
Funny animation re-works the Frankenstein legend to show how to overcome shyness.

10 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Les Drew
Produced by The National Film Board of Canada

Les Drew, animator of the classic film THE DINGLES, takes a delightfully wonky look at a potentially debilitating emotion, shyness, in this new animated short. Using a playful touch and traditionally cartoonish images, Drew uses the familiar Frankenstein legend to illustrate what shyness is and how it can be overcome. How might Frankenstein's monster behave if he'd been given the brain of a squeamish nerd? And how would this shy monster react to a friend, the Bride of Frankenstein?
Besides being wonderfully funny, feeling familiar, and arousing compassion, this short film also manages to offer some basic techniques for overcoming shyness.

Grade Level: 3-12, Adult
US Release Date: 1997
Copyright Date: 1996
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-787-6
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0693-7

Reviews "Wonderful visual gags, impeccable character voices, and goofy takeoffs...make this...a delightful study that is, incredibly, both irreverently humorous and respectfully enlightening...a terrific resource for library and community group programs." Booklist
"Great for children and adolescents, it operates on another level for adults...the concrete suggestions given to overcomes shyness are known to be effective, perhaps more so for grownups. Recommended." Kelly Hensley, East Tennessee State University, MC Journal
"Les Drew...has created another winner...A funny look at a common human condition. Recommended." Video Librarian
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"A terrific resource for library and community group programs." Booklist

Awards and Festivals Gold Apple, National Educational Media Network Competition
Editor's Choice, Booklist
Western Psychological Association Convention
Subjects Animation Children's Films Children's Stories: Animation Guidance Health Humor Language Arts Mental Health Psychology
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