
Native peoples pay the consequences of uranium mining.

48 minutes
Directed by Magnus Isacsson
Produced by The National Film Board of Canada
Narrated by Buffy Sainte-Marie

Filled with unforgettable images, this is a devastating look at the consequence of mining uranium, whether for bombs or nuclear power plants. Because of toxic and radioactive waste, there are profound, long-term environmental hazards associated with uranium mining. For miners there is the substantially increased risk of getting cancer. And because most of the mining to date, both in Canada and the U.S., has been on land historically used by native populations, uranium mining violates the traditional economic and spiritual lives of many aboriginal people.
Canada, where this film was shot, has the world's richest vein of uranium, and a recent history of violent confrontation over native rights. This film is but one example of how our society's need for resources causes us to trample on native peoples rights. Given our limited knowledge of the range of environmental risks associated with uranium mining, and the social problems that ensue, the film questions the validity of continuing to mine it.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1991
Copyright Date: 1990
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-894-5
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0374-1

Reviews "One of the most powerful recent films that I have seen." Dr. Helen Caldicott
"If spotted owls, marbled murrelets and beluga whales are indicators of the state of the environment, the native people offer similar warnings of the cost of our profligate short-sighted ways." Dr. David Suzuki
"URANIUM should be compulsory viewing for all advocates of nuclear power." Moving Pictures Bulletin
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"One of the most powerful recent films that I have seen." Dr. Helen Caldicott

Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals Best Documentary, Yorkton Film Festival
Special Merit Award, EarthPeace International Film Festival
International Environmental Film Festival, Boulder
Subjects Canadian Studies Capitalism Chemistry Conflict Resolution Developing World Energy Environment Global Issues Globalization Health Indigenous Peoples Mining Native Americans Natural Resources Nuclear Energy Pollution Science Technology Society Social Psychology Toxic Chemicals
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