Mother-of-eight Gloria Jones is used to being beaten by her husband, James. It's part of the heritage Jamaican women expect from their menfolk. She, in turns, beats her children. How can this cycle of violence be broken?
The Caribbean has one of the highest rates of domestic violence in the world. Triggered by unemployment and drug use, it's also perpetuated by a culture that still fails to condemn violence against women, and sexual violence in particular, as a crime.
Other titles in the series are:
World of Difference - Introductory film about women and human rights.
Girls from Chaka Street - The break-up of the Soviet Union leaves some women with few options but prostitution.
Young Wives' Tales - Very early marriage threatens girls' health and survival.
Caught in the Crossfire - Plight of women in Fiji.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1998
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-877-5
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-763-8

Reviews "This film explores the staggering rate of domestic violence in Jamaica and links contemporary violence to the historical consequences of slavery." Timothy McGettigan, author of UTOPIA ON WHEELS