Future Food Series
Old or New?

In Lima, Peru, a new generation of top chefs are cooking with traditional ingredients and supporting traditional livelihoods.

29 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Ernesto Cabello
Produced by tv/e (Television Trust for the Environment)
Camera: Ricardo Cabellos, Ricardo Ayala, Mighuel Martinez, Antonio Garcia, Prospero Bozzo, Daniele Mattana, Fanscesco Manetti Music: Audio Network, Educardo Barbaran Haime, Manuel Barron Garcia Editor: Fabricio Deza Senior Editor: Sotira Kyriacou Concept Development: James Heer, Joanne Levitan Series Researcher: Janet Weinstein Production Managers: Caroline Hancock, Sheila Menon Development Producer: Jenny Richards Series Editor: Steve Bradshaw A Guarango Film & Video Production

The very future of food -- and farming -- is being re-imagined in a city where nobody dined out 20 years ago, where there is no national tradition of gastronomy, and where there is considerable malnutrition. But in the capital of Peru, a city not so long ago wracked by Shining Path terrorist violence, the top chefs -- men and women like Gaston Acurio, Javier Wong and Pedro Miguel Schiaffino -- believe gastronomy can achieve social justice.
Can this model really meet the challenge of providing enough food for 9.5 billion people by 2050? Scientists at Lima's agricultural university say we just can't afford to ignore the new models of industrial agriculture in favor of traditional methods. Is there room in the mix for the old and the new?
Other titles in this series are:
2. Food or Fuel? - Kenyan farmer Moses Shaha journeys through the Tana Delta, where farmers are starting to grow jatropha, a biofuel crop.
3. Big or Small? - What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5 billion people: Big, or small?
4. Fat or Skinny? - The people of India are faced with a choice: indulge in a Western-style fast food diet, or embrace healthy and indigenous alternatives.
5. Near or Far? - The Nigerian Minister for Agriculture wants to ensure Nigerians eat food grown in Nigeria.
6. Stay or Go? - Who will grow China's food as young people leave the countryside for the cities?

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2013
Copyright Date: 2012
DVD ISBN: 1-93777-259-4

Reviews "Old or New? presents both sides of the debate, and highlights the crucial issue of the contrast between local, sustainable, community-based agriculture and high-yield industrialized techniques. Can the survival on the future be only based in the past? Is it a black and white choice or, as chef Gaston Acurio suggests, is it possible to find a way to integrate the two?" Fabio Parasecoli, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Food Studies, The New School, Author, Bite Me! Food in Popular Culture, co-Editor, Cultural History of Food
"Old or New? is a fascinating look at how Peruvian chefs, agronomists, and farmers are working together to protect heritage products grown and used for hundreds of years by incorporating them into an explosive and creative new regional and national cuisine. Peruvian chefs are seeking out new ingredients from around the country while agricultural planners are working to help farmers provide for these expanding markets, and farmers are earning money and renowned for their products." Jane Fajans, Professor of Anthropology, Cornell University, Author, Brazilian Food: Race, Class and Identity in Regional Cuisines
"Very impressive. These films present current problems in global food production and consumption with unstinting clarity. They highlight figures who advocate for indigenous crops without simply turning back the clock or giving in to the Western model of industrial scale agriculture. They propose models which value the local economy and yet think progressively in ways that will help people deal with rising population and increasingly volatile market for foodstuffs. These are thinkers, activists, politicians and farmers who will shape the future of food around the world." Ken Albala, Professor of History, University of the Pacific, Author, Beans: A History
"All programs are thought-provoking and educational, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, and excellent choices for high school, college, and public library DVD collections." The Midwest Book Review
"Highly Recommended. This 6-part series is a great collection of educational documentaries packed with interviews, insights, and images. Instructors can't go wrong when using these films in classes! Each documentary is independent of the others, but all share the same theme - exploring local solutions for feeding the world. Seeking both the local and international perspectives, the producers interviewed an impressive variety of recognized leaders and professionals working in the sustainable agriculture and human rights arenas including small-scale farmers, lobbyists, United Nations directors, ethicists, local government officials, authors, activists, and even a Nobel Peace Prize winner. The films are less than 30-minutes long each, which makes them perfect for in-class viewing and discussion. Each film is appropriate for a variety of courses ranging from business to anthropology. Whether purchased as a set or individually the price is a deal." Kristan Majors,
Emory Univesity, Educational Media Reviews Online
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DVDs include public performance rights.
"Highlights the crucial issue of the contrast between local, sustainable, community-based agriculture and high-yield industrialized techniques." Fabio Parasecoli, Coordinator, Food Studies, The New School,

DVD Features Include SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.
Subjects Agriculture Anthropology Biotechnology Developing World Economics Food And Nutrition Global Issues Globalization Latin American Studies Local Economies Sociology Sustainability Sustainable Development Urban Studies
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... more Reviews

"These films contribute to the ongoing debate on whether future food security lies in small-scale farming and biodiversity or industrial agriculture and innovation." Anneke Geyzen, Films for the Feminist Classroom