Death By Design

Debunks the notion that electronics is a 'clean' industry by revealing the human and environmental cost of electronic gadgets that are designed to die.

73 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Sue Williams
Produced by Hilary Klotz Steinman, Sue Williams
Writer: Sue Williams Director of Photography: Sam Shinn Editor: Adam Zucker Music: Paul Brill Narrator: Sue Williams A film by Ambrica Productions in association with Impact Partners


"An extraordinary film...the best documentary I have seen on the subject matter." David Naguib Pellow, Professor of Environmental Studies, UC-Santa Barbara
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[Note: Community screenings of DEATH BY DESIGN can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]
Consumers love - and live on - their smartphones, tablets and laptops. A cascade of new devices pours endlessly into the market, promising even better communication, non-stop entertainment and instant information. The numbers are staggering. By 2020, four billion people will have a personal computer. Five billion will own a mobile phone.
But this revolution has a dark side that the electronics industry doesn't want you to see.
In an investigation that spans the globe, award-winning filmmaker Sue Williams investigates the underbelly of the international electronics industry and reveals how even the tiniest devices have deadly environmental and health costs.
DEATH BY DESIGN tells the stories of young Chinese workers laboring in unsafe conditions, American families living with the tragic consequences of the industry's toxic practices, activists leading the charge to hold brands accountable, and passionate entrepreneurs who are developing more sustainable products and practices to safeguard our planet and our future.
From the intensely secretive electronics factories in China, to the high tech innovation labs of Silicon Valley, DEATH BY DESIGN tells a story of environmental degradation, of health tragedies, and the fast-approaching tipping point between consumerism and sustainability.

Grade Level: 7 - 12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2017
Copyright Date: 2015
DVD ISBN: 1-941545-71-8

Reviews "An extraordinary film. I have studied the problem of environmental hazards in the global electronics industry for 20 years and this is the best documentary I have seen on the subject matter. This film explains the sources of the environmental threats in the industry, demonstrates how local struggles are linked to global scale phenomena, and chronicles how community leaders around the world are taking positive steps to address these challenges. I will use this film in my courses for years to come." David Naguib Pellow, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California - Santa Barbara, Co-author, Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry
"The heroes are whistleblowers, innovative recyclers, and a small Irish company that builds a fair-trade/sustainable computer...Thought-provoking...Recommended." C. Cassady, Video Librarian
"This program takes a hard look at today's rapidly changing technological world...This very solid and informative documentary deserves our attention. Highly recommended." Harold Shane, Library Journal
"Death by Design makes the invisible visible, and pushes us to consider the extent and nature of the ecological degradation and human health impacts of our digital lifestyle. Through powerful narrative and images, the film presents this challenge to students and community members. This is an excellent resource to stimulate discussion and motivate action related to the heavy ethical and environmental burdens of the digital age." Dr. Jonathan Beever, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Digital Culture, Director, Theoretical and Applied Ethics Certificate Program, University of Central Florida
"An eco-doc that may open eyes even for those already concerned about e-waste...Think twice before you upgrade that phone." John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter
"Few people are aware of the myriad negative environmental and social impacts that result from our love affair with circuitry. Sue Williams' documentary powerfully introduces some of these 'hidden' impacts, and is a useful tool for educators, sustainability advocates, consumers, and other stakeholders to begin exploring and discussing impacts throughout the life cycles of electronic products." Joy Scrogum, Emerging Technologies Resource Specialist, Co-coordinator of Sustainable Electronics Initiative, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
"It's important to make ourselves face into the dirty and dangerous life cycles of these gadgets, and make responsible choices when we purchase and dispose of them. This film offers a comprehensive view of the problems as well as pointing to solutions." Cherice Bock, Whole Terrain Journal
"You won't look at your iPhone in quite the same way again after viewing Sue Williams' thoughtful documentary." Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
"When we enter the pristine, minimalist confines of an Apple store to update our 16-month old phone, the true cost of our behavior remains largely hidden. This eye-opening documentary reveals the strain the digital revolution has put on the environment and on the laborers who build our devices. This is a tale of the dark side of global capitalism, but it also invites us to think critically about the morality of the choices we make as consumers. Digital natives need to watch this." Dr. Bastiaan Vanacker, Associate Professor and Program Director, Center for Digital Ethics and Policy, Loyola University - Chicago
"Will make you look differently at your electronic gadgets...Raise[s] important questions about the meaning of 'progress'...Death by Design introduces us to a nation that has made a devil's bargain with its population." Louis Proyect, Counterpunch
"Everyone should see this film." Sydney Brownstone, The Stranger
"This documentary gestures toward the potential for individual action in the face of environmental crisis, while spotlighting the characters who engage in practices of repair-as-resistance...To offer repair in the face of 'death by design' is to resist the attempts of large technology firms to control the key devices that enable people to manage their everyday lives...This reinstates consumers' right to a product's use-value amid the best attempts of tech capitalists to compel us into accepting said product's planned obsolescence." George Wu Bayuga, Yale University, Anthropology of Work Review
"Recommended...This movie is appropriate for students in business, ecology, economics, global trade, green activism, manufacturing and production. It pits the environment against the businesses that seek to destroy it for profit." James Gordon, Educational Media Reviews Online
"Both jaw-dropping and heartbreaking, Death by Design forces the viewer to reconsider their whole approach to technology and this mad and unsustainable obsession with constantly upgrading." Hannah Clugston, Aesthetica Magazine
"Powerful...A useful film for environmental science and business classes where students are studying companies' global impact." Gen Diorio, School Library Journal
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features DVD includes two versions: the original 73-minute version and the 59-minute classroom version, plus SDH captions (subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) and scene selection
Links Host a community screening
The film's website
Awards and Festivals Science Books and Films Best Films List 2017
Award of Excellence, Special Mention: Documentary Feature, Impact DOCS Awards
Honorable Mention, Environmental Award, Sheffield Doc/Fest
Boston Globe Filmmakers Fund Award, GlobeDocs Documentary Film Festival
Honorable Mentions: Best International Documentary, Best Environmental Documentary, Seattle International Film Festival
Honorable Mention, Melbourne Documentary Film Festival
Honorable Mention, Ojai Film Festival
One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Traverse City Film Festival
Bergen International Film Festival
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital
Mill Valley Film Festival
United Nations Association Film Festival
DocPoint Helsinki Documentary Film Festival
Sonoma International Film Festival
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Martha's Vineyard Film Festival
Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival
Salt Spring Film Festival
San Francisco Green Film Festival
Environmental Film Festival, Australia
Olympia Film Festival
Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival
One Earth Film Festival
Global Health Film Festival
South African Eco Film Festival
41 North Film Festival at Michigan Tech University
Bellingham Human Rights Film Festival
Green Mountain Film Festival
Ekotopfilm / Earth Talks, Czech Republic
CineEco, International Film Festival of the Environment of the Serra da Estrela
KDocs Documentary Film Festival
Greenpeace France Online Film Festival
Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Friday Harbor Film Festival
JORD Festival
Subjects Anthropology Asian Studies Capitalism China Climate Change/Global Warming Consumerism E-Waste Electronics Environment Environmental Justice Geography Global Issues Globalization Health Human Rights International Studies Labor and Work
Issues Pollution Recycling Science Technology Society Sociology Toxic Chemicals
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... more Reviews

"Interesting and compelling...I strongly recommend this film for environmental science students as well as other students at the high school and college level...An insightful film that links our own phone, tablet, and computer use to a global and personal impact to others on our planet." Brandy Whitney, NSTA Recommends
"Highly Recommended...This global problem has many aspects, including issues such as: supply chain production systems concerns, health and environmental costs, waste management concerns, short replacement business model...The film needs to be viewed by all consumers." Thomas T. Liao, Science Books and Films