Look Who's Talking...
How Animals Communicate

New research into animal communication challenges our assumptions.

45 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Ray Burley
Produced by Ray Burley for CBC's "The Nature of Things"
Hosted by David Suzuki

Featuring world-famous horse whisperer Monty Roberts, LOOK WHO'S TALKING explores the often elaborate and elegant methods of communication that are vital for animal survival. Animals use all the human senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste in addition to some that are not as developed in humans such as pheromones.
In our anthropocentric way, humans have taken it for granted that other animals don't have emotions or feelings and that they cannot communicate, except in the most rudimentary way. But new findings about how animals communicate are increasing our ability to appreciate, empathize and cooperate with other creatures. These findings also tell us a great deal about how our own brains work.
Amongst the species communicating in the film are birds, ants, bees, wolves, horses, and cows. Also featured is Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who is an expert on the behavior of livestock.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1999
Copyright Date: 1998
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-463-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-797-2

Reviews "An excellent and effective visit into the world of communication...I showed the (Monty) Roberts section to my animal behavior class and you could have heard a pin drop." Michael J. Renner, Professor of Psychology, West Chester University
"Using human language, the film...defines how animals communicate which in turn tells us a lot about human evolution....Highly recommended." Pamela M. Rose, University at Buffalo, MC Journal
"A good choice to use in a variety of classroom situations dealing with animals, communication, or human behavior...especially useful in high school classrooms, where it is difficult to find material about animals that is presented at the appropriate grade level." School Library Journal
"Exceptional videography draws the viewer into the secret world of a variety of animals and insects, as the many species demonstrate their sometimes rudimentary, sometimes complex communications methods." Today's Librarian
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DVDs include public performance rights.
"Violence is never the answer."
Monty Roberts, horse whisperer

Awards and Festivals Nationwide Broadcast on CBC
Bronze Plaque, Columbus International Film & Video Festival
Subjects Animal Behavior/Communication Animals Birds Psychology Wildlife
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"I loved this...The...piece...which resonated with me is that other animals comfortably form interdependent social relationships in order to live a peaceful and fruitful life." Linda Rogers, Professor of Educational Psychology, Kent State University