In Turkey, Yildiz Temürtürkan fights for human rights despite the torture and killing of eleven members of her organization. Her courage takes her to the streets of Ankara where she protests police repression and demands a more humane society.
The other titles in the series are:
Jesus Tecu Osorio in Guatemala - The son of civil war victims leads a campaign for justice.
Tsuyoshi Inaba in Japan - Working to empower the homeless in Tokyo.
Tina Machida in Zimbabwe - A young woman fights for the rights of gays and lesbians against the odds.
Murrandoo Yanner in Australia - An aborigine leads the battle against multinationals for historic land rights and tradition.
Celso Magumbe in Mozambique - A deaf man fights for the rights of the hearing impaired.
Julie De Varennes in Canada - A former sufferer helps kids coping with cancer; giving them hope and inspiration.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2000
Copyright Date: 1999
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-960-7
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-826-X

Reviews "An idiosyncratic narrative that raises questions and promotes dialogue about change on a global scale...What the film taps into, and what is most important for us to grasp, is [Yildiz's] decision to live consciously -- to keep her eyes open to the harsh reality facing people in her community, and identify her place in changing it. Her story is another valuable addition to an already increasing library of human rights documentaries and films." Aljadid, A Review of Arab Culture and Arts