Human nature is not fixed. We can and do reshape ourselves every time we change our culture. Nor is there anything natural or innate in male domination.
Host Gwynne Dyer explores the evolution of patriarchy and the subsequent rise of militarism in ancient Egypt. In ancient villages along the Nile, patriarchy was adopted as one effective way of organizing mass societies. But the world is different now, and it's time to find alternatives to hierarchies and militarization.
"Male domination is not natural, and neither is equality of the sexes- it all depends. Same goes for whether we are warlike or peaceful, democratic or authoritarian. Change the way we live, and you may also change the way we behave toward each other." Gywnne Dyer
Other titles in the series are:
The Bomb Under the World - What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries, like India?
The Tribal Mind - Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.
Escaping From History - Poverty and the consumer ethic clash in Mexico City. What can we do?

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1995
Copyright Date: 1994
DVD ISBN: 0-7722-1159-0
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0589-2

Reviews "This study of the rise of patriarchy is effective and interesting." Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
"An outstanding effort, sure to inspire both serious thinking and fruitful debate. Highly recommended." EDITOR'S CHOICE, Video Librarian
"Striking and well edited." Booklist
"This is a fascinating series...deeply concerning by definition, but unable by circumstance to offer the quick-fix solution we all want." The West Australian
"While many may see programs about overpopulation and other unpleasantries as depressing and futile, this series provides a glimmer of hope." Niagara Falls Review