"Powerful testimonies! This certainly deserves to be seen by a broad audience." Howard Zinn
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Note: You cannot buy individual program in this series. You must buy the entire series. Parts 1-4 are on Disc 1 and Parts 5-7 are on Disc 2.
Part 5 is a history lesson. Iraq after all was the cradle of Western civilization. Zainab Baharani is an art historian at Columbia University who was born in Baghdad. With her we retrace the famous civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. Her colleague historian Victoria de Grazia relates the events that shaped the history of today's Iraq, such as World War I, and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. NYU Middle East expert Timothy Mitchell and investigative reporter Greg Palast examine more recent events such as the Iran-Iraq war, the relationship of the Reagan and Bush Administrations with Saddam Hussein, and the events leading up to the first Gulf War.
That war was followed by sanctions against Iraq imposed by the UN and enforced by the US and the United Kingdom with aerial bombardments. The sanctions resulted in the deaths of a half million Iraqi children and a public health disaster due in part to the use of depleted uranium during the war. Also destroyed in large part was Iraq's infrastructure, as well as its architectural and artistic heritage.
Amongst those featured are Victor Sidel of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Norman Solomon of the Institute for Public Accuracy, William Hartung of the World Policy Institute, filmmaker and activist Jacqueline Soohen, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Also speaking at demonstrations we hear from Harry Bellafonte, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon and Danny Glover.
Other titles in the series are:
the dawn (part I) A look at what really happened in the presidential elections of 2000.
...and the pursuit of happiness (part II) The aftermath of 9/11: the war on terror, the Patriot Act, the looming Iraq war and massive peace demonstrations.
...and nothing but the truth (part III) Looks at the failure of the mainstream media to ask important questions and cover opposing points of view.
war, peace and patriotism (part IV) Patriotism, the 'chicken-hawks' and weapons of mass destruction.
blood and oil (part VI) The stated reasons, and the real reasons, for the Iraq war.
pax americana (part VII) Spreading human rights and democracy...or empire?

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2005
Copyright Date: 2003
VHS ISBN: 1-59458-261-0

Reviews "An exceptionally well done panorama of significant political events surrounding September 11th, 2001 and the American Empire." Willliam Blum
"Highly revealing! A documentary which celebrates the peace movement while fueling your rage to danger levels." Red Pepper