A ground-breaking project commissioned by the BBC, DEVELOPING STORIES I is a series of six films produced by some of the developing world's most talented filmmakers on what they see as the root causes of the world's environment and development crisis.
The inspiration for the series came from Television Trust for the Environment's director, Robert Lamb, who reasoned that the voices the world needs to listen to most are those from the South, where environmental issues are regarded as a matter of survival. The series provides a platform for filmmakers from the developing world to make their own films, reflecting their own realities.
DEVELOPING STORIES has been shown in more than 70 countries.
Titles in Series I are:
Lucia - The cost of an oil spill to a fishing village.
And the Dish Ran Away With the Spoon - Television in the Caribbean dominated by US programs.
Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Sorrow - The darker side of the Green Revolution.
Rabi - Modern day fable on family values from Africa.
Life and Debt - The murder of street children in Rio de Janeiro.
Suspended Dreams - The lasting effects of the civil war in Lebanon.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1994
Copyright Date: 1992
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-532-5