Garden Song

Portrait of Alan Chadwick, inventor of the Biodynamic French Intensive Method of gardening.

28 minutes
Produced by Jim Mulligan & John deGraaf

The late Alan Chadwick, actor, master gardener, and inventor of the "Biodynamic French Intensive Method" spent 50 years in the garden -- digging, planting and watching.
Chadwick's method of gardening in raised beds produces an amazing amount of food in very little space, and uses few resources. Over 50 countries are developing garden projects based on his technique.
But to Chadwick there is more to gardening than growing food. It can nourish your soul as well.
A beautiful portrait of a dynamic human being, it was photographed at Chadwick's gardens in Virginia, Boulder Creek and Bolinas, California. It also features John Jeavons and Dr. Paul Lee, who discuss Chadwick's vitally important contribution to small-scale agriculture in a hungry world.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1981
Copyright Date: 1980
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-373-0
VHS ISBN: none

Reviews "The eloquence of his thought and diction make Chadwick an electrifying proponent of life on a human scale, of moral vision, and personal dignity. An intriguing program for public and college library audiences." Booklist
"Artistic, yet informative -- important ideas are conveyed simply and clearly. Captures the spirit and intensity of a very unique man. Technical quality good to very good." EFLA Evaluations
"He evidently was one of those rare individuals whose vision is clearer, more perceptive than most. Students talk about what a privilege it was to work with and for him: the interviews make quite clear why this was. The man is inspiring." John Voorhees, Television Critic, The Seattle Times
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"An electrifying proponent of life on a human scale, of moral vision, and personal dignity." Booklist

Awards and Festivals Red Ribbon, American Film Festival
Golden Eye Award, Assn for Media Educators in Religion Film Festival
Merit Award, Athens Video Festival
Certificate of Merit, North American Consumer Film Festival
National Association for Environmental Education Film Festival
Nationwide PBS Broadcast
Subjects Agriculture Biography Environment Environmental Ethics Food And Nutrition Gardening Sustainable Agriculture World Hunger
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