Anthropocene - Short version

Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.

57 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Steve Bradshaw
Produced by Jenny Richards
Editor: Sotira Kyriacou Cinematography: Alex Gabbay, Magne Ostby, Stefano Cassini Music: Audio Network Produced by Flaxmoor Productions in association with Panos Pictures, Spring Films, TV/E


"Far and away the best...Should appeal to anyone with an interest in the future of humanity." Frank Oldfield, The Anthropocene Review
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NOTE: This is a condensed version of the original release of ANTHROPOCENE, ideal for classroom use.
A Working Group of international scientists is deciding whether to declare a new geological epoch - the Anthropocene - a planet shaped more by mankind than nature. Its members tell the story of the Anthropocene and argue whether it's a tragedy, a comedy, or something more surreal. With archival footage, award-winning stills and interviews, ANTHROPOCENE proposes a common secular narrative for mankind but leaves viewers to decide how we should write the ending. The film has the blessing of Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, who coined the term, and is the first feature film about the Anthropocene. It is now our turn to decide--in this decade--how the Anthropocene will end.
Interviewees include Will Steffen, Erle Ellis, Jan Zalasiewicz, Andrew Revkin, John McNeil, Monica Berger Gonzalez, Eric Odada, Davor Vidas.

Grade Level: 10 - 12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2017
Copyright Date: 2017
DVD ISBN: 1-941545-84-X

Reviews "Anthropocene is a stark depiction of the crass consequences of the choices we have made, as a global society, and the options that await our choice making in the near term future...At its heart, this abridged film unflinchingly makes the case for the looming emergence of homo auctor--a responsible human race. Here's hoping we are able to become humans as benign components of the ecosphere, rather than as a pestilential infestation." Ashwani Vasishth, Associate Professor of Sustainability Planning, Director, Center for Sustainability, Ramapo College of New Jersey
"This is an excellent film with beautiful pictures and authentic interviews. Thanks to the film makers for a tremendous job and compelling introduction to the Anthropocene." Paul J. Crutzen, Atmospheric chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry
"This is far and away the best combination of authoritative statements, diverse opinions, contrasted future scenarios, arresting and hugely varied imagery and evocative sounds, all focused on the Anthropocene, that is currently available...It should appeal to anyone with an interest in the future of humanity; it needs to be force fed to all who believe that 'business as usual', driven by the growth obsession of the current neo-liberal, global hegemony is the answer to future welfare and long term survival." Frank Oldfield, The Anthropocene Review
"Each scientist and university should have this movie in their library as a reference for the role of human activities on Earth...The message of the film is clear. Humanity is rising as a new global force of environmental change...Anthropocene the movie represents a useful example of effective communication in science." Paola Tarolli, University of Padova, Anthropocene journal
"Highly Recommended...Persuasive, interesting, and easy to watch...Anthropocene is so well made that anyone having an interest in science or in the art of making a persuasive argument will enjoy watching it." James Gordon, Educational Media Reviews Online
"Anthropocene is definitely fertile ground for discussions concerning the next chapter of the history of human habitation of Earth...Informative and thought-provoking...The more people watch this film and join the global discussion, the more progress we will be able to make, and the more hope we will have." Sibylle Zavala, H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
"With the help of fossil fuels, we humans have changed the world as profoundly as a great force of nature--but our actions are mostly leaving a wake of destruction...This gripping film is a balanced portrayal of the issues at stake. It is entertaining, clear, and chilling." Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow, Post Carbon Institute, Author, Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels
"This compelling film is bound to fuel discussions in the classroom...Editor's Choice." Mary Jane Davis, Red Bank Catholic High School, Science Books and Films
"The wisdom, wit, and charm captured from members of Anthropocene Working Group are a perfect match to the stunning photography and video clips...Students will find much useful information on how human endeavors have combined with rising population and energy consumption to see humans become one of the great geological forces in the modern era. I highly recommend this film, both to university students and professionals who are working to understand global environmental change, and to the general public who desire a scientific perspective of the human footprint on our planet." J.P.M. Syvitski, Executive Director, Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, Professor of Geological Science, University of Colorado
"One problem in grasping the full impact of the Anthropocene lies in understanding what has transpired before. This film is useful in helping students deal with the problem of shifting baselines and helping them to not only understand how we got here, but more importantly, where we may be headed." Mark Farmer, Professor and Director of the Division of Biological Sciences, University of Georgia
"A well-made overview of a complex subject, this is strong material for students of many scientific disciplines, as well as classes on ethics and philosophy." C.A. Fehmel, School Library Journal
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.
Subjects Anthropology Climate Change/Global Warming Earth Science Ecology Environment Environmental Ethics Geography Geology International Studies Law Life Science Philosophy Stratigraphy
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"Anthropocene does brilliantly introducing viewers to the idea in a way that retains its complexity while at the same time conveying the concept in the visceral way only a well done film can accomplish...The idea of the Anthropocene may be academic, but such ideas have consequences and conveying them to the larger public, as Bradshaw's documentary sets out to do, is extremely important." Rick Searle, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies