Our Planet Earth

Astronauts share their perspective on the earth

23 minutes
Produced by Mickey Lemle
Produced for the United Nations, with the cooperation of the Association of Space Explorers.

Just four decades ago, human life first pierced the sky and stepped out into the unknown of space. Since then, just over three hundred people, out of billions, have made that transcendent journey. They represent not only their countries, but all humankind - indeed all of life.
From the vantagepoint of space, astronauts have given us a powerful new image of our earth; through their eyes we gain a perspective on our world that must be shared with new generations.
OUR PLANET EARTH is a love poem to our home by those who have seen it from space. 17 astronauts and cosmonauts from 10 countries share their experiences and insights in hopes that all humanity will see the wonder and fragility of our planet, as they have, from beyond political and geographical boundaries.
They show us an utterly spectacular display of Earth's color and light. Continents pass in minutes; the sun rises and sets sixteen times a day...there are no dividing lines. Pollution travels freely through the common air that bathes the globe. Only a minute strip of atmosphere separates our delicate Earth from the vacuum of space. Our destructiveness, now a geological force, is as vast as our wondrous technology.
With powerful images and human words we can share the astronauts' perspective on our Earth, a vision that holds all future life in its gaze. It's a vision we must share with students and make a fundamental part of education.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1991
Copyright Date: 1990
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-684-5
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-368-3

Reviews "Outstanding in all aspects of production... should be required viewing for all humans. Highly recommended." Museumedia
"Designed to increase the viewer's awareness of the beauty, fragility, and vulnerability of planet earth...scenes of the planet shot from space are breathtaking. Recommended." *** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"As a tribute to Earth and an eloquent appeal on its behalf, the film is noteworthy. Highly recommended." Landers Film and Video Reviews
"A sweet and eloquent valentine to a planet that's one in a billion." Hannah Holmes, Garbage Magazine
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"Should be required viewing for all humans. Highly recommended."

Awards and Festivals Blue Ribbon, American Film & Video Assoc.
CINE Golden Eagle
Gold Medal, Houston Intl. Film & Video Festival
Grand Prize, Ekofilm, Czechoslovakia
Subjects Astronauts Earth Science Environment Environmental Ethics Global Interdependence Physical Science Space
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