Another World is Possible

A rousing account of the 2002 World Social Forum that will inspire activists everywhere.

24 minutes
Directed by Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young
Produced by Moving Images


"What we've been doing all week here is telling each other rumors, about creative and brave resistance, telling each other stories, that are true stories, that it is possible." Naomi Klein
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What if 51,000 people from 131 countries put their heads together to discuss what is wrong with the world and how to work together to change it? In early 2002, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, public officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations, indigenous nations, farmers, and labor -- including 11,000 young people -- gathered for the World Social Forum. Called in response to the elite gathering of the World Economic Forum in New York, this week of workshops, panel discussions, and high-spirited demonstrations was inspirational for those attending.
The international event, covered extensively by the media in other parts of the world, was virtually ignored by the US press. ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE presents a sampling of the issues and events at this enormous and creative gathering. Amongst the speakers featured are Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva, Kevin Danaher, Wolfgang Sachs, and Rigoberta Menchu. This documentary impression of the gathering gives hope to US activists that, despite the media blackout, the movement for social justice is alive and well around the world.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2002
Copyright Date: 2002
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-234-3
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-950-9

Reviews "When local activists scattered around England's 13 North American colonies prepared for the American Revolution, they met to form the Continental Congress. The World Social Forum is today's global equivalent. If you want to get an inside glimpse of the movement that is linking the advocates of democracy, human rights, and environmental protection around the world, see Another World is Possible." Jeremy Brecher, historian, co-author, Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity
"Despite long odds, activists join forces in Porte Alegre, Brazil to advocate a more hopeful, human-centered alternative to the current global business-as-usual philosophy." Prof. Timothy McGettigan, PhD, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University-Pueblo
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Links www.movingimages.org The producers' web site
www.forumsocialmundial.org The World Social Forum's web site
Awards and Festivals Gold Award, Prix Leonardo
Bronze Plaque Award, Columbus International Film Festival
Vermont International Film Festival
Planet in Focus, The Toronto International Environmental Film Festival
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
Peace and Human Security Film Festival, New York
Global Visions Film Festival, Edmonton
Global Justice Film Festival, Washington, DC
Freedom Cinema Festival
Green Reel Film Festival
Mountaintop Film Festival, Vermont
U.S. Social Forum Film Festival
Subjects Biotechnology Developing World Ethics Global Issues Globalization Human Rights Indigenous Peoples International Studies Social Justice Sustainable Development
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