
 | | Banjo Frogs  An adolescent frog learns to fit in with new neighbors. | |
 | | Dinner for Two  A funny, animated object lesson in conflict resolution. | |
 | | Journey of the Blob  An illustration of the water cycle in a cautionary tale about pollution. | |
 | | kids + money  Money talks. Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it. | |
All the Right Stuff  Teaches teenagers about media, malls, money, and consumerism.
Ana in the Rainforest  An imaginary journey to a tropical rainforest.
Babyswim Having fun with babies in the water as they learn swimming skills.
Banana, Banana, Banana Slugs!  Kids freely explore life among the Redwoods.
Banjo Frogs  An adolescent frog learns to fit in with new neighbors.
Bears!  Grizzly bears, as they really are, in their natural habitat.
Between the Walls  One girl finds a clever way to remove a mouse.
The Boyhood of John Muir  The early story of John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club.
Bully Dance  Delightful and provocative animated film gives insight on dealing creatively with bullies.
Bunch of Fives  Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world.
The Car  Automobiles designed for recycling.
Cell Animation  You can escape in nature.
Children of the Long-Beaked Bird  Portrait of a modern Native American family that erases old stereotypes.
The Colonists  Colonists invading the rainforest.
Connections  Making connections between living creatures and machines.
A Crack in the Pavement  2-part series on how greening school grounds improves not only the school, but the surrounding community.
The Decade of Destruction - Classroom Version  The story of the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest.
The Development Road  A road is always the first step to rainforest destruction.
Digging In  Jesse Ketchum School greens their schoolyard.
The Dingles  A warm and loving film about a household facing and overcoming a crisis.
Dinner for Two  A funny, animated object lesson in conflict resolution.
Elbow Room  Office workers deal with a dispute in this amusing and enlightening animated short.
Faces of the Hand  The human hand, and its use, in different cultures.
Green Animation  Eleven funny shorts on the environment.
Growing Dreams  An inspirational overview of school ground greening.
Here's My Question: Where Does My Garbage Go?  A fun film to teach kids about waste and recycling.
The Home  Families can reduce air pollution and save money.
The Indians  The displaced Indian tribes of the Amazon rainforest.
It's Eco-Logic  Practical things kids can do to protect the environment.
Journey of the Blob  An illustration of the water cycle in a cautionary tale about pollution.
kids + money  Money talks. Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.
Look Again  Six films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking.
Look Again - Volume 2 (night/topsy/blob)  Three films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking. Volume 2 includes "Night", "Topsy-Turvy", and "Journey Of The Blob".
Look Again - Volume I (walls/conn/snow)  Three films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking. Volume 1 includes "Between The Walls", "Connections", and "Snowballs and Sandcastles".
Lower Orders  A new and funny look at the food chain!
Night  Night and the imagination.
Planet Neighborhood: Classroom Modules  Middle school science series on energy-efficiency and good design.
The Politicians  Politicians plunder the Amazon rainforest.
Possum's Rest  Can humans and wildlife co-exist in the suburbs?
The Rainforest  The ecology of a rainforest.
Recycling is Fun!  Children discover their power to save the world.
Recycling with Worms  Composting garbage made easy with a worm bin.
Rough Science  10-part series in which five scientists on a tropical island cooperate to solve a series of scientific challenges using only their knowledge, ingenuity, and whatever is at hand.
The Rubber Tappers  Rubber tappers live sustainable lifestyle.
The Sandbox  A beautifully animated environmental tale.
School's Out  A year in the life of a forest kindergarten in Switzerland where being outdoors and unstructured play are the main components.
The Secret World of Gardens  13-part series providing a close-up look at the complex ecosystem that is the backyard garden.
ShowPeace  Nonverbal animated series explores conflict resolution.
Shyness  Funny animation re-works the Frankenstein legend to show how to overcome shyness.
Snowballs and Sandcastles  Summer and winter hold different joys for kids.
Songbird Story  The decline of migratory songbirds.
TemeTTeme  Dramatic children's film about urbanization and family values in Ethiopia.
Topsy-Turvy  Explores magic in fantasy and the everyday world.
The Trash Troll  Calls young kids to action on beach pollution.
Turtle World  A powerful allegory about the survivability of Homo sapiens.
Tête à Tête à Tête  A playful animated film that provides a thought-provoking commentary on how beings interact.
Wake Up, Freddy  One man's morning routine reveals the hidden energy costs of everyday life.
Wetlands Technology  Artificial wetlands purify waste water.
When the Dust Settles  Gophers teach us a funny lesson in conflict resolution.
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