Point Of No Return

Documents the journey of the Solar Impulse—the first solar-powered, round-the-world flight—demonstrating the tremendous potential of renewable energy sources.

95 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Noel Dockstader, Quinn Kanaly
Executive Producers: Ian Reinhard, Angus Macqueen, Dana Nachman Cinematography: Mathieu Czernichow, Yoann Le Gruiec, Daniel Meyers, Payam Azadi, Noel Dockstader Editors: Daniel Meyers, Payam Azadi, Noel Dockstader Music: Dave Tweedie A Far West Film Production in association with WGBH Boston


"Just WOW!...[H]ighly recommended for anyone who dreams of bringing huge ideas to life." Dr. Tina Seelig, Professor of the Practice, Stanford Univ
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Note: There are two versions of this program on the same DVD: 95-minutes and 57-minutes.
Soaring at 28,000 feet without a drop of fuel, nothing is predictable. Not the weather, not the technology. And certainly not the fate of a man, alone for five days in a fragile, first-of-its-kind aircraft with nothing but ocean below.
POINT OF NO RETURN takes viewers behind the headlines of the first solar-powered flight around the world, where two courageous pilots take turns battling nature, their own crew, and sometimes logic itself, to achieve the impossible. Not just to make history, but to inspire a revolution.

Grade Level: 7 - 9, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2020
Copyright Date: 2017
DVD ISBN: 1-948745-49-6

Reviews "Think we can't take on big technological challenges any longer? Believe our energy conundrum is hopeless? Point of No Return proves otherwise! A stunningly beautiful and engaging film, Point of No Return restores faith in human ingenuity, international cooperation, and our ability to reach new frontiers in sustainable energy. It is sure to inspire students in engineering as well as well those in the environmental sciences." Brian Black, Professor, History and Environmental Studies, Pennsylvania State University - Altoona, Editor, Energy and Society
"A documentary that is as dramatic and thrilling as any cinematic space odyssey...A must-see documentary that not only inspires but also offers a powerful wake-up call to action." Herbert Paine, Broadway World
"Just WOW! What an incredible story filled with remarkable highs and lows, both physical and emotional. Point of No Return magnificently demonstrates how inventors construct the path from 'impossible to inevitable.' It is highly recommended for anyone who dreams of bringing huge ideas to life." Dr. Tina Seelig, Professor of the Practice, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Author, inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity
"[An] absorbing documentary...A fascinating feat of human and scientific accomplishment." Justin Lowe, The Hollywood Reporter
"This is a truly outstanding film that skillfully captures the emotion of two adventurer pilots and their crew as they attempt the unimaginable. The viewer is taken on their audacious journey filled with constant challenges and highs and lows, and is witness to an indomitable human spirit on display throughout. This is a very enjoyable film that I would encourage all to watch; I expect that it will be of particular interest in educational settings." Alan J. Stolzer, Dean of the College of Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
"Filmmakers Noel Dockstader and Quinn Kanaly captured Solar Impulse through the whole project...They've created a beautiful document of a dream given form." Bradley Gibson, Film Threat
"Watching Point of No Return was a deeply moving opportunity. Especially in these times, students need to build confidence in science and engineering to face and to conquer climate change. The self-professed goal of the Solar Impulse flight was not to circumnavigate the earth without the use of fossil fuels. It was exactly to send this message: 'What we do in the air we can do on the ground' with renewable energy." Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, Professor Emeritus of Engineering, Cornell University, Senior Fellow, Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy
"Everyone, not just technology fans, green romantics and STEM graduates, will thrill to Point of No Return." Don Wallace, Honolulu Magazine
"Experience the excitement, inspiration, frustration, disappointment, and elation as the Solar Impulse becomes the first solar-powered plane to successfully fly around the world. This was a dangerous endeavor plagued by challenges, but necessary to prove what air travel can become - clean and dependent on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. Classes will have the opportunity to discuss renewable energy and transportation; innovation and the human drive for exploration; boons and barriers to sustainable technology and behavior change; and a bit of scientific history related to the exploits of Piccard and his family of adventurous record-breakers." Joy Scrogum, ISSP Certified Sustainability Professional, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Point of No Return offers a beacon of hope for transforming today's society into one which uses clean technology." Santa Barbara Seasons Magazine
"Since its inception, the aviation age has been powered by fossil fuel. But are there alternatives? Point of No Return tells the story of the visionary project to build a solar-powered aircraft and fly it around the world - a feat that was accomplished in 2015-16 over the course of 16 months in 17 flight segments. Challenges for the next generation involve making solar-powered aircraft safe, reliable, and commercially feasible." James Rodger Fleming, Charles A. Dana Professor of Science, Technology, and Society Program, Colby College, Author, Fixing the Sky, Inventing Atmospheric Science, and FIRST WOMAN
"A compelling tale of ambition and endurance...The lesson is one of taking risks, innovating, and embracing new challenges to create a better tomorrow." Pat Mullen, POV Magazine
"Humans can move towards sustainable energy options and can make positive changes. This video highlights the dedication, tenacity, tensions, dangers, disappointments, and elation involved in such an endeavor." Green Teacher
"Dramatic...The two pilots push on, often facing unimaginable risks. This is an exciting adventure and a testimony to the quest for renewable energy." Candace Smith, Booklist Online
"An obvious choice for science, technology, engineering, sustainability, and design units. Examples of teamwork, innovation, and risk-taking appear frequently." Maggie Knapp, School Library Journal
"Incredible...Highly recommended." Trudie Root, Video Librarian
"Recommended...Simply breath taking...It stands as a testament of inspiration and goal setting, and the very essence of human drive for achievement." Michael J. Coffta, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Educational Media Reviews Online
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features * 2 Versions of the film on the same DVD: 95 mins and 57 mins
* SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
* Scene selection
Awards and Festivals CPH:DOX
Santa Barbara International Film Festival
Hawaii International Film Festival
Heartland Film Festival
St. Louis Film Festival
Planet In Focus Film Festival
Environmental Film Festival In The Nation's Capital
Twin Cities Film Festival
Dokufest Kosovo
Sedona International Film Festival
San Francisco Green Film Festival
Seoul Eco Film Festival
San Francisco Documentary Film Festival
Doc Edge Film Festival, New Zealand
Cine Eco Festival
Jaipur International Film Festival
London Green Film Festival
Goethe Institute Science Film Festival
Adventure Film Festival
InScience Film Festival
Aegean Film Festival
Green Fest Belgrade
360 Science and Technology Festival, Moscow
Transitions Film Festival
Aero Film Festival
Planet Earth Arts Festival
United Nations HQ, New York
United Nations, UN City, Copenhagen
Bloomberg Future of Energy Summit, New York
COP 24 UN Global Climate Summit, Katowice, Poland
Subjects Aviation Climate Change/Global Warming Design Earth Science Energy Engineering Environmental Ethics Geography Physical Science Renewable Energy Science Technology Society Sustainability Technology Transportation
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