The Human Race Series
The Tribal Mind

Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.

52 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Torben Schiola
Produced by Catherine Mullins & Marrin Canell
for Green Lion Productions Co-directed by Torben Schioler Hosted by Gwynne Dyer

South Africa is struggling to overcome the legacy of racism and tribalism that plagues so many countries. Against a backdrop of ongoing violence, a new breed of South Africans are struggling to create a real democracy. Is the rest of the world prepared to relinquish its own tribes? Is there enough time?
Other titles in the series are:
The Bomb Under the World - What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries, like India?
The Gods of Our Fathers - There is nothing innate in patriarchy and militarism. We can change our culture.
Escaping From History - Poverty and the consumer ethic clash in Mexico City. What can we do?

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1995
Copyright Date: 1994
DVD ISBN: 0-7722-1220-1
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0577-9

Reviews "A fascinating story...a self-contained documentary that not only covers 500 centuries of South Africa's history -- it also epitomizes the struggle of the human race with itself and its environment, and presents South Africa as a microcosm of urgent global issues that plague the globe today...The Tribal Mind is an effective teaching resource both at undergraduate and graduate levels on issues of diversity, conflict management and social mobilization towards common national and international development goals. I think the film prudently discusses the issue of race and ethnic tensions in relation to human development, a topic that is generally shunned by the public." Fletcher Ziwoya, Ohio University, Anthropology Review Database
"The Tribal Mind looks at the danger of maintaining a we-they system (what Dyer calls Tribalism) which often leads to violence, if not outright war and genocide. To illustrate his argument that it is possible to change the 'tribal mind,' the film examines post-Apartheid South Africa." Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
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"Striking and well edited."

Awards and Festivals Silver Apple, National Educational Media Network Competition
Editor's Choice, Video Librarian
Subjects African Studies Anthropology Developing World Humanities Race and Racism Social Psychology Sociology
Related Titles

Between Joyce and Remembrance A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Where Truth Lies A dramatic case before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Whose Home on the Range? The peace process between environmentalists, ranchers, and the U.S. Forest Service in the toughest county in the West.
... more Reviews

"An outstanding effort, sure to inspire both serious thinking and fruitful debate. Highly recommended." EDITOR'S CHOICE, Video Librarian, March/April 1996
"This is a fascinating series...deeply concerning by definition, but unable by circumstance to offer the quick-fix solution we all want." The West Australian
"While many may see programs about overpopulation and other unpleasantries as depressing and futile, this series provides a glimmer of hope." Niagara Falls Review