22 year-old Wiwid glues rubber soles on Nike sneakers in a factory in Jakarta. Earning just $2 a day, it will take years before she can afford a pair of Nikes for herself.
In today's global economy, multinationals are moving their production lines to developing countries like Indonesia to take advantage of low wage workers. These are often rural women who have moved to the big cities in search of opportunity. But do these jobs mean economic freedom or a new kind of oppression for women?
Other titles in the series are:
Mothers of Malappuram - Literacy and access to health services slow population growth in India.
Land of Widows - A midwife in post civil war Cambodia helps other poor women with health services.
On the Way - A new sex education project in Peru combats teenage pregnancy.
The Cutting Edge - A Ugandan project attempts to change attitudes about female genital mutilation.
Fighting Back - Women in Bosnia are rebuilding war-torn lives.
Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1997
Copyright Date: 1996
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-859-7
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-707-7
Reviews "Provide(s) an interesting wide-angle snapshot of various women's health and welfare issues in developing countries, and would be a useful discussion opener in classrooms, or a suitable addition to larger public and academic collections interested in women's and/or population studies." Video Librarian