A Series of 4 Programs
Home Place
Exploring Human Ecology with J. Stan Rowe

Putting the role of human beings in the biosphere back into proper perspective.

104 minutes
Directed by Robert J. Long
Produced by Waterhen Film Productions
Narrated by Liona Boyd

HOME PLACE is a ground-breaking series of four half-hour programs that attempts to put the role of human beings in the biosphere back into proper perspective. Join ecologist J. Stan Rowe as he explores the relationship between the human species and the Earth's ecosystems which envelop us. Journey towards a new way of seeing and thinking. Explore beyond the boundaries of conventional perspective and being to understand yourself as "earthling"--created and sustained as part of the living Earth.
The titles in the series are:
Inside-Outside - Replaces the human-centered concept of environment with ecosystems.
Life Cycles - Life is a property of Earth.
Partnership - Changing our present exploitative relationship with Earth to one of partnership.
Going Home - Ways to reconnect with the Earth.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1996
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-947-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-648-8

Reviews "This excellent series forces the viewer to take a hard look at our exploitive, damaging role as humans in the Earth's ecosystems...The narrative is easy to understand, yet it addresses these important issues in a sophisticated and thorough manner...highly recommended...an appropriate addition to public, school, and academic libraries." Rue Herbert, University of South Florida, MC Journal
"Each program has a good balance of content and length for use in a typical class period while allowing some room for comment and reaction...The series promotes ecological awareness and provokes thought." Anthropology Review Database
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"An impelling video series of value in any library collection."
Teacher Librarian

Subjects Biology Canadian Studies Ecology Environment Environmental Ethics Habitat Humanities Philosophy Religion Science Technology Society Social Psychology Sociology
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"As much philosophy as science went into these thought-provoking programs. The end result is an impelling video series of value in any library collection." Teacher Librarian