A Series of 9 Programs
Reframing Rio

9-part series from the producers of LIFE looking at different aspects of the globalization issue and consisting of LIFE APPS(5 x 27 min), LOOTING THE PACIFIC (27 min) and ZERO TEN TWENTY (3 x 50 min).

312 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Produced by tv/e (Television Trust for the Environment)
Series Consultant: Jenny Richards Production Managers: Sheila Menon, Davina Rodrigues Editor: Sotira Kyriacou

The REFRAMING RIO series is composed of two series and one stand-alone episode, each of which tackle different aspects of the globalization issue that are tied to the sustainable development goals set forth at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and revisited at Rio+20 in 2012. REFRAMING RIO explores new ideas and innovative solutions in the runup for reaching the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015.
The titles in the series are:
Life Apps (5 x 27 min) 5-part series in which five tech-savvy young adults from around the globe create mobile apps for a better, more sustainable world.
Looting the Pacific (27 min) An ICIJ investigation reveals the secrets of the global fishing industry's last frontier and the fate of the jack mackerel.
Zero Ten Twenty (3 x 50min) 3-part series revisits 11 children from around the world who were born in 1992, the year of the first Rio Earth Summit, and measures the impact of globalization on their lives.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2013
Copyright Date: 2012
DVD ISBN: 1-93777-285-3

Reviews "Truly remarkable...illuminates differences in class, gender, race, and culture. It brings to life changes in childhood, in work, and in the environment. It is a must-see across fields like education, psychology, sociology, international development, women's studies, environmental studies, globalization studies, and more." Steven J. Klees, Professor of International and Comparative Education, University of Maryland, Former President of the U.S. Comparative and International Education Society, Co-author of The World Bank and Education: Critiques and Alternatives
"These beautiful films evoke the complex tangle of environmental, economic, cultural, social and personal issues in the life of an extraordinary group of ordinary young people...A profoundly moving series, which captures not only the conflict between economic necessity and the ecological imperative, but also the ways in which this fundamental contradiction is inflected by the determination and idealism of young people. It offers rich material for impassioned discussion, since there is no self-evident way out of the developmental paradox, whereby we grow rich individually, and are impoverished collectively." Jeremy Seabrook, Journalist and Writer, Author, Children of a New World: Society, Culture, and Globalization and Children of Other Worlds: Exploitation in the Global Market
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"A must-see across fields like education, psychology, sociology, international development, women's studies, environmental studies, globalization studies, and more." Steven J. Klees, Professor of International & Comparative Education, University of Maryland

DVD Features SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.
Links The series website
Briefings on the key policy issues debated at Rio+20
Subjects African Studies Anthropology Asian Studies Developing World Economics Education Environment European Studies Fisheries Globalization Health India Latin American Studies Psychology Sociology Sustainable
Development Technology United Nations Women's Studies
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