A Series of 3 Programs
ReInventing The World

Three 50-minute programs on creating sustainable cities, food systems, and lifestyles.

149 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Produced by Asterisk Productions, Ltd.
Host and Narrator: Des Kennedy Produced in association with Vision TV

ReInventing the World is a series for all those who want to know the good news about how we can reinvent the world to make it work better for all of us. This three-part series of 50-minute documentaries with host, Des Kennedy, looks at some of the biggest challenges facing us today - work and time, food, and urban sustainability - and how innovative thinkers and doers from the famous to the obscure, from Berkeley to Sao Paolo, Brazil, are coming up with some of the ways of getting there from here. This is a series that offers hope to all of us.
Amongst those interviewed are Stewart Brand, Paul Hawken, Jeremy Rifkin and Matthew Fox (Work and Time); Frances Moore Lappé and Joan Gussow (Food); Jane Jacobs and Bill McKibben (Cities).
The programs in the series are:
Work and Time - A program about stress. How we can overcome being over-worked and out of time.
Food - Devising a sustainable food system -- one that is healthy, accessible, and affordable.
Cities - Is "sustainable cities" an oxymoron or can they be made to work?

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2000
Copyright Date: 2000
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-283-1
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-834-0

Reviews "Each of the volumes in ReInventing the World focuses on various ways we can change the world to make life better for all its inhabitants...Highly recommended." ***1/2 Video Librarian
"A superb documentary series" Islander
"A comprehensive and thought-provoking look at central issues facing us today." EARTHLight Magazine
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"Highly recommended." ***1/2 Video Librarian

Subjects Agriculture American Studies Biotechnology Canadian Studies Community Consumerism Economics Environment Gardening Health Lifestyles Local Economies Pollution Population Russian/Slavic Studies Social Psychology Sociology Sustainability Sustainable Agriculture Urban Studies Urban and Regional Planning Voluntary Simplicity
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