The UN Conference on Population and Development in Cairo marked a watershed in international discussions about population. It shifted the debate away from arguments about numbers and population targets to focus on human rights.
But denial of women's rights still devastates the lives of millions today. For the last two years Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) has been working with women directors around the world to produce 10 short films - in two series, NOT THE NUMBERS GAME and A QUESTION OF RIGHTS - that explore why so much discrimination and violence is still directed against women.
The five 15-minute films in the series A QUESTION OF RIGHTS explore what governments, communities, NGOs, and individuals are doing to ensure that women's reproductive rights are recognized in Ethiopia, Latvia, Jamaica and Fiji.
The titles in the series are:
World of Difference - Introductory film about women and human rights.
Girls from Chaka Street - The break-up of the Soviet Union leaves some women with few options but prostitution.
House on Fire - Breaking the cycle of domestic violence.
Young Wives' Tales - Very early marriage threatens girls' health and survival.
Caught in the Crossfire - Plight of women in Fiji.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1998
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-809-X

Reviews "A Question of Rights uncovers some of the most serious social, economic and political issues multicultural women encounter throughout the world...A modern and timely series...highly recommended." Belinda L. Robinson-Jones, Ohio University, MC Journal
"Taken together, the videos make the link between macro-level social structural conditions and the personal experiences of women." Susan M. Alexander, Dept. of Sociology, Saint Mary's College