Rabia is holding her regular morning classes to teach Muslim women in Kerala how to read and write.
Literacy classes are having a dramatic impact on population rates by empowering women to speak out about their needs. This film documents a radical change in the population policy of the Indian government which for 45 years had only one goal - to reduce numbers, no matter what the human cost. In Karnataka, 40,000 women have been elected to village councils, and are beginning to shake up the formerly rigid patriarchal society.
Other titles in the series are:
Land of Widows - A midwife in post civil war Cambodia helps other poor women with health services.
On the Way - A new sex education project in Peru combats teenage pregnancy.
The Cutting Edge - A Ugandan project attempts to change attitudes about female genital mutilation.
Fighting Back - Women in Bosnia are rebuilding war-torn lives.
Invisible Garments, Expensive Soles - Nike and other multinationals are moving production to developing countries like Indonesia.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1997
Copyright Date: 1996
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-854-6
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-706-9

Reviews "A remarkably tight and comprehensive little film." The Hindu