A Woman's Place - Short Stories Series
Footprints of Sorrow

Guatemalan war widows fighting for human rights.

10 minutes
Directed by Claudia Esmerado
Produced by Alfonso Porres Productions with TVE

Today there are 45,000 war widows in Guatemala who have been marginalized in Guatemalan society. But a group of them formed CONAVIGUA (The Committee of Guatemalan widows), which is fighting back, holding literacy classes and encouraging political participation. They are demanding that their rights as indigenous women be recognized and that human rights violations are brought to an end.
Other titles in the series are:
Teach a Woman How to Fish and... - Sea farming empowers women in Fiji.
Dry Days In Dobbagunta - Literacy program spurs anti-liquor campaign in rural India and empowers women.
A Healthy Start - The debate over women's health care in South Africa.
The Alarm Rings Softly - Caribbean women use drama and reggae to fight domestic violence.
The Amahs of Hong Kong - Filipino women exploited as maids in Hong Kong.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1995
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-511-4
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-667-4

Reviews "Express(es)...women's desire for independence, self-sufficiency and the important role of having a voice in the process of decision-making...fast paced, yet informative...geared toward the advanced high school student and above...has a place in all video collections in the areas of Women's Studies, History, Sociology and Anthropology. Highly Recommended." Belinda L. Robinson-Jones, Coordinator, Educational Media Center/AV Services, Ohio University, Zanesville, MC Journal
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"Fast-paced, yet informative...has a place in all video collections."
Belinda L. Robinson-Jones, MC Journal

Links www.tve.org (The producer's web site)
Subjects Anthropology Central America/The Caribbean Developing World Guatemala Human Rights Humanities Reproductive Rights Social Justice Women's Studies
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