the universal that resides in all of them. If you want to understand more about an inviting method to reach students from marginalized society, take a seat and use this film to learn from the wonder and wisdom at the table." Kevin D. Cordi, Assistant Professor of Education and Literacy, Ohio University Lancaster, Storytelling Chair, National Council Teachers of English
"There are real factors that cause people to make different decisions, arrive in different circumstances, and form different sets of beliefs. But so much of what divides us is little more than fog; the appearance of division that clears the moment you approach it...What Seats at the Table shows us is that two people from different walks of life sitting across from one another can pierce fog as well as any classroom - by trusting their shared humanity." Kristofer Jenson, C-VILLE
"A poignant and important film that illuminates the bond that can develop among young people having a shared experience - in this case, college students and young men in a correctional center studying Russian literature. The film is an excellent catalyst for discussion on empathy and human rights, and a wonderful tribute to an imaginative and trail-blazing teacher." Susan Hackley, Managing Director, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School
"This inspirational story of transformation and shared humanity is a moving testament that love and acceptance are key ingredients in helping a human being want to change enough to actually do it. Filmed with sensitivity and grace, Seats at the Table will stay with you long after the viewing. It plants a seed of hope for the future so essential for each of us. I cannot recommend it highly enough." Judith Stevens, Founder, Prison Outreach Program, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)
"In addition to being a compelling and well-done film, Seats at the Table challenges some misconceptions about criminal justice and about college students and their appetite to tackle challenging topics. That's why it's a valuable experience for a variety of audiences beyond just the education world and a spark for important conversations about both higher education and incarcerated Americans. It's not an education story, it's an American story." Andy Rotherham, Co-Founder and Partner, Bellwether Education Partners
"Seats At The Table confronts you with a series of heartbreaking moments where, just when the line between the free and incarcerated students begins to blur, one of the incarcerated students highlights the stark difference in their upbringing, privilege, and access to opportunities. Even despite those differences, the brilliance you see in the incarcerated students challenges us to question the true purpose and value of incarceration. Ultimately, the film underscores the need for us to find ways to address harm that allows people to remain in their communities. By locking people away we're missing out on their wisdom and the unique value they each bring." Sia Henry, Senior Program Specialist, Restorative Justice Project, Impact Justice
"By juxtaposing our prejudices and our responsibility to a just society, while challenging our notions of ethics and security, [and] through this inspiring film the director and producer Chris Farina is offering us a mandatory educational tool, which presents an excellent starting point for several interesting classroom discussions." Jasmina Bojic, Founder and Festival Director, UNAFF (United Nations Association Film Festival)
"Seats at the Table is an incredibly impactful film that breaks down societal and pedagogical stereotypes, and makes us rethink the way in which we navigate education in the juvenile-justice system. I cannot recommend this film more for anyone and everyone who wants to witness the transformative power of educational accessibility and a teacher who wants to make a difference." Kat Stidham, SXSW (South by Southwest Festival)
"Seats at the Table tackles with deep integrity the fraught dynamics of teaching college students by connecting them with residents of a maximum security juvenile facility - the power and privilege differential between the free and the incarcerated, the ethics of temporary service-learning, and the poignant grappling with the complexity of humanity. Ultimately, however, this film is about the power of the humanities and the ways in which the exploration of human expression can transform us. A quiet film whose depths catch you by surprise." Diya Abdo, Professor of English, Guilford College, Founder and Director, Every Campus A Refuge
"I am especially attracted to this topic, as I am currently a professional educator, and I have previous experience working with the juvenile and adult penal population. What a wonderful film, depicting the true humanity of both the incarcerated and non-incarcerated students. The film did a great job of showing the transformation (educational and emotional) of all individuals involved in the project. As a faculty member of a Counselor Education program, I see this film greatly enriching the learning of my students, across the curriculum of several courses." Michael Maxwell, Assistant Professor, Counseling and Higher Education, University of North Texas
"Seats at the Table is a beautiful, moving documentary film that turns a situation of despair into one of beauty and inspiration. It shows how education and literature can provide the seeds for human transformation, renewal, and genuine freedom. I can't recommend it highly enough!" Marc Howard, Professor of Government and Law, Director of Prisons and Justice Initiative, Georgetown University, Founder and President, Frederick Douglass Project for Justice
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DVDs include public performance rights.

Awards and Festivals Finalist, NHK's Japan Prize
SXSW-EDU Conference
Virginia Film Festival
United Nations Association Film Festival
Richmond International Film Festival
Global Peace Film Festival
Hebden Bridge Film Festival
FLICKFAIR Film Festival
Subjects American Studies At-risk Youth Community Conflict Resolution Correctional Reform Counseling Education Humanities Juvenile Justice Language Arts Law Literature Mental Health Psychology Russian Literature Russian/Slavic Studies Social Justice Social Psychology Sociology
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"Recommended...As the discussions around criminal justice reform continues to increase, this film offers a good example of the power education has on changing people's prejudices. This film is recommended for libraries supporting large education programs at the undergraduate and graduate level as well as programs and courses in criminal justice and modern social issues. Additionally, this film provides a good introduction for other students enrolling in a similar course to understand the value of this kind of experience." Michael A. LaMagna, Delaware County Community College, Educational Media Reviews Online
"Frank and thoughtful...This is a moving program that celebrates the power of literature and the importance of empathy. Teens will be moved by the thoughtful conversations and bonds formed by the participants." Candace Smith, Booklist Online
"Riveting...Ethical relationship building within the context of power differences is a central theme in this film...While a book of literature may change lives, so too does this program. Seats at the Table is an insightful film that illustrates the transformative potential of an intentional learning community behind bars." Shoshana Pollack, Films for the Feminist Classroom