ReInventing The World Series

Devising a sustainable food system -- one that is healthy, accessible, and affordable.

49 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Produced by Asterisk Productions, Ltd
Host and Narrator: Des Kennedy Produced in association with Vision TV


"Examine(s) big issues and visionary options in pithy, bite-size, easy-to-digest servings." Islander
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Food is a local issue, a global issue, a development, health, political and economic issue. This program asks: how can we design a food system that ensures health, accessibility and affordability for everyone: urban and rural, North and South?
Frances Moore Lappé, Joan Gussow, Brewster Kneen, FoodShare Toronto, organic farmer Alyson Chisholm, and participants in an innovative food program in Brazil are among those who offer ideas on how to make food systems more equitable.
Other programs in the series are:
Work and Time - A program about stress. How we can overcome being over-worked and out of time.
Cities - Is "sustainable cities" an oxymoron or can they be made to work.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2000
Copyright Date: 2000
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-272-6
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-836-7

Reviews "A video that can help change our minds...It features fascinating and hopeful examples of local communities in Brazil and Canada that have reclaimed the joys of locally grown and locally produced food...Food might help us rediscover the wisdom of breaking bread together and including the poor and powerless in our communion." The WITNESS
"One of the most fascinating parts of the film is its depiction...of the Brazilian town of Belo Horizonte (which) decided all its citizens should be able to eat fresh, nutritious food. They not only posed the radical question, 'Why can't food be a basic human right?' but also provided answers." EAT Magazine
"The film raises some disquieting and fundamental questions...Is it fair, is it right to regard food as just another commodity, like batteries for our Game Boys or tires for our cars?...Heather MacAndrew and David Springbett examine big issues and visionary options in pithy, bite-size, easy-to-digest servings. It's all so neatly and engagingly knit together that it's not until the final credits roll that you sit back, breathe deeply, and realize how much you've taken in...We can reinvent our world. Just watch." Islander
"Thought-provoking, instructional, and offers seeds for ideas that may well brighten the future. Also very highly recommended are the other two titles in this outstanding video trilogy..." Library Bookwatch
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Awards and Festivals Best Non-European Production, Prix Leonardo, Italy
Olympia Environmental Film Festival
Subjects Agriculture Brazil Canadian Studies Developing World Environment Ethics Food And Nutrition Gardening Global Issues Health Hunger Local Economies Social Psychology Sustainable Agriculture
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