Do men and women share the same rights and freedoms? A Cairo girl hopes to attend university despite cultural traditions. Like many youths, she doesn't always agree with her parents.
An episode in the 8-part series that explores whether there is such a thing as a global teenager. The series focuses on the lives of six teens in six different countries and examines the major issues facing young people everywhere.
Other titles in the series are:
Youth & The Global Village - How much do teens have in common worldwide?
The Story of Rosie - Teen pregnancy in Jamaica.
The Story of Idrissa - Cultural values conflict with consumerism for a boy in Africa.
The Story of Pintinho - A young Brazilian athlete hopes soccer will be his ticket out of poverty.
The Story of Puttinan - A determined Thai girl has experienced the hardship of child labor.
The Story of Sonam - A Tibetan boy in India tries to reconcile religious faith and cultural distractions.
Youth & the Future - Teens worldwide consider their futures. What impact will Western culture have?

Grade Level: 6-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1994
Copyright Date: 1994
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-842-2
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-606-2

Reviews "The films we have chosen...will be useful for stimulating conversations in the anthropology courses we teach on Africa and Asia." Ann Prewitt and Karen Kane, Education Dept., American Museum of Natural History
"Great for introducing teens to their international peers." Booklist
"Asks all the right questions, placing fundamental human (and adolescent) concerns in an edifying-and sometimes troubling-global context." Wilson Library Bulletin
"Remarkable young people's programming...It is at once celebration, consciousness-raising, and conscience-challenging...Each episode offers a vibrant profile from the country being spotlighted." The Ottawa Citizen