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Human Rights

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After TillerAfter Tiller    View Trailer
Sheds a humanistic light on the heated abortion debate by going inside the lives of the last four doctors in America who openly provide third-trimester abortions and the reasons their patients seek them.
American OutrageAmerican Outrage    View Trailer
Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.
AmáAmá    View Trailer
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
Better This WorldBetter This World    View Trailer
The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.
Cocaine UnwrappedCocaine Unwrapped    View Trailer
Documents the devastating effects of the war on drugs and suggests realistic alternatives.
A Crime on the BayouA Crime on the Bayou    View Trailer
A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.
A Dangerous IdeaA Dangerous Idea    View Trailer
Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.
Fight Like HellFight Like Hell    View Trailer
Mother Jones, a fiery orator and fearless organizer for workers' rights, known as "the protector of children," and "the miners' angel," in a riveting performance by Lee.
FrenemiesFrenemies    View Trailer
Presents a balanced portrait of Cuban life today and a compelling argument for why the US should lift the devastating 60-year embargo.
Heart Of Sky, Heart Of EarthHeart Of Sky, Heart Of Earth    View Trailer
Six young Maya present a wholly indigenous perspective, in which all life is sacred and connected, as they resist the destruction of their culture and environment.
If A Tree FallsIf A Tree Falls    View Trailer
The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist.
The Kill TeamThe Kill Team    View Trailer
Soldier Adam Winfield attempted to thwart atrocities being committed by his platoon in Afghanistan but was then himself charged in one of the largest war crimes investigations in US history.
The Lincoln School StoryThe Lincoln School Story    View Trailer
The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.
Open BethlehemOpen Bethlehem    View Trailer
The filmmaker comes home to Bethlehem to find the city being strangled by the Wall and ongoing Israeli settlements, and starts a campaign to keep Bethlehem open to the world.
Pilgrims and TouristsPilgrims and Tourists    View Trailer
In the Altai Republic of Russia and in Northern California, indigenous shamans resist massive government projects that threaten nature and culture.
RefugeRefuge    View Trailer
Refugees, asylees and caregivers share their stories to help professionals and volunteers understand the needs of the more than a million survivors of torture rebuilding lives in the US.
The ReturnThe Return    View Trailer
After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.
Saving MindsSaving Minds    View Trailer
Two people attempt to reclaim their lives after long struggles with mental illness, while a group of leading professionals rethinks the current drug-based model of psychiatric care.
SecrecySecrecy    View Trailer
A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.
The Shadow of GoldThe Shadow of Gold    View Trailer
An unflinching look at how the world's favorite heavy metal is extracted from the earth.
Thirst for JusticeThirst for Justice    View Trailer
Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.
Torturing DemocracyTorturing Democracy    View Trailer
Tells the inside story of how the U.S. government adopted torture as official policy in the aftermath of 9/11.
UnguardedUnguarded    View Trailer
UNGUARDED takes us inside the walls of APAC, the revolutionary Brazilian prison system centered on the full recovery and rehabilitation of the person.
UtopiaUtopia    View Trailer
John Pilger's epic portrayal of Earth's oldest continuous human culture, Aboriginal Australians, and his investigation into Australia's suppressed colonial past and rapacious present.
Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)    View Trailer
Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.
The War on DemocracyThe War on Democracy    View Trailer
John Pilger reports that, in spite of a history of repeated US-backed suppression, popular democratic movements are gaining ground in Latin America.
Water for LifeWater for Life    View Trailer
Explores the collision of water rights, Indigenous beliefs, and resource extraction through the lives of three Latin American community leaders. The right to clean water is a global issue - in Latin America it has become a matter of life and death.
Water On The TableWater On The Table    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of international water activist Maude Barlow and the debate over whether water is a commercial good or a human right.
Where Can We Live In Peace?Where Can We Live In Peace?    View Trailer
The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.
Where I BecameWhere I Became    View Trailer
Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.
Which Way HomeWhich Way Home    View Trailer
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Which Way Home - OriginalWhich Way Home - Original    View Trailer
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Who's Next?Who's Next?    View Trailer
Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.
A-OK?    View Trailer
Examines prospects for Vitamin A distribution programs in Guatemala and Ghana necessary for children's health.

Abandonado    View Trailer
Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.

Abandoned    View Trailer
Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.

Abandoned (Short Version)    View Trailer
Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.

An Act of Faith    View Trailer
A group of health professionals tours the most deprived regions of South Africa providing care.

Addicted to Plastic    View Trailer
Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.

After Silence    View Trailer
Examines the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW II, and its relevance to post 9/11 America.

After Tiller    View Trailer
Sheds a humanistic light on the heated abortion debate by going inside the lives of the last four doctors in America who openly provide third-trimester abortions and the reasons their patients seek them.

All Different, All Equal    View Trailer
Examines progress in women's rights globally.

The Amahs of Hong Kong    View Trailer
Filipino women exploited as maids in Hong Kong.

American Outrage    View Trailer
Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.

Amá    View Trailer
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.

...and nothing but the truth    View Trailer
Looks at the failure of the mainstream media to ask important questions and cover opposing points of view.

...and the pursuit of happiness    View Trailer
The aftermath of 9/11: the war on terror, the Patriot Act, the looming Iraq war and massive peace demonstrations.

Another World is Possible    View Trailer
A rousing account of the 2002 World Social Forum that will inspire activists everywhere.

Arrows Against the Wind    View Trailer
The Dani and the Asmat come face to face with the modern world in Irian Jaya.

At the End of a Gun    View Trailer
The devastating effect that the civil war in Sri Lanka is having on women.

AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock    View Trailer
Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.

Because They're Worth It    View Trailer
Micro-credit, education, health information, and hope provided to impoverished Chinese.

Better This World    View Trailer
The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.

Between Joyce and Remembrance    View Trailer
A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Between Two Worlds    View Trailer
A personal essay revealing the passionate debates over identity and generational change inside today's American Jewish community.

Between War and Peace    View Trailer
The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace.

Bidder 70    View Trailer
Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change.

Bitter Seeds    View Trailer
The final film in Micha X. Peled's Globalization Trilogy examines the epidemic of suicides amongst India's cotton farmers, deeply in debt after switching to genetically modified seeds.

Black Diamonds    View Trailer
Examines the escalating drama in Appalachia over mountaintop removal mining.

Blind Trust    View Trailer
Celebrates the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.

blood and oil    View Trailer
The stated reasons, and the real reasons, for the Iraq war.

Blowpipes and Bulldozers    View Trailer
The story of the Penan, a tribe of rainforest nomads in Borneo, as seen by Bruno Manser.

Bolivian Blues    View Trailer
Explores the success of new initiative to reduce widespread poverty.

Bombies    View Trailer
The terrible aftermath of dropping cluster bombs during the secret air war in Laos and the international campaign to ban them.

Border South    View Trailer
Reveals the resilience, ingenuity and humor of Central American immigrants while exposing a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.

Borderline Cases    View Trailer
The environmental impact of the 2,000 factories (maquiladoras) on the US-Mexico border.

The Boxer    View Trailer
A young male looks to escape Mexican poverty by becoming a boxer in the United States.

The Boys Who Said NO!    View Trailer
Inspired by Black America's crusade for equal rights, young Americans choose to resist the Vietnam War, and openly refuse military service, risking prison to end the horrors of war.

Brazil    View Trailer
Brazil has developed generic antiretroviral drugs to care for those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.

Brazil's Land Revolution    View Trailer
In the state of Bahia, a new initiative encourages the landless to band together to buy up land -- with low-interest government loans.

Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror    View Trailer
John Pilger dissects the truth and lies in the 'war on terror'.

Brother Towns / Pueblos Hermanos    View Trailer
An uplifting story about Jupiter, Florida's humane response to an influx of day laborers from Jacaltenango, Guatemala.

Brothers On The Line    View Trailer
The extraordinary story of the Reuther brothers who challenged the automobile industry, and helped build the union movement that remade America.

Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise    View Trailer
Explores the same women's and men's reactions to the groundbreaking film, THELMA & LOUISE, 25 years ago and today.

Cheated of Childhood    View Trailer
The International Labor Organization tries to rescue and rehabilitate the street children of St. Petersburg.

China Blue    View Trailer
A clandestinely shot, deep-access account of how the clothes we buy are actually made.

Citizen George    View Trailer
Presents the life and work of 86-year-old Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace.

City Life    View Trailer
22-part series examining the effect of globalization on people and cities worldwide.

City Life    View Trailer
Explores Sao Paolo in introduction to series examining the effects of globalization on people and cities.

civilization    View Trailer
Iraq's history -- from the 'cradle of civilization' to the first Gulf War and UN sanctions.

Cocaine Unwrapped    View Trailer
Documents the devastating effects of the war on drugs and suggests realistic alternatives.

Coming to Light    View Trailer
An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.

Coming to Light (Short Version)    View Trailer
An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.

Community    View Trailer
Micro-credit is transforming the lives of women in Bangladesh.

Complicit    View Trailer
The cost of our global addiction to devices is revealed in the struggle of a courageous Chinese activist helping young workers poisoned while making smartphones.

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code    View Trailer
Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of "disaster" by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave.

The Cost of Living    View Trailer
AIDS drugs unaffordable in developing countries.

Counting on Democracy    View Trailer
An examination of the fiasco in Florida in the context of the history of voting rights violations.

Credit Where Credit is Due    View Trailer
Micro-credit organization in Bangladesh provides loans to village poor.

A Crime on the Bayou    View Trailer
A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.

Crips and Bloods: Made in America    View Trailer
Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA.

Crisis Control    View Trailer
Ukraine's emerging HIV epidemic is contrasted with Africa's longstanding HIV/AIDS catastrophe.

Cultivating Opportunity    View Trailer
Hard-pressed farmers in the southeast US and in Mozambique find co-ops work.

The Cutting Edge    View Trailer
Ugandan project attempts to change attitudes about female genital mutilation.

Danger: Children at Work    View Trailer
Guatemalan agencies try to discourage child labor and fireworks production by poor families.

A Dangerous Idea    View Trailer
Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.

the dawn    View Trailer
A look at what really happened in the presidential elections of 2000.

Day One    View Trailer
Traumatized Middle Eastern and African teen refugees are guided through a program of healing by devoted educators at a unique St. Louis public school for refugees only.

Dead Mums Don't Cry    View Trailer
Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

Deadly Mistakes?    View Trailer
A 2-DVD set designed to help students critically analyze some of our foreign policy interventions since World War II.

Death By Design    View Trailer
Debunks the notion that electronics is a 'clean' industry by revealing the human and environmental cost of electronic gadgets that are designed to die.

Death of a Nation    View Trailer
John Pilger's horrifying exposé of the West's complicity in the twenty-year genocide in East Timor.

Death of a Nation (Activist Version)    View Trailer
John Pilger's horrifying exposé of the West's complicity in the twenty-year genocide in East Timor.

The Debt Police    View Trailer
Uganda seeks external debt relief and fights internal corruption.

The Decade of Destruction - Classroom Version    View Trailer
The story of the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest.

The Decade of Destruction    View Trailer
A unique chronicle of the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest.

Developing Stories - Series 1    View Trailer
The view on the environment from developing countries

Developing Stories - Series 2    View Trailer
The view from developing countries on population and migration.

The Dhamma Brothers    View Trailer
An overcrowded maximum-security prison is dramatically changed by the influence of an ancient meditation program.

Diamond Road    View Trailer
Examines every facet of the diamond trade from the prospectors to the miners, cutters, jewelers, smugglers and dealers, and advocates for fair trade.

The Dilemma Of The White Ant    View Trailer
Dominic Ongwen is both a victim and alleged perpetrator of LRA war crimes. Should he face an international court?

Dirty Business    View Trailer
Reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and looks at promising developments in renewable energy technology.

The Dirty War on the National Health Service    View Trailer
John Pilger reveals how privatization has gradually infected the UK's NHS, threatening the world's first universal public health service and the exemplary values of its constitution.

Discipline with Dignity    View Trailer
The attempt to end corporal punishment in Nepalese schools.

Do You Remember Vietnam?    View Trailer
Three years after the fall of Saigon, Pilger returns to Vietnam to examine the state of the country.

Do You Remember Vietnam? (Activist Version)    View Trailer
Three years after the fall of Saigon, Pilger returns to Vietnam to examine the state of the country.

The Doctor's Story    View Trailer
The US debate over abortion has severe consequences for health care in rural Nepal.

Dominoes    View Trailer
Lively cut-out animation illustrates the tensions when a newcomer enters a pre-established group.

Dreaming of Tibet    View Trailer
Looks at the lives of three Tibetan exiles, and at the recent history of their country, which forced them to flee.

Drowned Out    View Trailer
An Indian family chooses to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada Dam.

Drumbeat for Mother Earth    View Trailer
Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.

Educating Lucia    View Trailer
The odds are against girls getting an education in Zimbabwe and throughout much of Africa.

Educating Yaprak    View Trailer
Turkey's ambitious campaign to reduce poverty includes convincing reluctant parents to send their daughters to school.

Elder Voices    View Trailer
Japanese Americans, European Jews and peace activists who came of age during the Depression and WWII address the political storm clouds gathering today.

The Enemy Within    View Trailer
The story of Britain's longest strike, the 1984-85 miners' strike, when Margaret Thatcher declared war on the unions, as told by those who lived through it.

Eternal Harvest    View Trailer
More than 50 years after the US dropped billions of tons of explosives on Laos, 1/3 of the surface area is still contaminated by UXO which kills Laotians daily. This is a film about responsibility.

Everything's Cool    View Trailer
Examines the media strategies, on both sides, that have resulted in the US government's failure to take decisive action on global warming.

Facing Fear    View Trailer
A former neo-Nazi skinhead and the gay victim of his hate crime meet by chance 25 years later, are reconciled and collaborate in educational presentations.

The Fate of the Kidnapper    View Trailer
The cycle of revenge following first contact with the Uru Eu Wau Wau.

Fight Like Hell    View Trailer
Mother Jones, a fiery orator and fearless organizer for workers' rights, known as "the protector of children," and "the miners' angel," in a riveting performance by Lee.

Fighting Back    View Trailer
Women in Bosnia are rebuilding war-torn lives.

A Fine Line - short version    View Trailer
Explores why less than 7% of head chefs and restaurant owners are women, when traditionally women have always held the central role in the kitchen.

Fire and Ice    View Trailer
From the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia to the Andes of Peru, indigenous highland communities battle threats to their forests, farms, and faith.

A Fistful of Rice    View Trailer
Protein deficiency threatens generations of children in Nepal.

Footprints of Sorrow    View Trailer
Guatemalan war widows fighting for human rights.

For a Few Pennies More    View Trailer
Iodine deficiency causes health problems in Indonesia.

For Richer, For Poorer    View Trailer
In Brazil the gulf between the rich and the poor is one of the biggest in the world.

Force Of Nature    View Trailer
Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.

The Forest For The Trees    View Trailer
The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.

Forgive Us Our Debts    View Trailer
Tells the story of the international grassroots movement to eliminate Third World debt.

Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate    View Trailer
2-DVD set explores the human capacity to forgive through a compelling range of stories, from personal betrayal to global reconciliation after genocide.

Frenemies    View Trailer
Presents a balanced portrait of Cuban life today and a compelling argument for why the US should lift the devastating 60-year embargo.

The Friendship Village    View Trailer
An international group of veterans builds a village in Vietnam for children with Agent Orange-related deformities.

From Chechnya to Chernobyl    View Trailer
Fleeing the war in Chechnya, refugees have settled near Chernobyl.

From Docklands to Dhaka    View Trailer
English MD travels to Bangladesh to improve community health.

From This Day Forward    View Trailer
Tells the story of a love, and family, that survived the most intimate of transformations.

Game Over    View Trailer
Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.

Gaza Under Siege    View Trailer
The Gaza Strip has been a virtual prison for Palestinians for over fifty years.

Gene Blues    View Trailer
Examines the ethical issues associated with DNA testing.

Geraldo Off-Line    View Trailer
The globalized economy affects Brazilian factory worker.

The Globalization Trilogy    View Trailer
Micha X. Peled's groundbreaking series explores the production-consumption chain, from cotton grown with GMOs in India used to make the jeans in Chinese sweatshops that are sold in Wal-Marts across the U.S.

God Among the Children    View Trailer
Community organization works with at-risk youth in Boston.

Going Home    View Trailer
10-year old soldier escapes rebel forces in Sierra Leone.

The Golf War    View Trailer
Globalization comes to a Philippine seaside community, which has to defend its ancestral lands against golf course development.

The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It    View Trailer
The story of conscientious objectors in World War II.

Gore Vidal    View Trailer
A summation of the life and work of Gore Vidal: novelist, essayist, polemicist, intellectual and bon vivant, who played a critical role in American public life for more than 50 years.

Grace Under Fire    View Trailer
Dr. Grace Kodindo explores what help is available for the people, particularly women, affected by the ongoing and bloody conflict in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Great Falls    View Trailer
Professional, Native and antiquarian researchers combine to investigate the archaeological history and modern legacy of Eastern Native civilization in Turners Falls, MA.

A Great Wonder    View Trailer
Documents the difficult transition of three of the "Lost Boys and Girls" of Sudan to life as immigrants in Seattle, WA.

The Hand That Feeds    View Trailer
Shy sandwich-maker Mahoma López unites his undocumented immigrant coworkers to fight abusive conditions at a popular New York restaurant chain.

The Health Protestors    View Trailer
Health care advocates demand universal health care for the world's population at international convention in Dhaka.

Heart Of Sky, Heart Of Earth    View Trailer
Six young Maya present a wholly indigenous perspective, in which all life is sacred and connected, as they resist the destruction of their culture and environment.

The Heroin Wars    View Trailer
The history of the narcotics trade in Burma.

A Home Called Nebraska    View Trailer
People in Nebraska wholeheartedly welcome refugees and show that the newcomers enrich their communities, their economies, and their lives.

Home of the Brave    View Trailer
Examines the case of Viola Liuzzo, the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement.

Homeland    View Trailer
Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.

Homeland (Short Version)    View Trailer
A shorter version of the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.

The Human Race    View Trailer
Is the western model of global development sustainable in a finite environment?

Human Terrain    View Trailer
Examines and questions the US military's new counterinsurgency initiative, 'Human Terrain Systems', under which social scientists are embedded with combat troops.

If A Tree Falls    View Trailer
The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist.

In Search of International Justice    View Trailer
The first film about a crucial new commitment to the international rule of law: the International Criminal Court.

In The Mayor's Footsteps - Brazil    View Trailer
Mayor Amilcar Huancahuari visits Brazil to assess efforts to promote early childhood development there.

In The Mayor's Footsteps - Peru    View Trailer
Mayor Amilcar Huancahuari is trying to convert his native Peru to his optimistic philosophy of promoting early childhood development.

In the Name of Honour    View Trailer
Kurdish women fight for their rights in Northern Iraq.

In the Name of Safety    View Trailer
False imprisonment violates due process in Bangladesh.

In The Wake of War    View Trailer
A burgeoning grassroots peace movement in Burundi is aimed at ending civil war between Tutsis and Hutus.

In Whose Interest?    View Trailer
A revealing critique of US foreign policy since World War II.

Incarcerating US    View Trailer
Exposes America's prison problem and explores various criminal justice reforms.

Independent Intervention    View Trailer
Focuses on the human cost of the Iraq War to contrast corporate-controlled media coverage with independent media.

India Inhales    View Trailer
Activists combat tobacco companies that target India.

Inside Burma    View Trailer
John Pilger investigates the history and brutality of the military dictatorship in Burma.

Invisible Garments: Expensive Soles    View Trailer
Nike and other multinationals are moving production to countries like Indonesia.

Islands of Sanctuary    View Trailer
Aboriginal Australians and Native Hawaiians reclaim land from the government and the military, and resist the erosion of culture and environment.

It Takes a Child    View Trailer
15 year-old child labor activist, Craig Kielburger, works for reform around the world.

ithaka    View Trailer
The campaign to free Julian Assange takes on intimate dimensions in this portrait of a father's fight to save his son.

Jesus Tecu Osorio in Guatemala    View Trailer
The son of civil war victims leads a campaign for justice.

John Lewis: Get In The Way    View Trailer
The first major documentary biography of civil rights hero, congressional leader and champion for human rights, whose unwavering fight for justice spanned over fifty years.

Kabul Transit    View Trailer
A street-level documentary that explores the soul of a city devastated by nearly three decades of war.

Kanehsatake    View Trailer
The confrontation between the Mohawk Nation and the Canadian Government at the Mercier Bridge.

Kill Or Cure?    View Trailer
India's $4.5 billion dollar pharmaceutical industry that serves the world's poor is at a crossroads.

The Kill Team    View Trailer
Soldier Adam Winfield attempted to thwart atrocities being committed by his platoon in Afghanistan but was then himself charged in one of the largest war crimes investigations in US history.

Killing Poverty    View Trailer
Has the corruption in Kenya lessened under its new president?

The Kings of Opium    View Trailer
In the 1990s, the kings of opium in Burma switch sides in the narcotics carousel.

Kosovo - A House Still Divided?    View Trailer
Resentment and property ownership issues remain as the UN Housing Property Directorate Mission ends.

Kosovo: Rebuilding the Dream    View Trailer
Assesses the success of UN efforts in rebuilding Kosovo.

Land of Widows    View Trailer
Population and health problems in post civil war Cambodia.

The Last of the Hiding Tribes    View Trailer
The Amazon's last uncontacted tribes face extinction.

Let's Make Money    View Trailer
Erwin Wagenhofer's incredible odyssey tracking our money through the worldwide finance system.

Life    View Trailer
30-part series that looks at the effect of globalization on individuals and communities around the world.

Life 4    View Trailer
A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Life 5    View Trailer
A new 13-part series about globalization and the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Life 6    View Trailer
An 11-part series about the effects of globalization on people around the world, and the difficult choices they face as their countries struggle to meet the UN's MDGs.

Life 8    View Trailer
A new 16-part series about the effects of globalization on people around the world, and the difficult choices they face.

Life: The Story So Far    View Trailer
How the globalized world economy affects ordinary people.

Like Any Other Kid    View Trailer
Follows the intimate relationships between incarcerated youth and staff who use love and structure to guide and teach youth offenders how to take responsibility for themselves.

The Lincoln School Story    View Trailer
The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.

Listen to the Kids!    View Trailer
A UNICEF initiative involves children in decisions that affect their own futures, their families and communities.

Llamado Para La Madre Tierra    View Trailer
Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.

The Long Walk To Freedom    View Trailer
A story of 12 ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things in the Civil Rights movement.

Looking For My Gypsy Roots    View Trailer
Hungarian film director Arpád faces a dilemma - should he track down his Roma father?

Lost Generations    View Trailer
Poor health and poverty condemn people in India to sub-standard lives.

Love & Solidarity    View Trailer
An exploration of nonviolence and organizing through the life and teachings of Rev. James Lawson.

Lucia    View Trailer
A dramatic film about the cost of an oil spill to a fishing village in the Philippines.

The Man We Called Juan Carlos    View Trailer
Chronicles the violent history of Guatemala and life of Wenceslao Armira, a Mayan father, farmer, teacher, guerilla, priest and champion of human rights.

Milking the Rhino    View Trailer
The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.

The Millennium Goals    View Trailer
Explores the ambition and scope of the UN's Millennium Development Goals, and the obstacles to their achievement.

Missing Out    View Trailer
Anemia threatens the population of Niger and Tanzania.

The Motherhood Manifesto    View Trailer
Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance.

Mothers of Malappuram    View Trailer
Literacy and access to health services slow population growth in India.

Multiracial Identity    View Trailer
Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement.

Murrandoo Yanner in Australia    View Trailer
An aborigine leads the battle against multinationals for historic land rights and tradition.

My Mother Built This House    View Trailer
Large homeless contingent in South Africa has organized to build houses for each other.

The Nature of David Suzuki    View Trailer
Portrait of geneticist David Suzuki, host of "The Nature of Things."

The New Rulers of the World    View Trailer
Award-winning journalist, John Pilger, investigates the realities of globalization by taking a close look at Indonesia.

No Country For Young Girls?    View Trailer
A young Indian woman has to choose - stay with a husband who doesn't want female children, or make it on her own.

No Fear No Favor    View Trailer
African communities on the front lines of the poaching crisis fight to protect their wildlife for future generations.

Not for Sale    View Trailer
Examines the disturbing new corporate practice of patenting life forms.

Not The Numbers Game    View Trailer
Six films from around the world on women solving the twin problems of population and development.

Not The Numbers Game (BBC Version)    View Trailer
The role of women in solving development and population problems worldwide.

Oil & Water    View Trailer
Two boys come of age looking for solutions to the global problem of reckless oil drilling following years of oil contamination in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

The On-going Story    View Trailer
Final episode examines the international community's commitment to linking social and economic development with human rights.

Open Bethlehem    View Trailer
The filmmaker comes home to Bethlehem to find the city being strangled by the Wall and ongoing Israeli settlements, and starts a campaign to keep Bethlehem open to the world.

The Opium Convoys    View Trailer
Lo Hsing-Han, Khun Sa and the beginning of the war on drugs in Burma.

The Other Side    View Trailer
Poor Mexicans attempt perilous border crossing to US, often at the expense of family, traditional culture, and their lives.

The Outsiders    View Trailer
Explores the moral and economic dilemmas that adolescents face in the Ukraine today.

Palestine Is Still The Issue    View Trailer
John Pilger returns to the Middle East and questions why there has been no progress towards peace.

Palestine is Still The Issue (Activist Version)    View Trailer
John Pilger returns to the Middle East and questions why there has been no progress towards peace.

Passage    View Trailer
A brilliantly innovative telling of the story of Dr. John Rae who discovered the awful truth about the fate of the Franklin Expedition's attempt to find the Northwest Passage.

Patents and Patients    View Trailer
India battles HIV/AIDS using generic drugs.

Pavements of Gold    View Trailer
Increase in urban poverty and population, caused by globalization, threatens Peruvians.

pax americana    View Trailer
Spreading human rights and democracy...or empire?

Paying the Price    View Trailer
John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions had on the children of Iraq during the 1990s.

Paying the Price    View Trailer
Pharmaceutical companies block generic drugs, threatening the lives of millions of Africans with AIDS.

Paying the Price (Short Version)    View Trailer
John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions have had on the children of Iraq.

The Philadelphia Story    View Trailer
Globalized economy affects American jobs.

The Pied Piper of Eyasi    View Trailer
The Hadza are among Africa's last hunter-gatherers. Should they follow charismatic Baallow into the modern world?

Pilgrims and Tourists    View Trailer
In the Altai Republic of Russia and in Northern California, indigenous shamans resist massive government projects that threaten nature and culture.

The Posse    View Trailer
Rap group in Sao Paulo, Brazil, expresses social problems.

Power to Heal    View Trailer
The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.

The President's Dilemma    View Trailer
In the face of rising sea levels due to climate change, Kiribati President Anote Tong must decide the fate of his people. Should he plan for an orderly evacuation of the islands?

The Prince    View Trailer
A young Pakistani landowner chooses between trying to implement the MDGs in the village that his family owns, and a quiet life.

Profit and Loss    View Trailer
From Papua New Guinea to the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, native people fight the loss of land, water, and health to mining and oil industries.

A Question of Rights    View Trailer
Looks at the state of women's human rights in Ethiopia, Latvia, Jamaica and Fiji.

Rain in a Dry Land    View Trailer
Two Somali Bantu families leave behind a legacy of slavery in Africa and find new homes in urban America.

Rain in a Dry Land (Short Version)    View Trailer
Two Somali families find new homes in urban America.

Reel to Real: Balancing Acts    View Trailer
Explores the international movement for women's rights.

Reel to Real: Holding Our Ground    View Trailer
International efforts to assure reproductive health and rights conflict with cultural realities in the Philippines, Latvia, Japan, and India.

Refuge    View Trailer
Refugees, asylees and caregivers share their stories to help professionals and volunteers understand the needs of the more than a million survivors of torture rebuilding lives in the US.

Regopstaan's Dream    View Trailer
Kalahari Bushmen fight to live on ancestral land in South Africa.

Return from Extinction    View Trailer
The Panara return to their ancestral forest home.

Return to Kandahar    View Trailer
Post-war Afghanistan, as seen through the eyes of Nelofer Pazira, star of the movie "Kandahar," as she searches for her childhood friend.

Return to Srebrenica    View Trailer
Survivors of the massacre in Srebrenica struggle to heal their community and build a new future.

The Return    View Trailer
After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.

Returning Dreams    View Trailer
In the aftermath of Liberia's civil war children are fighting to reclaim their futures and return home.

The Right to Choose    View Trailer
Women are denied human rights in Ethiopia and northern Nigeria.

Rising Above    View Trailer
Vietnamese women build on experiences of war.

A Rising Tide    View Trailer
An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families.

Roma Rights    View Trailer
Breaking the cycle of Roma poverty and persecution.

Rosita    View Trailer
The plight of a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl, who becomes pregnant as the result of a rape, triggers a battle over whose life has precedence.

Rule of Law    View Trailer
A newly-disabled outlaw and country lawyer in Tennessee lead a class action lawsuit that affects the rights of 55 million people.

Runner    View Trailer
Examines Guor Mading Maker's difficult yet triumphant journey from refugee to world-renowned athlete.

Saving Minds    View Trailer
Two people attempt to reclaim their lives after long struggles with mental illness, while a group of leading professionals rethinks the current drug-based model of psychiatric care.

The Seattle Syndrome    View Trailer
Were the WTO protesters right in their effort to protect workers and the environment from exploitation?

Secrecy    View Trailer
A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.

Sex and the Holy City    View Trailer
Investigates the impact on poor women and families of the late Pope John Paul's position on sex and reproductive health.

The Shadow of Gold    View Trailer
An unflinching look at how the world's favorite heavy metal is extracted from the earth.

Shadows of Liberty    View Trailer
Uses shocking examples of cover-ups and censorship by the US media to show how a few mega corporations exercise control over the content of our news.

The Silent Crisis    View Trailer
The Central African Republic struggles to avoid economic and social chaos.

Silent Killer    View Trailer
Highlights promising attempts in Africa, and in South and Central America, to end world hunger.

Silk Ceiling, Part 1    View Trailer
Ritu Bhardawaj is an Indian TV reporter who has broken through the silk ceiling which narrows the prospects for so many women in the Asia Pacific region.

Silk Ceiling, Part 2    View Trailer
Indian TV journalist Ritu Bhardawaj goes to Bihar to investigate the invisible barrier that confronts so many Asian women.

The Silver Age    View Trailer
Growing population of elderly worldwide seeks purpose and care.

Sir! No Sir!    View Trailer
The untold story of the GI movement to end the war in Vietnam.

Slum Futures    View Trailer
The slums of Mumbai are an important microcosm of how slums are developing around the world.

Smack City    View Trailer
Hong Kong, the drug capital of southeast Asia for the last century.

Smiles    View Trailer
The struggle for greater democracy and free speech in Thailand.

Sowing Seeds of Hunger    View Trailer
The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has crippled the agricultural community while forcing children to undertake the responsibilities of farming.

Srebrenica - Looking For Justice    View Trailer
Examines the massacre at Srebrenica on its 10th anniversary.

Standing on Sacred Ground    View Trailer
In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.

Staying Alive!    View Trailer
Poverty combined with lack of education and health services affect maternal mortality rates in Bangladesh.

Stealing a Nation    View Trailer
Award-winning reporter John Pilger exposes how the British Government expelled the population of a group of islands, including Diego Garcia, so the US could build a military base.

Stealing A Nation (Activist Version)    View Trailer
Award-winning reporter John Pilger exposes how the British Government expelled the population of a group of islands, including Diego Garcia, so the US could build a military base.

Stop the Traffick    View Trailer
Investigates horror of child sex industry in Cambodia.

The Storytelling Class    View Trailer
An after-school storytelling project in a diverse, but divided, city school breaks cultural boundaries and creates community.

The Summit    View Trailer
The UN General Assembly meets to review progress on social justice worldwide.

Sun Kissed    View Trailer
One gene exposes a nation's dark past. A Navajo couple with two children born with an extremely rare genetic disorder investigate the cause of the outbreak.

Talk Mogadishu    View Trailer
The story of HornAfrik, the first community TV and radio station in Somalia.

Tapped    View Trailer
An unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water.

Tar Creek    View Trailer
Tells the incredible story of the Tar Creek Superfund site in NE Oklahoma and the massive and deadly remains left by the lead and zinc mines there.

They Keep Quiet So We Make Noise    View Trailer
Ride along with two activists from the Environmental Protection Agency of Kuala Langat, Malaysia, in search of illegal plastics recycling facilities.

Thirst    View Trailer
A piercing look at the global corporate drive to control and profit from our water -- from bottles to tap.

Thirst for Justice    View Trailer
Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.

30 Frames a Second: The WTO in Seattle    View Trailer
Photojournalist's personal odyssey through the streets of Seattle during the WTO meeting.

this black soil    View Trailer
Chronicles the successful struggle of Bayview, VA, to pursue a new vision of prosperity.

This Hard Ground    View Trailer
Civil war leads to the internal displacement of millions in Sri Lanka.

This Is Home    View Trailer
Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.

Three Sisters    View Trailer
Eritrea's women fought in the war. Should they now liberate themselves from harmful traditional practices?

Till Death Do Us Part    View Trailer
Widows are denied inheritance and property rights in Nigeria.

Tina Machida in Zimbabwe    View Trailer
A young woman fights for the rights of gays and lesbians against the odds.

Torture Made in USA    View Trailer
Examines the George W. Bush administration's systematic use of torture and questions whether key members could be prosecuted for war crimes.

Torturing Democracy    View Trailer
Tells the inside story of how the U.S. government adopted torture as official policy in the aftermath of 9/11.

Town Destroyer    View Trailer
A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.

Tre Maison Dasan    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of three boys growing up, each with a parent in prison.

Tre Maison Dasan - Special Offer    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of three boys growing up, each with a parent in prison.

The Tree that Remembers    View Trailer
Extraordinary film explores the lives of Iranian refugees who cannot escape painful memories.

Tribal Justice    View Trailer
Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.

A Tribe of His Own    View Trailer
Indian journalist reminds us of the meaning of responsible journalism.

Triumph Over Terror    View Trailer
Six films on human rights around the world.

The True Cost    View Trailer
Groundbreaking investigation of fast fashion reveals that while the price of clothing has been decreasing for decades the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically.

Truth Tellers    View Trailer
Chronicles the lives of Americans fighting for peace, racial equity, environmental justice and indigenous rights through the eyes of Robert Shetterly, a long time activist and artist.

Tsuyoshi Inaba in Japan    View Trailer
Working to empower the homeless in Tokyo.

Unconquering the Last Frontier    View Trailer
Chronicles Native Americans' struggle to survive in the midst of hydroelectric development.

Unfinished Spaces    View Trailer
Multi-layered story of Cuba's National Art Schools project, designed by three young artists in the wake of Castro's Revolution.

The Unforgiven    View Trailer
Should General Butt Naked (née Joshua Blahyi) - now a Christian pastor - be forgiven for his role in Liberia's horrific civil war?

Unguarded    View Trailer
UNGUARDED takes us inside the walls of APAC, the revolutionary Brazilian prison system centered on the full recovery and rehabilitation of the person.

Untouchable?    View Trailer
The caste system and bonded labor are still alive and well in India.

Utopia    View Trailer
John Pilger's epic portrayal of Earth's oldest continuous human culture, Aboriginal Australians, and his investigation into Australia's suppressed colonial past and rapacious present.

Valentine Road    View Trailer
In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath.

Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)    View Trailer
Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.

The Vow from Hiroshima    View Trailer
Marking the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, this is an intimate portrait of Setsuko Thurlow, a survivor of Hiroshima, who has devoted her life to ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

The Vow from Hiroshima    View Trailer
Marking the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, this is an intimate portrait of Setsuko Thurlow, a survivor of Hiroshima, who has devoted her life to ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

The Waiting Room    View Trailer
A day in the life of a public hospital's ER waiting room captures what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance.

Waiting to Go    View Trailer
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are denied human rights.

The War on Democracy    View Trailer
John Pilger reports that, in spite of a history of repeated US-backed suppression, popular democratic movements are gaining ground in Latin America.

The War Symphonies    View Trailer
Shostakovich's musical counter-attack on Stalin's bloody purges.

war, peace and patriotism    View Trailer
Patriotism, the 'chicken-hawks' and weapons of mass destruction.

Water First    View Trailer
An inspiring story from Malawi shows that clean water is essential for the achievement of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

Water for Life    View Trailer
Explores the collision of water rights, Indigenous beliefs, and resource extraction through the lives of three Latin American community leaders. The right to clean water is a global issue - in Latin America it has become a matter of life and death.

The Water Front    View Trailer
In Highland Park, MI an unelected, state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager with quasi dictatorial authority sees water privatization as key to economic recovery.

Water On The Table    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of international water activist Maude Barlow and the debate over whether water is a commercial good or a human right.

We Are The Radical Monarchs    View Trailer
Follows the Radical Monarchs, a group of young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice.

We Feed the World    View Trailer
Vividly reveals the dysfunctionality of the industrialized world food system and shows what world hunger has to do with us.

Welcome to Womanhood    View Trailer
Efforts to stop female genital mutilation in Uganda.

What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy    View Trailer
Two elderly men possess starkly contrasting attitudes towards their high-ranking Nazi fathers. A study of brutality, self-deception, guilt and the nature of justice.

Where Can We Live In Peace?    View Trailer
The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.

Where I Became    View Trailer
Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.

Where Truth Lies    View Trailer
A dramatic case before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Which Way Home    View Trailer
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.

Which Way Home - Original    View Trailer
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.

Who Shot My Brother?    View Trailer
As German Gutierrez searches for the gunmen who tried to kill his brother, he exposes the root causes of the violence in his native Colombia.

Who's Next?    View Trailer
Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.

A Witch Story    View Trailer
Deconstructs the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in order to reveal their connection to contemporary witch hunts and examine women's struggles through a feminist lens.

Without Rights    View Trailer
Palestinians are denied human rights.

Without Shepherds    View Trailer
Six bold Pakistanis from very different walks of life attempt to build a new future while struggling with their country's current crisis.

A Woman's Place - Short Stories (on one DVD)    View Trailer
Six short films about women and development by local women directors.

World of Difference    View Trailer
Women and human rights around the world.

Wrenched    View Trailer
Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang.

XXI CENTURY    View Trailer
A seven-part series that gives context and perspective to events since the 2000 presidential elections and 9/11.

Yildiz Temürtürkan in Turkey    View Trailer
A human rights activist risks everything to protest police repression.

Young Wives' Tales    View Trailer
Very early marriage threatens young girls' health and survival.

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