There must be a way to get rid of pests without poisoning the environment. A good way...GOOD RIDDANCE!
Created by Nick Hilligoss -- the brilliant clay animator of Turtle World and the other films in the acclaimed Bunch of Fives series -- GOOD RIDDANCE follows the exploits of Eco, the clean, green pest controller with a clever biological solution for every pest problem. But getting rid of pests the clean and green way isn't always easy; sometimes the solutions don't quite work out the way they should. But many times, if the problem is looked at in a new way, it can become part of the solution.
This light-hearted look at thwarted good intentions reminds us that when looking for an ecological solution to a problem, it's good to remember that everything is related.
The titles in the series are:
Good Riddance: Rats - Eco, the pest controller, applies his eco-friendly methods to a mischievous group of rats.
Good Riddance: Air Pollution - An accident leads to a radical redesign of the Eco Van.
Good Riddance: Flies - Eco uses frogs and a spider to combat a pesky fly infestation.
Good Riddance: Snails - An organic garden has been overrun by a mob of hungry snails.
Good Riddance: Termites - Eco combats a nest of termites that are dining on his home.

Grade Level: 3-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2004
Copyright Date: 2003
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-421-4
VHS ISBN: 1-59458-420-6

Reviews "Recommended for school media centers serving grades 3 and higher. Public libraries might use this film when presenting a themed story hour." Educational Media Reviews Online