The Human Race Series
Escaping from History

Poverty and consumerism clash in Mexico City. What can we do?

53 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Josh Freed
Produced by Catherine Mullins & Marrin Canell
Green Lion Productions Hosted by Gwynne Dyer

Mexico City provides a dramatic example of what happens when urbanization mixes with consumerism to create poverty and pollution.
Is this what all the world's major cities can look forward to? While we in the North continue to consume at all-time highs, what right do we have to tell poorer nations that they should limit their development?
But while the mass media spread the consumer ethic, they also spread the ideology of democracy. There is cause for optimism. But it's a tough equation: for the South to have more, the North will have to get used to having a little less.
Other titles in the series are:
The Bomb Under the World - What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries, like India?
The Gods of Our Fathers - There is nothing innate in patriarchy and militarism. We can change our culture.
The Tribal Mind - Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1995
Copyright Date: 1994
DVD ISBN: 0-7722-1221-X
VHS ISBN: 0-2277-0597-3

Reviews "Western-style consumption is both desired by the developing world and will be dangerous if not moderated... Dyer does not believe we are destined for an apocalypse if we do not act prudently and carefully, but he does believe we are capable of ignoring the warning signs and sealing our fate."
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
"An outstanding effort, sure to inspire both serious thinking and fruitful debate. Highly recommended."
EDITOR'S CHOICE, Video Librarian, March/April 1996
"Striking and well edited."
"This is a fascinating series...deeply concerning by definition, but unable by circumstance to offer the quick-fix solution we all want."
The West Australian
"While many may see programs about overpopulation and other unpleasantries as depressing and futile, this series provides a glimmer of hope."
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"An outstanding effort, sure to inspire both serious thinking and fruitful debate. Highly recommended."
EDITOR'S CHOICE, Video Librarian

Awards and Festivals Special Merit, International Environmental Film Festival, Pretoria
Merit Certificate, San Francisco International Film Festival
Academica Film Olomouc, Czech Republic
North-South Media Encounters, Geneva
Subjects Developing World Economics Environment Environmental Ethics Global Issues History Humanities International Studies Latin American Studies Mass Media Mexico Migration Population Poverty
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