Bringing It Home
Industrial Hemp, Healthy Houses, and a Greener Future for America

Extols the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while revealing the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers.

52 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Linda Booker, Blaire Johnson
Produced by Linda Booker
Co-Producer: Blaire Johnson Editor: Linda Booker Cinematography: Blaire Johnson Music: Gabriel de Paz Animation: Philip Powell, David Rawlins Narrator: Philip Powell A film by By the Brook Productions and Green Hope Productions


"An extremely well done documentary with very good educational value...makes a strong case why we should start growing industrial hemp." Anil Netravali, Professor of Fiber Science, Cornell University
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[Reduced rates, information and resources for activist and grassroots groups interested in booking a Bringing it Home screening event at Bullfrog Communities.]
Industrial Hemp is making headlines in American media with the 2018 Farm Bill removing hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, allowing state departments of agriculture to regulate hemp cultivation.
But for decades hemp has been conflated with marijuana and now with booming CBD markets taking over hemp headlines, consumers need to know the potential for other products like hempcrete and bioplastics that can help with climate change. BRINGING IT HOME tells the story of hemp's past, present and future through interviews with global hemp business leaders and entrepreneurs, animation and footage filmed in Europe and the United States.
This film makes the case for all the benefits of a plant that will leave viewers wondering: why aren't we using it more for a healthier planet?

Grade Level: 10 - 12, College Adults
US Release Date: 2014
Copyright Date: 2013
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-501-7

Reviews "Bringing it Home offers a straightforward, balanced view of the key concepts about the industrial hemp plant, and dispels concerns about its links to the drug marijuana. The filmmakers clearly set out the thermal, environmental, financial, and health benefits that hempcrete brings, compared to conventional building materials. A range of other uses of hemp are explored, as are the benefits of hemp cultivation to farming, ecology and economies across the globe...The timing of this documentary is perfect; the USA currently lags behind the rest of the world by refusing to allow the cultivation of this remarkable plant...Bringing It Home is not just an informative film, but a very important one." Alex Sparrow, Director of Hemp-LimeConstruct, Co-author of The Hempcrete Book: Designing and Building with Hemp-lime
"Bringing it Home exposes the viewer to industrial hemp production in other industrialized economies while educating them regarding the growing demand for hemp products at home in the US. After viewing the film one cannot help but become excited about the economic benefits the US would obtain by allowing the production of industrial hemp. Let's let people pull themselves up by their own hemp straps! " Dr. Brian Strow, Associate Professor of Economics, Western Kentucky University
"With a growing number of states now allowing industrial hemp and the federal Farm Bill authorizing hemp research, Bringing It Home is one of the most valuable and compelling pieces of information out in the public eye that explains how important it is for America to return to the era of sustainable hemp cultivation to support our farms, enrich our economy and provide the necessities of food, clothing and housing for our children and their progeny. It might offer our best hope for saving both the environment and the economy. I highly recommend that everyone take the time to watch this video." Chris Conrad, Author, Hemp: Lifeline to the Future and Hemp for Health, Founder, Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp
"In addition to benefiting community activists and economists, I believe this film could be used in an upper-level undergraduate sociology and/or criminal justice classroom. Specifically, this film would be a useful addition to a Drugs and Society or Deviance course as well as Environmental Sociology or Sociology of Health course." Andrea Garber Krieg, Lewis University, Teaching Sociology
"A brilliantly executed documentary that weaves a touching narrative extolling the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while illuminating the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers to tap into." Eric Steenstra, President of Vote Hemp, Executive Director of Hemp Industries Association
"Bringing it Home is comprehensive, full of information about hemp products and makes a strong case why we should start growing industrial hemp. This is an extremely well done documentary with very good educational value. I hope the government policy changes in the near future. If Europe and Canada can do (or control) it, there is no reason why US cannot." Anil Netravali, Professor of Fiber Science, Cornell University
"As hosts to the first pilot hemp trial for soil bioremediation in the state of Kentucky, we at the University of Louisville were thrilled to be able to present a screening of the intelligent and engaging documentary Bringing It Home on campus. The film and its director, Linda Booker, were exactly what we needed to help our community understand the broad potential of hemp as a sustainable crop that can help not only meet our fiber and food needs, but can help heal our bodies and our soils." Justin Mog, Assistant to the Provost for Sustainability Initiatives, University of Louisville
"Looking to the future, Bringing It Home examines the many ways in which hemp could contribute to a more robust American economy, if only prevailing attitudes and laws about it changed. Could such a transformation be underway? Highly recommended especially for public library collections, Bringing It Home should be required viewing for anyone (especially politicians and lobbyists) involved in the making of agricultural laws!" The Midwest Book Review
"Viewers become educated on a variety of useful hemp products such as hemp based concrete, auto parts, food and textiles...A concise history of the positive relationship between hemp and humanity is given offering a better sense of proportion when broaching this controversial subject. The film is remarkably persuasive utilizing emotive appeals as well as objective information to enhance the legitimacy of hemp as product. Additionally, Bringing It Home contributes lively animation snippets that present concepts and make the film more accessible to a broader audience...This film would be most appropriate for any high school or college library acquiring resources on the environment, human health, and agriculture." Andrew Koval, Educational Media Reviews Online
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features Include SDH Captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing and scene selection.
Links The film's website
Host a community screening
Awards and Festivals Jury Award, Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival
Director's Choice Award, Best Environmental Film, Sedona International Film Festival
Best Environmental Documentary Award, Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
Honorable Mention, Columbus International Film+Video Festival
Louisville International Festival of Film
Tallgrass Film Festival
Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival
Cucalorus Film Festival
Maui Film Festival - FirstLight
Princeton Environmental Film Festival
Sonoma Film Festival
Transitions Film Festival
Fort Myers Film Festival
Cape Town Eco Film Festival
Oneota Film Festival
Green Festival
Portland EcoFilm Festival
Project Native Film Festival
Subjects Agriculture American Studies Anthropology Climate Change/Global Warming Conservation Energy Environment Green Building Health Law Natural Resources Pollution Sociology Sustainability Sustainable Agriculture
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"Viewers will be hard pressed to find a downside to allowing legal hemp farming in the United States...Schools could make best use of the film's specific subject...by including discussion on environmental issues and lobbying processes, as well as thinking 'outside the box' about developing and marketing new products." Maggie Knapp, Trinity Valley School, School Library Journal