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A 3-Program Series
Connectivity Project

A 3-part series of short films examining the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world.

A printer-friendly version of this page 45 minutes
SDH Captioned>>

Directed by Rose Madrone
Produced by Rose Madrone
Co-Director: Robert Consentino
Co-Producer: Melissa Gregory Rue Writers: Rose Madrone, Robert Consentino
Editor: Heidi Zimmerman
Camera: Robert Consentino, Rose Madrone

"Ought to be viewed by every single person around the globe." Corey Thompson, Assoc Prof, Teacher Ed, Cardinal Stritch University
Note: This series is available for DSL or streaming only. It is available both as three separate films and as a compilation. Connect to Docuseek for prices.

[Note: Community screenings of CONNECTIVITY PROJECT can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]

By exploring the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world, the CONNECTIVITY PROJECT series highlights how science and different cultures and traditions from around the world embrace the importance of interconnectedness. As we follow inspiring individuals who are making a difference in the lives around them, we see these connections exhibited all around us.

And more importantly than ever before, your students will be empowered to realize that their actions indeed matter and make a difference, all the while encouraging a greater sense of awe, belonging, and yes, responsibility.

The titles in this series are:

Interconnections [15 mins] — Examines how different cultures and faiths from around the world have a common, time-honored awareness of an interconnected way of being. By raising understanding and awareness about these connections, we explore why this perspective is more important now more than ever before, as we realize that our actions and ways of being impact much more than we can even measure.

Plants Have Wings [16 mins] — We look into the amazing realm of plants and their pollinators and, as all things are connected, discover that we are each an integral part of the pollination process. As we follow the story of an inspired bicyclist who is a champion supporting threatened Monarch butterflies, we learn how we are all a distinct part of the web of life. Not only are we deeply reliant on pollinators, they too are reliant on us.

Speaking Out! [15 mins] — Activism is combined with interconnectedness, as an indigenous high school student is inspired by the actions of Lois Gibbs (grass roots activist organizer from Love Canal in the 1970s). We follow Clarissa's journey to speak out and advocate for the right to clean air, for her family, school, and community in North Portland, OR.

Grade Level: 5 - 12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2021     Copyright Date: 2019
DVD ISBN: 1-948745-58-5

"Fantastic series! The Connectivity Project is an anthology of wondrous images, evocative music, and powerful and moving messages that show how people, nature and community are all linked to one another. Students and teachers alike will be informed, delighted and inspired in its call to action to address the most urgent problems facing our planet today. A must-have in any video library!"
Alberto Arenas, Professor, Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, University of Arizona, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Environmental Education

"This series weaves scientific, historical, environmental, cultural, linguistic and social evidence to illuminate the complexities of our world. Each segment taps into a learner's sense of wonder with vivid examples of connections. The conclusion offers a compelling call to action which will inspire viewers to consider their own agency and responsibility to impact change."
Mary Jane Eisenhauer, Professor, Early Childhood Education, Interim Associate Director, School of Education and Counseling, Purdue University Northwest

"This is probably one of the most important projects on earth at this time. Its brilliance lies in its simplicity and its necessity. You have hit the core of not just the problem but of where we should all be focusing our attention. I was so deeply moved by this work."
Jean Houston, Co-Founder, The Foundation for Mind Research

"I think about our current situation in our nation and around the world and how this pandemic revolves around 'connectivity.' I have been able to use your curriculum and first video as a tool to help explain this historical moment in our world...Because of your project I have a tool to talk about these issues/situations with my students in a way that they can understand. It has opened up so many good discussions in a time when we need to have good, honest discussions."
Brent Criswell, 5th grade teacher, Lincoln Elementary

"I think you are on to a great project. I love the way you present its various parts as petals of a lotus."
Fritjof Capra, Scientist, Educator, Systems Thinking leader, Author, The Systems View of Life and The Tao of Physics

"A really awesome resource for teachers...I found this project and resource to be relevant to what we are facing with climate change and finding hope and resiliency to keep trying to make a difference and as educators helping our students do the same."
Jennie Pardi, Education Coordinator, NatureBridge Outdoor School

"The Connectivity Project - whether shown individually or as a complete set - ought to be viewed by every single person around the globe. Combined with a guest speaker/panel of individuals and providing viewers with the opportunity to go deeper in discussion with others leading to civic action steps ought to be required at minimum in organizations committed to global awareness and sustainability efforts. The content of the Connectivity Project can and should play a role in macro and micro level discussions regarding the creation of a better tomorrow."
Corey Thompson, Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Urban Education, Cardinal Stritch University

"'Since everything is connected, it doesn't matter where you start.' This series of short films provides inspiring stories and vignettes that support a greater awareness of the interrelated systems of life. The film series will be a great jumping off point for students, teachers, and community members who are interested in considering a range of environmental studies, stewardship activities, or advocacy that can make a difference."
Tori Derr, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, California State University Monterey Bay

"Intriguing and thought-provoking in ways that the traditional science student might not think...Your films are doing a masterful job of potentially bringing the kids who are not interested in science or have never seen a science connection to their lives into the fold."
Jim Clark, Co-founder, Next Generation Science Innovations

"Transitioning to a world that is both socially just and environmentally sustainable will require the widespread adoption of a new narrative about humanity and our place on the planet, a narrative that replaces the story of modernity with its focus on isolation, domination, and exploitation with one that conjoins Indigenous and scientific understandings and celebrates the possibility of participation, relationship, and gratitude. The Connectivity Project succinctly presents the central themes of this new perspective with compelling images that illustrate the way it works in nature and could work in human societies."
Gregory Smith, Professor Emeritus of Education, Lewis and Clark College, Co-author, Place-and Community-Based Education in Schools

"A thought provoking series with vivid visuals and narrations that persuade us to reflect on our choices, be curious of how our actions affect our environment, and ponder on our powerful role as citizens and the impact we have on Planet Earth. This is an excellent media resource to empower future generations at schools as well as everyday community members to explore advocacy for sustainable choices and practices in every sphere of life."
Tanzeem Ali, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Science Education, University of Wisconsin-Superior

Select your institution type.

Digital Site License Pricing and Ordering
For educational streaming,
connect to Docuseek for prices.

Colleges and Universities
 3-Year DSL $350
 Classroom rental $95
Community Colleges
 3-Year DSL $200
 Classroom rental $49
K-12 Schools
 3-Year DSL $150
 Classroom rental $49
Streaming Preview
 Streaming Preview

DVDs include public performance rights.

3-min Promo Showing How to Use Series in Classroom
Excellent 22-Page Study Guide
Helpful Connections to K-12 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Awards and Festivals
Sustainability Award, Cinema Verde International Film & Arts Festival
Bellingham Human Rights Film Festival
Colorado Environmental Film Festival
Eugene Environmental Film Festival
McMinnville Short Film Festival
Global Impact Film Festival
ECOFemininism Short Film Festival
PDX Short Docs Film Festival
Synergy Film Festival
Hang Onto Your Shorts Film Festival
Freeland Film Festival
Taos Environmental Film Festival
Clean Shorts Film Festival
Eastern Oregon Film Festival
Florida Environmental film festival
Harbor Film Festival
Green Screen Film Festival
Oneota Film Festival
Oregon Short Film Festival Portland
Quetzalcoatl Indigenous International Film Festival
Through My Eyes Film Festival

Earth Science
Environmental Ethics

Related Titles

Home Place
Putting the role of human beings in the biosphere back into proper perspective.

Natural Connections
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Symbiotic Earth
Explores the life and ideas of Lynn Margulis, a scientific rebel who challenged entrenched theories of evolution to present a new narrative: life evolves through collaboration.

The Salmon Forest
Reveals the fragile connection between salmon, bears, trees, and people in the NW rainforest.

An Ecology of Mind
A daughter's loving film portrait of one of the 20th century's most influential thinkers, Gregory Bateson, anthropologist, systems theorist and ecologist.

In Our Own Backyard
Lois Gibbs brilliantly leads her fellow residents in Love Canal in this classic documentary on the nation's first encounter with toxic waste.

A Fierce Green Fire
The documentary of record on the environmental movement.

A Sense of Wonder
Rachel Carson's love for the natural world and her fight to defend it.

2-part series based on the book Biomimicry - a new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.

The Sacred Balance
4-part series that celebrates the meeting of science and spirit.

... more Reviews

"An interesting exploration of the interconnectedness of all natural life, these short, accessible films help students understand the far-ranging consequences of human actions. Beautiful images are paired with explanations from elders, experts, and everyday people striving to make a difference. This film series will spark important conversations about the ties that bind all living things and the changes needed to sustain life on earth."
Jerusha O. Conner, Professor of Education and Counseling, Villanova University, Author, The New Student Activists

"Versatile and energizing, this a good choice for science and ecology classes."
Maggie Knapp, School Library Journal

"Connectivity Project's arrival is a timely reminder that we are all connected, despite the social isolation experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic...Eye-opening. Although each part is available as a standalone video, this reviewer recommends viewing the entire compilation in its entirety. Each short film includes breathtaking cinematography and thought-provoking monologue from regular people, activists, spiritual leaders and activists...This inspirational film is recommended for academic, public, middle school and high school library collections."
Kimberly A. Plassche, University at Buffalo, Educational Media Reviews Online

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