Community Micro-credit is transforming the lives of women in Bangladesh.
24 minutes
Directed by Michael Sheridan
Produced by Oxfam America
COMMUNITY looks at the dramatic story of villagers in Bangladesh who have transformed themselves from beggars to business people with the help of micro-credit loans. At the same time the loans have enabled positive new roles and relationships for men and women to come into being.
One women's group now owns a rice mill, another makes roof tiles, and a men's group runs a fish farm. The money raised is held collectively to benefit the entire group. The video presents a compelling story of positive long-term change that comes with women's participation in community affairs.
Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1996
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-526-1
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-680-1
Reviews "This is a marvelous tape, technically and educationally...Highly recommended for young adult and adult audiences."
Library Journal
"The video gives swift and upbeat treatment to a case study in global gender and economic equity..."
Video Librarian
"COMMUNITY, which adds to Bullfrog Films' tradition of producing well developed, quality documentary films, is advanced enough to target the college audience, yet simple enough to inform the junior high school and senior high school audience - This film is highly recommended."
Belinda L. Robinson-Jones, MC Journal: the Journal of Academic Media Librarianship
"Swift and upbeat...a case study in global gender and economic equity."
Video Librarian Awards and Festivals Silver Apple, National Educational Media Competition
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