The Nature of Things Series
When Is Enough, Enough?
The Appetite for Oil

A small Cree band in Alberta battles major oil companies for their land which lies on top of one of the world's richest oil deposits.

47 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Geoff Bowie
Produced by CBC's "The Nature of Things"
Executive Producer, Michael Allder Hosted by David Suzuki


"We gain insight into the challenges that threaten the very survival of Indigenous Nations." Luke Newton, Fund for Indigenous Rights and the Environment
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The United States imports more oil from Canada than from Saudi Arabia, or any other country. Oil companies in Canada are now producing 50% of their oil from tar sands deposits. In Alberta, this form of oil extraction completely destroys the boreal forest, the bogs, the rivers as well as the natural landscape.
WHEN IS ENOUGH, ENOUGH? tells a David-versus-Goliath story of a small Native band battling major oil companies over development of the Peace-Athabasca delta in Alberta. Underneath one of the greatest freshwater deltas on earth is one of the richest oil deposits in the world.
This documentary examines the world's limitless thirst for oil and how a small Cree band found itself in the fight of its life. World-renowned scientist David Schindler joins the band, casting a warning about the plunder of resources.

Grade Level: Grades 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2005
Copyright Date: 2004
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-233-5
VHS ISBN: 1-59458-232-7

Reviews "Through the eyes of Cree resistance to the ecological devastation of the Alberta Oil Sands, we gain insight into the challenges that threaten the very survival of Indigenous Nations around the world whose traditional lands have become increasingly targeted for industrial resource extraction." Luke Newton, Consulting Director, Fund for Indigenous Rights and the Environment
"The film features exquisite photography, native music, and voices of the Cree people... A wide range of issues are discussed, including global climate change, rights of indigenous peoples, govenmental bureaucracy, the power of money, and a changing economy that requires young Cree to leave the land of their birth and seek education and jobs in urban areas. This timely program can be utilized in classes across the curriculum." Patricia Owens, Wabash Valley College for School Library Journal
"A moving and somber look at the world's continued thirst for oil at the ruthless expense of the Native Cree's way of life in this region. [When is Enough, Enough?] serves as a powerful warning of the dangers of such resource development against the backdrop of climate warming and a people's drive to preserve their habitat...This film is suitable for college library or curriculum collections focused on Native Americans and/or environmental studies, and public high school collections. Recommended." Educational Media Reviews Online
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Awards and Festivals Focus Award, Montana CINE International Environmental Film Festival
Silver WorldMedal, New York Festivals
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
Subjects Anthropology Canadian Studies Earth Science Energy Environment Environmental Ethics Geography Geology Humanities Indigenous Peoples Natural Resources Pollution Rivers Science Technology Society Sociology Toxic
Chemicals Wetlands
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