"Powerful testimonies! This certainly deserves to be seen by a broad audience." Howard Zinn
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Note: You cannot buy individual program in this series. You must buy the entire series. Parts 1-4 are on Disc 1 and Parts 5-7 are on Disc 2.
In the last part of "XXI CENTURY" we examine the problem from a broader perspective. Is the US really motivated by concerns for human rights, and spreading democracy? If so, how do we explain our double standard in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Roger Normand of the Center for Economic and Social Rights points out the disturbing similarity between the Sharon and Bush administrations in their linking of religious fundamentalism to state power. In fact many of the strongest advocates for the invasion of Iraq have a long history of close ties with Israel. From the early 90s on, they argued that Saddam should be removed from power.
These neoconservatives are the authors of the doctrine of "full spectrum dominance" and are behind the Project for the New American Century.
In our pursuit of greater and greater control, who is next in line to feel our military might? History tells us that we don't care about dictatorships or democracies. As Noam Chomsky says we're the kind of empire that wants to "determine the course of world affairs, punish those who don't go along, and tolerate those who do go along."
Helping us to give us a worldwide perspective on human rights are Curt Goering of Amnesty International, and Reed Brody and Hanny Megally of Human Rights Watch. Explaining the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and broader US policy goals are NYU's Timothy Mitchell, Israeli filmmaker Udi Aloni, historians Victoria de Grazia and Arno Mayer, along with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.
Other titles in the series are:
the dawn (part I) A look at what really happened in the presidential elections of 2000.
...and the pursuit of happiness (part II) The aftermath of 9/11: the war on terror, the Patriot Act, the looming Iraq war and massive peace demonstrations.
...and nothing but the truth (part III) Looks at the failure of the mainstream media to ask important questions and cover opposing points of view.
war, peace and patriotism (part IV) Patriotism, the 'chicken-hawks' and weapons of mass destruction.
civilization (part V) Iraq's history -- from the 'cradle of civilization' to the first Gulf War and UN sanctions.
blood and oil (part VI) The stated reasons, and the real reasons, for the Iraq war.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2005
Copyright Date: 2003
VHS ISBN: 1-59458-263-7

Reviews "An exceptionally well done panorama of significant political events surrounding September 11th, 2001 and the American Empire." Willliam Blum
"Highly revealing! A documentary which celebrates the peace movement while fueling your rage to danger levels." Red Pepper