Who's Next?

Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.

88 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Nancy Cooperstein Charney
Produced by Nancy Cooperstein Charney
Executive Producer: Lynn Stern Producer: Luke Geissbühler Producer: Jay Keuper Director of Photography: Luke Geissbühler Editor: Jay Keuper Composer: Peter Golub, Omar Fadel Associate Producers: Nora Bode, Kai Torres


"The best and most profound movie I've seen recently... essential to those who cherish the concept of democracy." David Rothenberg, host, Any Saturday, WBAI
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[Note: Community screenings of WHO'S NEXT? can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]
WHO'S NEXT? examines how the lives of Muslim-Americans have been affected in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. It focuses on six Muslim families—citizens and long-time legal residents—from diverse countries and widely different circumstances. In one way or another all of them have been targeted by federal agencies, hate groups, and even former friends solely on the basis of their religious beliefs.
Family separations, threats of deportation, repeated airport detentions, unexplained travel restrictions, have become part of the daily lives of thousands of Muslims who are innocent of any crimes or even suspicious behavior. If one group can be singled out because of their religious beliefs then who's next?
The film encourages us all to choose knowledge over ignorance, take action to prevent hate speech, and to welcome strangers into our lives so that the challenges of marginalized communities can be effectively addressed.

Grade Level: 5 -12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2019
Copyright Date: 2019
DVD ISBN: 1-948745-31-3

Reviews "Who's Next? is a moving portrayal of the unrelenting assault on the lives and livelihoods of Muslims in post-9/11 America. The film provides educators with a powerful tool for helping students to challenge manufactured narratives of an Islamic threat and to contemplate constructive ways of building bridges across racial and religious difference." Todd Green, Associate Professor of Religion, Luther College, Author, The Fear of Islam: An Introduction to Islamophobia in the West
"An important and compelling addition to the resources available that highlight the experiences of Muslims in the US in the post 9/11 era. In following a selection of families, it allows viewers into the lives of regular people who have been impacted by Islamophobia and its structural manifestations. With only half of Americans knowing a Muslim personally, Who's Next? provides a window into the lives of our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslim as well as of those who have sought refuge here." Meira Neggaz, Executive Director, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
"The best and most profound movie I've seen recently...As unsettling as it is important. It is an extremely well-made documentary, uncluttered, never resorting to inflated dramatics. The drama is in the stories of the families. Who's Next? is the type of artistic expression essential to those who cherish the concept of democracy." David Rothenberg, host, Any Saturday, WBAI
"Poignant...Who's Next explores the current challenges faced by Muslims in the United States - along with their resilient efforts to raise and educate their children and contribute to a better society." The Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director, Interfaith Center of New York
"This important film should be part of every educational platform. It reminds us that we all have the capacity to raise up the other with dignity and respect." Rabbi Laurie Phillips, Beineinu NYC
"An inspiring documentary, showing the resilience of Muslims in America and a call to action for all who care about preserving human rights and civil rights in our country." Dr. Sarah Sayeed, Chair and Executive Director, Civic Engagement Commission of NYC
"With deep compassion and sharp insight, Cooperstein Charney gives us a painful view of what it is like to be Muslim in America today." Roberta Brandes Gratz, Journalist, Author, We're Still Here Ya Bastards: How the People of New Orleans Rebuilt Their City
"This work brings alive the heroism and struggles of the Muslim community in today's world. It gives us all hope in telling the story of leaders stepping up for their families, communities and society as a whole as they face the challenges and realities of hate and Islamophobia." Rabbi Bob Kaplan, Director, Center for Community Leadership, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY)
"An urgent, inspiring message with beautiful and moving portraits of American Muslims and non-Muslims living with mutual respect and care in a politically divisive age. Who's Next? shows the reality of Islamophobia in the US, but brings hope and humor as well. An ideal film for family and classroom viewing during the Trump presidency and for many years to come." Emilio Spadola, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Director of Middle East and Islamic Studies, Colgate University
"You have heard the expression, 'walk a mile in my shoes,' to caution against prejudging what anyone's life is like...Nancy Cooperstein Charney poignantly brought that message home." Donald H. Harrison, San Diego Jewish World
"Recommended...Viewers are reminded that Muslim-Americans are not the first or only group of individuals to be lumped together and discriminated against in the United States, and they are unlikely to be the last. This is a valid and disturbing observation about the pervasive concept of a threatening 'other' within the supposed 'melting pot' culture of the United States." Kimberly Poppiti, St. Joseph's College, Educational Media Reviews Online
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features DVD includes SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection
Links The film's website
Watch director Nancy Cooperstein Charney discuss her reasons for making the film
Awards and Festivals Gold Award Winner, The International Film Awards
Award of Merit, Special Mention, Impact DOCS Award
Subjects American Democracy American Studies Anthropology Civil Rights Family Studies Global Issues Hate Speech History Human Rights Immigration Islamic Studies Law Middle Eastern Studies Migration and Refugees Multicultural Studies Political Science Psychology Race and Racism Religion Social Justice Sociology
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