
 | | Anthropocene  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications. | |
 | | Anthropocene - Short version  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
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 | | Bidder 70  Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change. | |
 | | Bluefin  Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt." | |
 | | Bread Bike  Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time. | |
 | | Circuit Earth  Shot throughout Philadelphia during the first Earth Week in 1970, the film features community groups, citizens and celebrities reflecting on the crisis facing the planet. | |
 | | Connectivity Project  A 3-part series of short films examining the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world. | |
 | | Crossing the Stones  An intimate biography of the Norwegian founder of deep ecology. | |
 | | DamNation  Explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the call for dam removal as awareness grows that our own future is bound to the health of our rivers. | |
 | | The Divided Brain  Explores Iain McGilchrist's pioneering exploration of the differences between the brain's right and left hemispheres and their effects on society, history, and culture. | |
 | | An Ecology of Mind  A daughter's loving film portrait of one of the 20th century's most influential thinkers, Gregory Bateson, anthropologist, systems theorist and ecologist. | |
 | | Ecosophia  Some of the wisest ecological minds come together for an honest appraisal of our civilization without greenwash. | |
 | | Ever Green  How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life. | |
 | | A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)  The documentary of record on the environmental movement. | |
 | | A Fierce Green Fire  The documentary of record on the environmental movement. | |
 | | Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki. | |
 | | Haida Modern  Portrait of Haida artist, Robert Davidson, whose art and activism point the way towards a renewed connection with the natural world, perhaps saving us from ourselves. | |
 | | How to Let Go of the World  Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox contemplates our climate-change future by exploring the human qualities that global warming can't destroy. | |
 | | In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND. | |
 | | Into The Canyon  Two Friends. 750 miles. One Question. If the Grand Canyon isn't worth saving, what is? | |
 | | Planetary  A provocative and breathtaking wakeup call - a cross continental cinematic journey that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. | |
 | | Play Again (New Edition)  What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure. | |
 | | A Quest for Meaning  Two childhood friends take an impromptu road trip attempting to uncover the causes of our current global crisis and discover a way to bring about change. | |
 | | Reflection: a walk with water  Filmmaker Emmett Brennan walks the length of the Los Angeles aqueduct in search of a vision for humanity worth living for - what he discovers has everything to do with water. | |
 | | The Sacred Balance  4-part series that celebrates the meeting of science and spirit. | |
 | | A Sense of Wonder  Rachel Carson's love for the natural world and her fight to defend it. | |
 | | Standing on Sacred Ground  In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment. | |
 | | Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty  The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty. | |
 | | Symbiotic Earth  Explores the life and ideas of Lynn Margulis, a scientific rebel who challenged entrenched theories of evolution to present a new narrative: life evolves through collaboration. | |
 | | Thomas Berry  Portrays the life and work of the famous eco-theologian. | |
 | | War for the Woods  30 years after the original protests, journalist Stephanie Kwetásel'wet Wood travels to Clayoquot Sound, BC to find out whether Indigenous and environmentalist protesters won the battle but lost the war for old growth forests. | |
 | | The Whale  The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people. | |
 | | The Wisdom to Survive  Examines the challenges that climate change poses and discusses meaningful action that can be taken by individuals and communities. | |
 | | Wrenched  Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang. | |
Aboriginal Architecture  New structures in seven North American Native communities that reinterpret traditional forms for contemporary purposes.
Addicted to Plastic  Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.
Affluenza  Diagnoses the "disease" of materialism and prescribes its antidote, simple living.
The Air We Breathe  Connects asthma and other respiratory diseases with air pollution and suburban sprawl.
America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie  Tells the story of one of the most astonishing alterations of nature, the North American tallgrass prairie.
American Outrage  Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.
Ancient Sea Turtles Stranded in a Modern World  The use of TEDs in shrimpers' nets would allow sea turtles to escape.
Anthropocene  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
Anthropocene - Short version  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock  Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.
Baked Alaska  Looks at the battle over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the context of Alaska's accelerated warming.
Being Caribou  A filmmaker and biologist follow the Porcupine Caribou Herd from central Yukon to the herd's calving grounds in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Between Earth & Sky  Nalini Nadkarni pioneered the study of rainforest canopies and shares with us the gift of what she sees. She fell 50 ft and nearly died but continues her devotion to helping us appreciate the wonder of trees.
Bidder 70  Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change.
Biodiversity vs. Extinction  Mass extinction of species can be stopped if we understand the importance of biodiversity.
Biomimicry  2-part series based on the book Biomimicry - a new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 1  Using natural processes as the model for agriculture and business.
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2  Advances in materials and medicine based on research into natural processes.
Biophilic Design  A design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, buildings where people feel and perform better.
Black Diamonds  Examines the escalating drama in Appalachia over mountaintop removal mining.
Black Sea  Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.
Blowpipes and Bulldozers  The story of the Penan, a tribe of rainforest nomads in Borneo, as seen by Bruno Manser.
Bluefin  Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."
The Bomb Under the World  What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries like India?
Bread Bike  Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.
Bunch of Fives  Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world.
Cheat Neutral  Satirical look at the inadequacies of the concept of carbon offsetting.
Circuit Earth  Shot throughout Philadelphia during the first Earth Week in 1970, the film features community groups, citizens and celebrities reflecting on the crisis facing the planet.
Coming Home  Suzuki explores biophilia -- the innate, hereditary need of human beings to affiliate with nature.
Concerto for the Earth  A wordless celebration of nature and a history of mankind's attitude towards our environment.
Connectivity Project  A 3-part series of short films examining the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world.
Crossing the Stones  An intimate biography of the Norwegian founder of deep ecology.
DamNation  Explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the call for dam removal as awareness grows that our own future is bound to the health of our rivers.
Daughters of the Forest  A group of girls in a remote forest in Paraguay are transformed at an experimental high school where they learn to protect the threatened forest and build a future for themselves.
David Brower  An interview with America's foremost environmentalist.
Design with the Sun  Take a tour of passive solar homes and buildings.
DIRT! The Movie  The story of Earth's most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility, from its miraculous beginning to its crippling degradation.
The Divided Brain  Explores Iain McGilchrist's pioneering exploration of the differences between the brain's right and left hemispheres and their effects on society, history, and culture.
Downwind/Downstream  Water quality for major southwest cities is threatened by mining, acid rain, urbanization.
The Ecological Footprint  Dr. Mathis Wackernagel introduces the Ecological Footprint, a resource accounting tool that measures human demand on the Earth.
An Ecology of Mind  A daughter's loving film portrait of one of the 20th century's most influential thinkers, Gregory Bateson, anthropologist, systems theorist and ecologist.
Ecosophia  Some of the wisest ecological minds come together for an honest appraisal of our civilization without greenwash.
Edens Lost and Found  4-part series that highlights models for urban transformation in the effort to make Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Seattle into sustainable cities.
Edens Lost and Found - Chicago  City Hall and grass roots groups in Chicago are working on open space, green buildings and an educated citizenry to create a sustainable city.
Edens Lost and Found - Los Angeles  Is it possible that the City of the Angels can be a model for the world of environmental rebirth?
Edens Lost and Found - Seattle  Recognizing that the human community is growing faster than the aging infrastructure, the city of Seattle created an Office of Sustainability and Environment.
El Caballo  The history, ecology, and current plight of the wild horse in North America.
El Caballo (Short Version)  The history, ecology, and current plight of the wild horse in North America.
Energy and Morality  The complex relationship of energy use to different value systems.
Entangled  How climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, N. America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both.
Escape from Affluenza  Simple living and its rewards.
Escaping from History  Poverty and consumerism clash in Mexico City. What can we do?
Ever Green  How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life.
Evolution of Organic  The story of organic agriculture, told by those in California who built the movement.
A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
A Fierce Green Fire  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
Fire and Ice  From the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia to the Andes of Peru, indigenous highland communities battle threats to their forests, farms, and faith.
The Fire of Creation  Suzuki explores the latest scientific findings which amplify the age-old reverence for the sun.
Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.
The Forest For The Trees  The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.
Forests, Biodiversity and You  Can forests retain their productivity and biodiversity? Consuming less ourselves is key.
The Four Corners  The "hidden" cost of energy development in the homeland of the Hopi, Navajo, and Mormons.
Frankensteer  Investigates the dangers to human health, including BSE (Mad Cow disease), posed by feedlot-raised beef.
Fury for the Sound  Women's contribution to the battle to save the rainforest at Clayoquot Sound.
Fury for the Sound (Short Version)  Women's contribution to the battle to save the rainforest at Clayoquot Sound.
Gaia  A portrait of James Lovelock, originator of the theory that the earth is a self-regulating system maintaining the conditions that allow its perpetuation.
Game Over  Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.
Garden Song  Portrait of Alan Chadwick, inventor of the Biodynamic French Intensive Method of gardening.
The God Squad and the Case of the Northern Spotted Owl  A rare, behind-the-scenes look at the way politics shape environmental policy.
Going Green  Reducing the "unfriendly" impact of your household on the environment.
Going Home  Ways to reconnect with the earth.
Good Riddance!  Five funny animated films follow the exploits of Eco, the green pest controller with an ingenious solution for every problem.
Good Riddance! Air Pollution  An accident leads to a radical redesign of the Eco Van.
Good Riddance! Flies  Eco uses frogs and a spider to combat a pesky fly infestation.
Good Riddance! Rats  Eco, the pest controller, applies his eco-friendly methods to a mischievous group of rats.
Good Riddance! Snails  An organic garden has been overrun by a mob of hungry snails.
Good Riddance! Termites  Eco combats a nest of termites that are dining on his home.
The Great Vacation Squeeze  From the producer of the classic AFFLUENZA, this film shows why vacations are important for productivity, happiness, family bonding and especially health.
Green Animation  Eleven funny shorts on the environment.
Gyaangee  Famed Haida artist Robert Davidson carves his latest monumental totem pole and gives a rare insight into the deeper meanings of North Coast Indigenous art works.
Haida Modern  Portrait of Haida artist, Robert Davidson, whose art and activism point the way towards a renewed connection with the natural world, perhaps saving us from ourselves.
The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced  Two scientific expeditions to Alaska, 100 years apart, give us an unparalleled view of environmental damage and the change in society's attitudes.
Helen Nearing  A moving portrait of the lives and deaths of homesteading authors, Helen and Scott Nearing.
Home Place  Putting the role of human beings in the biosphere back into proper perspective.
Homeland  Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
Homeland (Short Version)  A shorter version of the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
Homo Toxicus  Explores the links between the hundreds of toxic pollutants in our environment and increasing health problems.
How to Let Go of the World  Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox contemplates our climate-change future by exploring the human qualities that global warming can't destroy.
The Human Race  Is the western model of global development sustainable in a finite environment?
If A Tree Falls  The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist.
In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
Inside-Outside  Replaces the human-centered concept of environment with ecosystems.
Into The Canyon  Two Friends. 750 miles. One Question. If the Grand Canyon isn't worth saving, what is?
Introduction to Biodiversity  The concept of biological diversity and its importance to humans.
Islands of Sanctuary  Aboriginal Australians and Native Hawaiians reclaim land from the government and the military, and resist the erosion of culture and environment.
Journey into New Worlds  Suzuki celebrates the birth of a new scientific worldview that is holistic rather than reductionist.
Journey of the Blob  An illustration of the water cycle in a cautionary tale about pollution.
Just Eat It  Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of food waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge.
Keystone Species  The principle of keystone species proves the interconnectedness of the living world.
A Life Among Whales  A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne.
Life Cycles  Life is a property of Earth.
Living the Good Life  A portrait of the daily life of America's most famous back-to-the-landers.
Living Things We Love to Hate  Light-heartedly replaces our revulsion towards certain creatures with ecological understanding.
Looting the Seas  Investigates the looming collapse of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stocks and the role EU policies have played in the crisis.
The Matrix of Life  Suzuki travels the world exploring our intimate relationship with water and air.
Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.
Monumental  A stirring portrait of America's greatest environmentalist.
Motor  The controversy surrounding off-road motor vehicles using public lands.
My Father's Garden  Explores sustainable agriculture and the contrast between chemical and organic farming.
Natural Connections  Makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
Natural Connections (Classroom Version)  5-part series that makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
A Naturalist in the Rainforest (short version)  A journey into the rainforest with naturalist Alexander Skutch.
A Naturalist in the Rainforest  A journey into the rainforest with naturalist Alexander Skutch.
The New Green Giants  Examines the complex and controversial world of today's exploding organic food industry.
Nuclear Dynamite  Investigates American and Soviet plans to use nuclear explosives for "geographical engineering."
Nuclear Dynamite (Short Version)  Investigates American and Soviet plans to use nuclear explosives for "geographical engineering."
On Nature's Terms  Coexisting with predators and protecting their habitats.
On the Edge of the Forest  E.F. Schumacher makes a plea for ecological balance as he visits a virgin forest in Australia.
Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.
Our Planet Earth  Astronauts share their perspective on the earth
Our Vanishing Forests  The history and policies of the U.S. Forest Service.
Partnership  Changing our present exploitative relationship with Earth to one of partnership.
The Perils of Plectropomus  The life and death struggles of fish on a coral reef today.
Pilgrims and Tourists  In the Altai Republic of Russia and in Northern California, indigenous shamans resist massive government projects that threaten nature and culture.
Planeat  Makes the case for a plant-based diet which is good for our bodies, good for the environment and mitigates climate change.
Planetary  A provocative and breathtaking wakeup call - a cross continental cinematic journey that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species.
Play Again (New Edition)  What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure.
Point Of No Return  Documents the journey of the Solar Impulse—the first solar-powered, round-the-world flight—demonstrating the tremendous potential of renewable energy sources.
Point Of No Return - Bundle  Documents the journey of the Solar Impulse—the first solar-powered, round-the-world flight—demonstrating the tremendous potential of renewable energy sources.
Possum's Rest  Can humans and wildlife co-exist in the suburbs?
Profit and Loss  From Papua New Guinea to the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, native people fight the loss of land, water, and health to mining and oil industries.
A Quest for Meaning  Two childhood friends take an impromptu road trip attempting to uncover the causes of our current global crisis and discover a way to bring about change.
Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.
RADICALLY simple  Author Jim Merkel leads by example on the path to simple and sustainable living.
Recycling is Fun!  Children discover their power to save the world.
Reflection: a walk with water  Filmmaker Emmett Brennan walks the length of the Los Angeles aqueduct in search of a vision for humanity worth living for - what he discovers has everything to do with water.
Regenerating Life  How to cool the planet, feed the world, and live happily ever after.
s-yéwyáw Awaken  Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders.
The Sacred Balance  4-part series that celebrates the meeting of science and spirit.
The Sandbox  A beautifully animated environmental tale.
Save Our Land, Save Our Towns  Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.
Save Our Land, Save Our Towns (Classroom Version)  Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.
A Sense of Wonder  Rachel Carson's love for the natural world and her fight to defend it.
The Sequel  Daringly re-imagines a thriving, resilient civilization after the collapse of our current economies, drawing on the inspirational work of David Fleming, grandfather of the global Transition Towns movement.
A Sidewalk Astronomer (Short Version)  John Dobson has revolutionized astronomy and helped thousands to look in wonder at their own universe.
A Sidewalk Astronomer  John Dobson and his simple telescope mount have revolutionized astronomy.
The Significance of Salmon  Salmon and people both need clean water to survive. Can we make the connection?
Standing on Sacred Ground  In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.
Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty  The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty.
Subdivide and Conquer  Suburban sprawl: causes and remedies.
Subdivide and Conquer (Short Version)  Suburban sprawl -- causes and remedies.
The Suzuki Diaries: Future City  David and Sarika Suzuki explore urban innovations leading toward sustainability.
Swim for the River  The story of the Hudson, and the battle to save it, are told as Chris Swain swims the entire length of the river.
Symbiotic Earth  Explores the life and ideas of Lynn Margulis, a scientific rebel who challenged entrenched theories of evolution to present a new narrative: life evolves through collaboration.
They Keep Quiet So We Make Noise  Ride along with two activists from the Environmental Protection Agency of Kuala Langat, Malaysia, in search of illegal plastics recycling facilities.
Thirst for Justice  Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.
Thomas Berry  Portrays the life and work of the famous eco-theologian.
Tokyo Waka  A poem about a city, its people, and 20,000 crows.
Turtle World  A powerful allegory about the survivability of Homo sapiens.
Varmints  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Varmints (Short Version)  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Voices of the Land  Our spiritual connection to the land, and how wilderness can heal the soul.
Walking On Water Wasn't Built in a Day  Shot at the first Earth Day in 1970, this new release features Allen Ginsberg reflecting on the state of American culture and society at the end of the 60s.
War for the Woods  30 years after the original protests, journalist Stephanie Kwetásel'wet Wood travels to Clayoquot Sound, BC to find out whether Indigenous and environmentalist protesters won the battle but lost the war for old growth forests.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program One  Communities solving their own water problems.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program Two  Farmers and communities solving their own water problems.
Waterlife  An epic cinematic poem that reveals the extraordinary beauty and complex toxicity of the Great Lakes, the largest remaining supply of fresh water (20%) on Earth.
Weather The Storm  Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability.
The Whale  The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people.
When Is Enough, Enough?  A small Cree band in Alberta battles major oil companies for their land which lies on top of one of the world's richest oil deposits.
Whose Home on the Range?  The peace process between environmentalists, ranchers, and the U.S. Forest Service in the toughest county in the West.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
Windshipped  Sail freight comes to the 21st Century.
The Wisdom to Survive  Examines the challenges that climate change poses and discusses meaningful action that can be taken by individuals and communities.
Wolf  Reexamines the relationship between humans and wolves.
Wolves in Paradise  Ranchers and environmentalists team up to protect open space from developers and to learn how to share with wolves this last wild corner of the West.
Wrenched  Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang.
You've Been Trumped  In this David and Goliath story, proud Scottish homeowners take on Donald Trump over one of Britain's very last stretches of wilderness.
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