Black Sea
Voyage Of Healing

Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.

54 minutes
Directed by Peter Davis
Produced by Harvey McKinnon & Peter Davis

This enlightening video chronicles an unusual symposium on the Black Sea in Crisis, aboard a cruise ship as it visits the countries of Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey, in a circumnavigation of the sea.
The Black Sea separates Europe from Asia, and is a great trading area. It has a rich history of human cultural exchange and a unique ecosystem, rich in biodiversity. For thousands of years people have lived off its bounty. But pollution from Europe's industries, carried by great rivers like the Danube, Don and Dniester, are killing the ocean. And on the human side, following the collapse of the Soviet empire, many of the surrounding countries are facing the future without a working economy or a functional system of beliefs.
The symposium was convened by the ecumenical patriarch, Bartholomew of Constantinople, of the Eastern Orthodox Church, in hopes of finding solutions to the problems of the Black Sea region. The participants included environmentalists, such as David Suzuki and David Bellamy; scientists, such as Sylvia Earl and Paul Ehrlich; writers, such as Neal Ascherson; and religious thinkers.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1999
Copyright Date: 1998
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-514-9
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-789-1

Reviews "An excellent wake-up call for scholars concerned with ecological pollution problems worldwide that need international problem solving by people from all walks of life. It is ideal for showing to any number of classes especially those concerning Marine Biology, Environmental Politics, and World Politics." Ceferina Gayo Hess, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Political Science, Lander University
"A glimpse into one of the most fascinating areas of social, economic, and environmental change in the post-Cold War world." Joe Bandy, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Bowdoin College
"The content is extremely good, giving a full description of the situation and possible solutions to the problem. Recommended." Kathy Loomis, SUNY, MC Journal
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"One that resonates in its implications after viewing."
Linda Rogers, Professor, Educational Psychology, Kent State University

Links www.villonfilms.com (The filmmaker's web site)
Awards and Festivals Honorable Mention, Columbus International Film & Video Festival
Bodrum International Environmental Film Festival, Turkey
Subjects Climate Change/Global Warming Consumerism Developing World Economics Environment Environmental Ethics Ethics Europe European Studies Fisheries Geography Globalization History Humanities International Studies Law Russian/Slavic Studies Social Psychology Social Studies Toxic Chemicals
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