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Citizen George

Presents the life and work of 86-year-old Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace.

A printer-friendly version of this page 99 minutes
SDH Captioned>>

Directed by Glenn Holsten
Produced by Natalie Valentine
Director of Photography: Phil Bradshaw
Editors: Vic Carreno, Sean Maher
Motion Graphics & Animation: Penny Ashman
Sound Mixers: Dave Rainey, Andrew Wenrich
Executive Producers: Chayne Gregg, Robert Levering
A Citizen Films Production

"[O]ne of the most hopeful and inspirational films you'll ever see." Stephen Zunes, Prof. Politics, University of San Francisco
[Note: Community screenings of CITIZEN GEORGE can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]

CITIZEN GEORGE presents the life and work of Philadelphia-based Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace, guided by his ideal of societal transformation.

CITIZEN GEORGE moves back and forth in time, highlighting specific events of George's activist life—including fighting for civil rights, anti-Vietnam War activism, LGBTQ rights, human rights in Sri Lanka and climate justice. In addition to detailing his life as an activist, Citizen George tells George's personal journey as a husband, father and out gay man. Animated sequences, inspired by graphic novels, illustrate scenes from George's life.

Since the age of 19, George has been conscious of his life's purpose—to use whatever gifts he has to work for justice and peace. Today, at 86 years of age, George's message of a nonviolent revolution is more urgent than ever.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2024     Copyright Date: 2024
DVD ISBN: 1-961192-29-2

"An awesome story of an awesome man - who shows that all of us have a deep role to play in standing up to power and opening new possibilities for justice."
Bill McKibben, Environmentalist, Author, Educator, Journalist, Founder of Third Act

"This is more than just a good biographical film. It is a call for action. It's about the importance of thinking strategically. It's about the connections between the personal and political. It's about overcoming fear and self-doubt to make a difference in the world. Citizen George is one of the most hopeful and inspirational films you'll ever see."
Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics, Director of Middle Eastern Studies, University of San Francisco, Author, Nonviolent Social Movements: A Geographical Perspective

"A powerful tribute to a great activist leader and social movement mentor. If you don't know about George Lakey's extraordinary career there's no better way to learn than taking in this panoramic portrait of a life well lived in pursuit of peace and justice."
Mark Engler, Co-author, This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century

"Citizen George is a well-timed documentary that offers important lessons for navigating today's era of political conflict with hope and courage...Community plays a complementary role in many of George's stories. Although the film features George, in most scenes, he is part of a group. Even the making of this film was a communal experience...As people brace for the coming election and its aftermath, we need to remember that what we can face together is much greater than what we can face alone."
Eileen Flanagan, Waging Nonviolence

"For a time such as this, it's hard to imagine a more helpful film than Citizen George. It shows intimately how George Lakey engaged in struggles against unjust powers with vibrant hope...When we're tempted by despair, we need George's clear-eyed, spirit-infused and empowering hope to take on issues big and small."
Rev. Daniel Buttry, American Baptist Church

"I got chills watching Citizen George...This is what it means to 'let your life speak.' George did not let conventional norms dictate his life; he leveraged his white privilege for the good of others and the cause of social justice. This documentary shares some of what he has learned as an activist, social justice organizer, and promoter of nonviolent resistance."
Michael Gary, Head of Friends Select School, Philadelphia

"Incredible. Hopeful. Empowering. Courageous. I wept my way through it."
Karin Heller, Director of Youth and Family Ministry, New Garden Friends Meeting

"Citizen George is an inspiring tribute to George Lakey's lifelong dedication to peace and justice. Lakey's prophetic voice shines through in this film, offering a vision of inclusive community and leadership rooted in both vulnerability and rigorous, systematic study. The film's portrayal of his personal journey, including his coming out story and enduring rejection, invites us to see Lakey as a true 'channel of peace.'"
Deeb Paul Kitchen, Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of Peace and Justice Studies, Marian University

"Citizen George is not only about one person, it is also a testimony to the power of organizing and movements for real change through nonviolent action. This earnest exploration of a life dedicated to peace invites us to ask how we might be better, do better, and then points the way through the story of nonviolence. George's persistent hope will inspire you in these contested times and teach you how to dance with history for effective social change."
Mike Klein, Associate Professor and Director, Justice and Peace Studies, University of St. Thomas

"The humanity of Citizen George is refreshing. This is a powerful testament to the power and importance of strategic nonviolence in a world that often fails to interrogate its violent dominant cultural discourse. This film can be used in a classroom to explore themes of commitment, dedication, the complexities of intersectionality and critiques of white saviorism, action research, and, of course, strategic nonviolence. Even someone familiar with the work of George Lakey will learn more about his life and the socially constructed resistance to his counter-cultural ideas from watching this engaging film."
Jeremy Rinker, Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

"The story of George's life is a look into the history of American social movements of the last 70 years. More than that, it is an inspiration for activists today; it is a manual for individual empowerment through collective action for social change. This film offers hope, guidance, and a reaffirmation of the power of people. We need George's vision today more than ever."
Mark Leier, Professor of History, Simon Fraser University, Author, Roles of Resistance: Game Plans for Teachers and Troublemakers

"We need more George Lakeys - his is a story of hope. He is the community organizers' organizer. This is the story of a person deeply invested in making the world a better more humane place, where love and peace provides a counter narrative that the world only moves forwards with violence."
Greg Carroll, Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, Associate Director, Center for Childhood and Youth Studies, Salem State University

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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features
DVD includes English SDH captions for the deaf and hard-or-hearing and for others who benefit from seeing the spoken words on the screen, as well as scene selection.

Host a community screening

Awards and Festivals
Honorable Mention for Humanitarianism, Philadelphia Film Festival

American Studies
Citizenship and Civics
Climate Change/Global Warming
Conflict Resolution
Environmental Justice
Foreign Policy

Gender Studies
Human Rights
Peace Studies
Political Science
Social Justice
Social Psychology
War and Peace

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... more Reviews

"Citizen George is a powerful, thought-provoking call to action. This invitation to non-violent protest as a catalyst of change is profound and crosses all identities we may carry. I truly recommend that this film is shown to all audiences."
Sue Patterson, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona

"George Lakey's life story is a compelling example of living a life guided by a passion for justice. Key insights and lessons about activism are seamlessly woven into a moving personal story, and the result is a film that is inspiring and challenging."
Karen Ridd, Teaching Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies, Canadian Mennonite University

"If you get curious about the life of an outstanding activist, watch Citizen George. In it, we see that, from a young age to an elderly one, Lakey has learned by doing...And we see Lakey training others in, and himself engaging in, all variety of innovative nonviolent action, including citizen protection of those in danger in far corners of the world."
David Swanson, Director, World Beyond War, Campaign Coordinator, Roots Action, Author, War is a Lie

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