| The following titles are available with either closed captioning or SDH 
Note for the deaf and hard of hearing: On certain titles there are subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) which are available as a separate option on the main menu. SDH replaces closed captions, is more legible than standard closed captions and works with either method of screening. |
David Belle and Nicholas Wrathall
Aboriginal Architecture
Paul M. Rickard
Addicted to Plastic
Ian Connacher
Addiction Incorporated
Charles Evans Jr.
John de Graaf and Vivia Boe
After Tiller
Martha Shane, Lana Wilson
The Age of Risk
Tim Robinson
The Age of Stupid
Franny Armstrong
Ageing with Community
Annie O'Donoghue
All In This Tea
Les Blank & Gina Leibrecht
All Sorts of Animals
J.J. Johnson
All the Right Stuff
Connie Littlefield
Along the African Rift
Kenton Vaughan
Amazing Art
J.J. Johnson
American Outrage
George Gage and Beth Gage
The American Ruling Class
John Kirby
Ana in the Rainforest
Laura Heller
Argentina: Turning Around
Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young
Arid Lands
Grant Aaker and Josh Wallaert
At the Farm
J.J. Johnson
Baboon Tales
Gillian Darling Kovanic
Back from the Brink
Paul Mitchell
The Bank that Bust the World
Guy Smith
Barbershop Punk
Georgia Sugimura Archer
Being Caribou
Leanne Allison and Diana Wilson
Better This World
Katie Galloway and Kelly Duane de la Vega
Between Two Worlds
Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
Bidder 70
Beth Gage & George Gage
Big or Small?
Alex Gabbay
Big River
Curt Ellis
Biker Boys of the Dirt Island
Toni Kamau
Paul Lang
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 1
Paul Lang
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2
Paul Lang
Biophilic Design
Birth of an Ocean
Mike Downie
Bitter Seeds
Micha X. Peled
Black Wave
Robert Cornellier
The Bomb Under the World
Werner Volkmer
Jack Silberman
The Boundaries of Change
Michael Simpson
Boys Will Be Men
Tom Weidlinger
Bringing It Home
Linda Booker, Blaire Johnson
Brother Towns / Pueblos Hermanos
Charles D. Thompson, Jr. and Michael Davey
Build Green
Paula Salvador
Burning in the Sun
Cambria Matlow and Morgan Robinson
Busting Out
Francine Strickwerda and Laurel Spellman Smith
Butterflies & Bulldozers
Ann Dunsky
Buyer Be Fair
John de Graaf and Hana Jindrova
Castro Or Quit?
Chris Woods
J.J. Johnson
The Changing Sea
Erna Buffie
Chasing Water
Pete McBride
Cheat Neutral
Beth Stratford
Chávez Ravine
Jordan Mechner
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
The City Dark
Ian Cheney
Cocaine Unwrapped
Rachel Seifert
Collision Course
Television Trust for the Environment
The Collision Zone: Asia
Andrew Gregg
Come Hell or High Water
Leah Mahan
Coming Home
Robert Lang
Community - Planet Neighborhood
John Ketcham
Community Animals
Heather MacAndrew and David Springbett
Community by Design
Moira Simpson
Counting on Democracy
Danny Schechter
Cowboys, Indians, & Lawyers
Julia Dengel
A Crack in the Pavement
Jane Churchill and Gwynne Basen
Jeff McKay
Creatures of the Sun
Susan Trow
Creatures, Creations, Conservation
J.J. Johnson
Crips and Bloods: Made in America
Stacy Peralta
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution
Ray Burley
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 1
Ray Burley
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 2
Ray Burley
Cultivating Change
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Ben Knight, Travis Rummel
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Antonia Meszaros
A Day in My Life
J.J. Johnson
Democracy à la Maude
Patricia Kearns
Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady
Devils Tower
Christopher McLeod
The Dhamma Brothers
Jenny Phillips, Anne Marie Stein and Andrew Kukura
Diamond Road
Nisha Pahuja
Digging In
Jane Churchill and Gwynne Basen
The Dilemma Of The White Ant
Caroline Pare
DIRT! The Movie
Bill Benenson and Gene Rosow
Dirty Business
Peter Bull
Drones In My Backyard
Alan Snitow
Early Life
Early Life 2
Steve Bradshaw
The Ecological Footprint
Patsy Northcutt
An Ecology of Mind
Nora Bateson
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Edens Lost and Found
Harry Wiland
Edens Lost and Found - Chicago
Harry Wiland
Edens Lost and Found - Los Angeles
Harry Wiland
Edens Lost and Found - Philadelphia
Harry Wiland
Edens Lost and Found - Seattle
Harry Wiland
Edge Of Islam
Alex Gabbay
The Elephants' Dream of Peace
Joost de Haas & Thomas Hurkxkens
The End of the Line
Rupert Murray
Escape from Affluenza
Vivia Boe and John de Graaf
Escaping from History
Josh Freed
Everything's Cool
Daniel B. Gold and Judith Helfand
Expedition Earthscope
Doug Prose and Diane LaMacchia
Exploring and Discovering
J.J. Johnson
Extreme By Design
Ralph King Jr. and Michael Schwarz
Faces of the Hand
Tamas Wormser
Fat or Skinny?
Arjun Pandey
Favela Farm
Rodrigo Mac Niven
A Few of My Favorite Things
J.J. Johnson
A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)
Mark Kitchell
A Fierce Green Fire
Mark Kitchell
Fighting Fire With Fire
Michelle Metivier
Finding Us and Them
Annie O'Donoghue
Fire and Ice
Christopher McLeod
The Fire of Creation
Michelle Metivier
Fit and Fun
J.J. Johnson
The Flaw
David Sington
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Food or Fuel?
Christine Kinyanjui
For the Love of Movies
Gerald Peary
Force Of Nature
Sturla Gunnarsson
Forgive Us Our Debts
Karen Pascal
Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate
Helen Whitney
A Fragile Trust
Samantha Grant
The Friendship Village
Michelle Mason
From The Ground Up
Beth Gage & George Gage
Fury for the Sound
Shelley Wine
Fury for the Sound (Short Version)
Shelley Wine
Future Food
tv/e (Television Trust for the Environment)
Galileo's Sons
Alison Rose
Game Over:
Sara Marino
Geologic Journey II
Kenton Vaughan, Michael Allder, and Andrew Gregg
Getting Creative, Part I
J.J. Johnson
Getting Creative, Part II
J.J. Johnson
The Ghosts In Our Machine
Liz Marshall
The Globalization Trilogy
Micha X. Peled
The God Squad and the Case of the Northern Spotted Owl
Emily Hart
The Gods of Our Fathers
Anne Henderson
Good Food
Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Grace Under Fire
Bruno Sorrentino
Granny D Goes to Washington
Alidra Solday
Great Canadian Wonders
J.J. Johnson
Great Falls
Ted Timreck
Great Times in All Kinds of Weather
J.J. Johnson
The Great Vacation Squeeze
John de Graaf
The Greening of Southie
Ian Cheney
Groundswell Rising
Renard Cohen
Growing Dreams
Jane Churchill and Gwynne Basen
Hassan and The Graduates
James Heer
Hawaii: Roots of Fire
Diane LaMacchia and Doug Prose
Hayley, Rosamaria, Angela and Martens
Bruno Sorrentino
Frances Causey, Donald Goldmacher
Holiday Special
J. J. Johnson
Jeffrey Bieber
Homeland (Short Version)
Roberta Grossman
Homo Toxicus
Carole Poliquin
Hopi Land
Christopher McLeod
Hot Coffee
Susan Saladoff
Hot Potatoes
John de Graaf
How Do They Do That?
J.J. Johnson
How to Become a President
Peter Tetteroo & André van der Stouwe
The Human Race
Catherine Mullins & Marrin Cannel
The Human Scale
Andreas M. Dalsgaard
Human Terrain
James Der Derian, David Udris and Michael Udris
Anne Makepeace
If A Tree Falls
Marshall Curry
In the Light of Reverence
Christopher McLeod
In the Light of Reverence (Classroom Version)
Christopher McLeod
In The Mayor's Footsteps - Brazil
Steve Bradshaw
In The Mayor's Footsteps - Peru
Steve Bradshaw
Interesting People, Interesting Jobs
J.J. Johnson
Islands of Sanctuary
Christopher McLeod
Islas Hermanas
Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young
John James Audubon
Lawrence Hott
Jongsada Suwanchondee in Thailand
Luc Côté
Journey into New Worlds
Robert Lang
Julie de Varennes in Canada
Robbie Hart
Kabul Transit
David Edwards, Maliha Zulfacar, Gregory Whitmore
Alanis Obomsawin
Kibera Kids
Alex Gabbay
kids + money
Lauren Greenfield
King Corn (Classroom Version)
Aaron Woolf
King Corn (Original Version)
Aaron Woolf
La Camioneta
Mark Kendall
The Last Child
Scott Thigpen
Let's Get Cookin'
J.J. Johnson
Let's Make Money
Erwin Wagenhofer
Life 6
Television Trust for the Environment
Life 8
Television Trust for the Environment
A Life Among Whales
Bill Haney
Life Apps
tv/e (Television Trust for the Environment)
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Livable Landscapes
Melissa Paly
Living Things We Love to Hate
David Springbett
Look Who's Talking...
Ray Burley
Looking For My Gypsy Roots
Television Trust for the Environment
Looting the Pacific
Bill Treharne Jones, Steve Bradshaw
Looting the Seas
Bruno Sorrentino
The Love of Money
Eric Weinthal
Making Shelter
Annie O'Donoghue
The Man We Called Juan Carlos
Heather MacAndrew and David Springbett
Maps with Teeth
Peg Campbell
The Matrix of Life
Robert Lang
The Mayor's Dream
Steve Bradshaw
Vera Aronow, Sarah Mondale, Roger Grange
Milking the Rhino
David E. Simpson
Mobile Harvest
Arjun Pandey
Moments of Truth
Charles Stewart
The Monarch
Michael Simpson
Money & Medicine (New Edition)
Roger Weisberg
More Than Human
Jean-Marc Robert, Yves Bourgeois
The Motherhood Manifesto
Laura Pacheco
Mount Shasta
Christopher McLeod
Multiracial Identity
Brian Chinhema
Murrandoo Yanner in Australia
Luc Côté
J.J. Johnson
My First Day at School
Subina Shrestha
Mysteries of the Deep
Elise Swerhone
The Nano Revolution
Nature, Science, and the Environment
J.J. Johnson
Near or Far?
Remi Vaughan Richards
The New Green Giants
Ted Remerowski
The New Metropolis
Andrea Torrice
No Bigger Than A Minute
Steven Delano
No Country For Young Girls?
Nupur Basu
Nothing Like Chocolate
Kum-Kum Bhavnani
Nottingham Lace
Jeanie Finlay
Nuclear Dynamite
Gary Marcuse
Nuclear Dynamite (Short Version)
Gary Marcuse
Oil & Water
Francine Strickwerda and Laurel Spellman Smith
Old or New?
Ernesto Cabello
On the Road
David Springbett
Once a Nomad
Abius Akwaake
One Ocean
CBC's "The Nature of Things"
Original Minds
Tom Weidlinger
Dug Rotstein
The Pacific Rim: Americas
Michael Allder
Panjy, Amelia, Justin and Vusumzi
Bruno Sorrentino
John Walker
Vishnu Mathur
The Pied Piper of Eyasi
Stefano Cassini
Pilgrims and Tourists
Christopher McLeod
Shelley Lee Davies, Or Shlomi
Planet Neighborhood
Larry Klein
Play Again (New Edition)
Tonje Hessen Schei
The President's Dilemma
James Heer
Steve Cowan
The Prince
Television Trust for the Environment
Profit and Loss
Christopher McLeod
Programmed To Be Fat?
Bruce Mohun
Psychology and the New Heroism
Bill Roller
Putting on a Show
J.J. Johnson
Rainmakers - Series 1
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté, Adobe Productions
Ramiro Garcia in Peru
Patricio Henriquez
Razing Appalachia
Sasha Waters
Razvan Marcu in Romania
Robbie Hart
Reclaim the Condom
Bert Sonnenschein
Reclaiming Community
Moira Simpson
Reframing Rio
tv/e (Television Trust for the Environment)
ReInventing The World
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
ReInventing the World II
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
Rena Mcleod in Canada
Robbie Hart
The Return of the Cuyahoga
Lawrence R. Hott and Diane Garey
Revenge of the Electric Car
Chris Paine
Rising Waters
Andrea Torrice
Rough Science
Sarah Topalian and David Shulman
Running On Empty
Television Trust for the Environment
The Sacred Balance
Robert Lang
The Salmon Forest
Caroline Underwood
The Sandbox
JoDee Samuelson
Saving Sunshine
Winnie Hoskyns-Abrahall, Bill Hennessy
Scent of the Streets
Remi Vaughan-Richards
School's Out
Lisa Molomot
A Sea Change (Short Version)
Barbara Ettinger
A Sea Change
Barbara Ettinger
Peter Galison and Robb Moss
Secrets of Silicon Valley
Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
Secrets of the Choco
Ian McLaren
Semper Fi
Rachel Libert, Tony Hardmon
A Sense of Wonder
Christopher Monger
Shadows of Liberty
Jean-Philippe Tremblay
Shakuntala Kazmi in India
Luc Côté
Shattered Sky
Steve Dorst, Dan Evans
Shift Change
Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin
The Shoreline Doesn't Stop Here Anymore
Howard E. Green
Les Drew
Silent Killer
Hana Jindrova and John de Graaf
Silicon Savannah
Toni Kamau
Silk Ceiling, Part 1
Arjun Pandey
Silk Ceiling, Part 2
Arjun Pandey
A Snowmobile For George
Todd Darling
SoLa: Louisiana Water Stories
Jon Bowermaster
Soldiers of Conscience
Gary Weimberg and Catherine Ryan
Sorie K and the MDGs
Alex Gabbay
Special Things To Eat
J.J. Johnson
Special Things To Make
J.J. Johnson
Split Estate
Debra Anderson
Standing on Sacred Ground
Christopher McLeod
Stay or Go?
Alex Gabbay
Stephanie, Erdo and Kay-Kay
Bruno Sorrentino
Store Wars
Micha X. Peled, Teddy Bear Films
The Story of Eman
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Story of Idrissa
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Story of Pintinho
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Story of Puttinan
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Story of Rosie
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Story of Sonam
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
The Storytelling Class
John Paskievich and John Whiteway
The Strangest Dream
Eric Bednarski
Street Fight
Marshall Curry
Subdivide and Conquer
Jeff Gersh and Chelsea Congdon
Sun Kissed
Maya Stark and Adi Lavy
Suspino: A Cry for Roma
Gillian Darling Kovanic
Suspino: A Cry for Roma (Short Version)
Gillian Darling Kovanic
The Suzuki Diaries: Future City
Hadlee Obodiac
The Suzuki Diaries: Sustainability in Action
Kenton Vaughan
Talk Mogadishu
Judy Jackson
Stephanie Soechtig
Tar Creek
Matt Myers
Tectonic Europe
Andrew Gregg
Their Brothers' Keepers
Catherine Mullins
Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
This is Daniel Cook Series 2
J.J. Johnson
This is Emily Yeung
J.J. Johnson
Three Sisters
James Heer
Thrills and Chills Pt. 1
J.J. Johnson
Thrills and Chills Pt. 2
J.J. Johnson
Tokyo Waka
John Haptas and Kristine Samuelson
Torture Made in USA
Marie-Monique Robin
Torturing Democracy
Sherry Jones
Trawler Girl
Abius Akwaake
The Tree that Remembers
Masoud Raouf
The Tribal Mind
Torben Schiola
The Trouble with Bread
Maggie Beidelman
Truck Farm
Ian Cheney
Truck Farm
Ian Cheney
Tsuyoshi Inaba in Japan
Luc Côté
Turbulent Waters
Malcolm Guy and Michelle Smith
Turning 16
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
Turning Down The Heat
Jim Hamm
Unfinished Spaces
Alysa Nahmias, Benjamin Murray
The Unforgiven
Emily Marlow
Up Close and Toxic
Caroline Underwood
John Pilger, Alan Lowery
Valentine Road
Marta Cunningham
Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)
Michael Singh
The Value of Life
Judy Jackson
Victor "Gotti" Cherry in New York
Robbie Hart
Virtual JFK
Koji Masutani
Virtually Intentional
Moira Simpson
The Waiting Room
Peter Nicks
Walking with Ghosts
Caroline Underwood
War In The Mind
Judy Jackson
The War on Democracy
Youngheart Entertainment
The War You Don't See
John Pilger
The Wasting of a Wetland
Daniel Elias
Water and Animals
J.J. Johnson
Water First
Amy Hart
The Water Front
Liz Miller
Water On The Table
Liz Marshall
Kevin McMahon
Ways We Live
Heather MacAndrew & David Springbett
We Are Not Ghosts
Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young
We Feed the World
Erwin Wagenhofer
We Still Live Here
Anne Makepeace
Weather Report
Brenda Longfellow
Weather The Storm
Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh
Welcome to Nano City
Takahiro Hamano, Tetsuya Itano
The Western Pacific Rim
Michael Allder
What's the Economy for, Anyway?
John de Graaf
When China Met Africa
Nick Francis and Marc Francis
When Is Enough, Enough?
Geoff Bowie
Who Shot My Brother?
German Gutierrez
Who's Counting?
Terre Nash
Who's Counting? (Short Version)
The National Film Board of Canada
A Will for the Woods
Amy Browne, Jeremy Kaplan, Tony Hale, Brian Wilson
Will Nano Save the Planet?
Mike Downie
Winter Fun
J.J. Johnson
The Wisdom to Survive
John Ankele & Anne Macksoud
Wolves in Paradise
William Campbell
Bob Kaper
Work and Time
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
World of Apps
Paul Zisiwe, Gautam Lewis
Xmas Without China
Alicia Dwyer
The Yes Men Fix The World
Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno
You've Been Trumped
Anthony Baxter
Youth and the Future
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
Youth and the Global Village
Robbie Hart and Luc Côté
Zero Ten Twenty
Bruno Sorrentino