Living Things We Love to Hate

Light-heartedly replaces our revulsion towards certain creatures with ecological understanding.

46 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by David Springbett
Produced by Andrew Koster and David Springbett
Written and presented by Des Kennedy Edited by Jack Morbin
Produced by Rainshadow Media with the participation of: Canadian Television Fund, created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry, British Columbia Film, Television and Film Financing Program, The CanWest Western Independent Producers Fund, British Columbia Film, Film Incentive BC, The Government of Canada - Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program

The slimy slug...the sensuous snake...the darting bat - even the dark forest at night - just reading the words makes many of us squirm, shudder, or recoil in revulsion and fear. These are some of the "Living Things We Love to Hate" and no matter how much they're a presence in our lives, some of us never get over our fear of them. Yet every creature plays a vital role in its own ecosystem. Is it true we fear what we don't understand? This film is designed to replace those irrational fears with ecological understanding.
Based on Des Kennedy's popular book of the same title, the program gets extremely up-close and very personal with a light-hearted and scientific exploration of the roots of our cultural attitudes - from horror movies to the Book of Genesis. From there it examines the ecological role of each creature and soon revulsion is replaced with awe.

Grade Level: 4-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2003
Copyright Date: 2003
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-105-3
VHS ISBN: 1-59458-038-3

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Awards and Festivals Merit Awards for Educational Value & Narration, International Wildlife Film Festival
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
Victoria Independent Film & Video Festival
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
Subjects Animal Behavior/Communication Animals Ecology Environmental Ethics Habitat Life Science Outdoor Education Psychology Wildlife
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