From the series "Ways We Live: Exploring Community" ON THE ROAD documents the burgeoning community of RVers. The best estimate is that some two million people live in recreational vehicles year round. Most of them left their communities for a life of freedom on the road. The irony is, according to anthropologists David and Dorothy Counts, that they've created an incredibly strong community of like-minded souls-- modern-day nomads with cooperatively-built RV parks and volunteer-run care centers.
Other titles in the series are:
Community Animals - Leading thinkers explore community, work, time, values, and change.
Virtually Intentional - Finding community in the cloister, a commune, and in cyberspace.
Community by Design - Good design of houses and neighborhoods builds community.
Making Shelter - My Home with Others - Co-ops and co-housing provide new models for building community.
Reclaiming Community - Communities in Toronto and Oakland take back and revitalize public spaces.
Ageing with Community - The search for community and independence as we grow old.
The Boundaries of Change - Cities cope with changing demographics.
Finding Us and Them - Physically and mentally challenged people find community.
Maps with Teeth - Bioregional mapping by locals communicates a sense of place and regional identity.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1997
Copyright Date: 1997
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-508-3
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-699-2

Reviews "The on-the-move RV community has learned what many an upscale neighborhood has not: when the awning is up, the neighbors are invited to drop in." Times Colonist
"You can't keep community down. Give people a little encouragement and a few tools, and they'll recreate the sense of community spirit in any available cracks and crannies in our otherwise alienated culture...These stories...are upbeat, encouraging - and replicable." Communities