
 | | American Outrage  Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights. | |
 | | Backfired  Investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing VW's deliberate installation of defeat devices in their diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle emissions standards. | |
 | | Bidder 70  Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change. | |
 | | Black Wave  The story of the Exxon Valdez and the 20-year legal battle to get restitution from ExxonMobil. | |
 | | Butterflies & Bulldozers  The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation. | |
 | | A Crime on the Bayou  A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial. | |
 | | Dr. Feelgood  The case of Dr. William Hurwitz educates audiences on the complexities involved in opioid painkiller prescriptions. | |
 | | The Forest For The Trees  The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist. | |
 | | Hot Coffee  Tells the truth about the McDonald's hot coffee case and exposes the influence of corporate America on our civil justice system. | |
 | | If A Tree Falls  The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist. | |
 | | Incarcerating US  Exposes America's prison problem and explores various criminal justice reforms. | |
 | | ithaka  The campaign to free Julian Assange takes on intimate dimensions in this portrait of a father's fight to save his son. | |
 | | John Lewis: Get In The Way  The first major documentary biography of civil rights hero, congressional leader and champion for human rights, whose unwavering fight for justice spanned over fifty years. | |
 | | Like Any Other Kid  Follows the intimate relationships between incarcerated youth and staff who use love and structure to guide and teach youth offenders how to take responsibility for themselves. | |
 | | Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot. | |
 | | The Return  After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities. | |
 | | A Rising Tide  An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families. | |
 | | Rule of Law  A newly-disabled outlaw and country lawyer in Tennessee lead a class action lawsuit that affects the rights of 55 million people. | |
 | | Secrecy  A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy. | |
 | | 63 Boycott  Connects the massive 1963 Chicago Public Schools boycott to contemporary issues around race, education, school closings, and youth activism. | |
 | | Split Estate  Documents the devastating effect that fracking for natural gas and oil is having on the health of families and the environment in the Rocky Mountain West. | |
 | | Torturing Democracy  Tells the inside story of how the U.S. government adopted torture as official policy in the aftermath of 9/11. | |
 | | Tribal Justice  Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice. | |
 | | Unguarded  UNGUARDED takes us inside the walls of APAC, the revolutionary Brazilian prison system centered on the full recovery and rehabilitation of the person. | |
Abandonado  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Abandoned  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Abandoned (Short Version)  Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Addicted to Plastic  Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.
Addiction Incorporated  The true story of the tobacco companies' commitment to addicting the human brain and how the world came to know about it.
After Silence  Examines the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW II, and its relevance to post 9/11 America.
After Tiller  Sheds a humanistic light on the heated abortion debate by going inside the lives of the last four doctors in America who openly provide third-trimester abortions and the reasons their patients seek them.
American Outrage  Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.
Amá  The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
Anthropocene  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
Anthropocene - Short version  Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
The Antibiotic Hunters  Scientists are hunting urgently for new antibiotics -- a challenge that is taking them to some remote and unusual places.
Backfired  Investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing VW's deliberate installation of defeat devices in their diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle emissions standards.
Barbershop Punk  A David & Goliath tale of one man's fight against restrictions by Internet service providers and governments on consumers' access to the internet.
Better This World  The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.
Between Joyce and Remembrance  A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Beyond Being Silenced: Gyaa Isdlaa  The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore...
Bidder 70  Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change.
Bitter Seeds  The final film in Micha X. Peled's Globalization Trilogy examines the epidemic of suicides amongst India's cotton farmers, deeply in debt after switching to genetically modified seeds.
Black Sea  Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.
Black Wave  The story of the Exxon Valdez and the 20-year legal battle to get restitution from ExxonMobil.
Blue Vinyl  Filmmakers Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold use humor and chutzpah in their search for the environmental truth about vinyl.
Blue Vinyl (Short Version)  Filmmakers Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold use humor and chutzpah in their search for the environmental truth about vinyl.
A Bold Peace  70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.
Border South  Reveals the resilience, ingenuity and humor of Central American immigrants while exposing a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.
Borderline Cases  The environmental impact of the 2,000 factories (maquiladoras) on the US-Mexico border.
The Boxer  A young male looks to escape Mexican poverty by becoming a boxer in the United States.
Brazil  Brazil has developed generic antiretroviral drugs to care for those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
Bringing It Home  Extols the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while revealing the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers.
Butterflies & Bulldozers  The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation.
Can You Hear Us Now?  Unravels the ways that years of minority rule by one party have reshaped democracy in Wisconsin, where voters are finding their lives increasingly irrelevant to state lawmakers.
Capturing The Flag  Four friends travel to Cumberland County, NC — posterchild for voter suppression in 2016 — intent on proving that the big idea of American democracy can be defended by small acts of individual citizens.
Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise  Explores the same women's and men's reactions to the groundbreaking film, THELMA & LOUISE, 25 years ago and today.
City Life  22-part series examining the effect of globalization on people and cities worldwide.
Cocaine Unwrapped  Documents the devastating effects of the war on drugs and suggests realistic alternatives.
Come Hell or High Water  When the graves of former slaves are bulldozed in Mississippi, a native son returns to protect the community they settled.
Company Town  A grassroots movement challenges Citizens United, corporate power, and moguls of the "sharing economy" to stop gentrification and wrest back control of San Francisco's future.
Complicit  The cost of our global addiction to devices is revealed in the struggle of a courageous Chinese activist helping young workers poisoned while making smartphones.
A Concerned Citizen  Marine toxicologist Dr. Riki Ott, who helped fishing communities hit by the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon spills, creates a civics course to help young activists become effective.
Counting on Democracy  An examination of the fiasco in Florida in the context of the history of voting rights violations.
Cowboys, Indians, & Lawyers  The story of a pork-barrel project: a dam on the free-flowing Animas River in Colorado.
A Crime on the Bayou  A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.
A Dangerous Idea  Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.
the dawn  A look at what really happened in the presidential elections of 2000.
Democracy à la Maude  A Canadian woman leads the fight against unjust corporate globalization, and for social justice.
Diamond Road  Examines every facet of the diamond trade from the prospectors to the miners, cutters, jewelers, smugglers and dealers, and advocates for fair trade.
The Dilemma Of The White Ant  Dominic Ongwen is both a victim and alleged perpetrator of LRA war crimes. Should he face an international court?
Dirty Business  Reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and looks at promising developments in renewable energy technology.
Divide In Concord  A fiery octogenarian activist spearheads a grassroots campaign to ban the sale of single-serve plastic bottled water in Concord, MA.
The Doctor's Story  The US debate over abortion has severe consequences for health care in rural Nepal.
Dr. Feelgood  The case of Dr. William Hurwitz educates audiences on the complexities involved in opioid painkiller prescriptions.
East of Salinas  José is an excellent student with a bright future except that he is undocumented, the child of migrant farm laborers in California's Salinas Valley.
The Enemy Within  The story of Britain's longest strike, the 1984-85 miners' strike, when Margaret Thatcher declared war on the unions, as told by those who lived through it.
Entangled  How climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, N. America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both.
Ever Green  How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life.
Facing Fear  A former neo-Nazi skinhead and the gay victim of his hate crime meet by chance 25 years later, are reconciled and collaborate in educational presentations.
Field of Genes  The effects of the biotechnology revolution on farmers and consumers.
A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
A Fierce Green Fire  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
The Flaw  Tells the story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash of 2008, and clearly explains how excessive income inequality leads to economic instability.
For Earth's Sake  Portrait of David Brower, America's leading environmentalist.
The Forest For The Trees  The amazing story of the fight to clear Earth First! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist.
Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate  2-DVD set explores the human capacity to forgive through a compelling range of stories, from personal betrayal to global reconciliation after genocide.
From This Day Forward  Tells the story of a love, and family, that survived the most intimate of transformations.
Gene Blues  Examines the ethical issues associated with DNA testing.
The Ghosts In Our Machine  Following animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur over the course of a year, the film illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world.
The God Squad and the Case of the Northern Spotted Owl  A rare, behind-the-scenes look at the way politics shape environmental policy.
Guardian  Against the backdrop of BC's spectacular Great Bear Rainforest, Guardians and the salmon they monitor are victims of science censorship and reckless extractive industries.
The Hand That Feeds  Shy sandwich-maker Mahoma López unites his undocumented immigrant coworkers to fight abusive conditions at a popular New York restaurant chain.
Home of the Brave  Examines the case of Viola Liuzzo, the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement.
Homeland  Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
Homeland (Short Version)  A shorter version of the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
The Homestretch  Three homeless teens in Chicago fight to stay in school, graduate, and build a future.
Homo Toxicus  Explores the links between the hundreds of toxic pollutants in our environment and increasing health problems.
Hot Coffee  Tells the truth about the McDonald's hot coffee case and exposes the influence of corporate America on our civil justice system.
If A Tree Falls  The Academy Award-nominated story of the radicalization of an environmental activist, from his involvement in and later disillusionment with Earth Liberation Front sabotage, to his eventual arrest by the FBI and incarceration as a domestic terrorist.
In Defense of Animals  Peter Singer presents the moral philosophy arguments for animal rights.
In Our Own Backyards  How does uranium mining impact the land and the health of people?
In Search of International Justice  The first film about a crucial new commitment to the international rule of law: the International Criminal Court.
In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
Incarcerating US  Exposes America's prison problem and explores various criminal justice reforms.
It Takes a Child  15 year-old child labor activist, Craig Kielburger, works for reform around the world.
ithaka  The campaign to free Julian Assange takes on intimate dimensions in this portrait of a father's fight to save his son.
John Lewis: Get In The Way  The first major documentary biography of civil rights hero, congressional leader and champion for human rights, whose unwavering fight for justice spanned over fifty years.
Kanehsatake  The confrontation between the Mohawk Nation and the Canadian Government at the Mercier Bridge.
The Kill Team  Soldier Adam Winfield attempted to thwart atrocities being committed by his platoon in Afghanistan but was then himself charged in one of the largest war crimes investigations in US history.
The Legacy of Malthus  Argues that overpopulation is not the real cause of poverty in India or elsewhere.
A Life Among Whales  A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne.
Life and Debt  Economics and the murder of street children in Rio de Janeiro.
Like Any Other Kid  Follows the intimate relationships between incarcerated youth and staff who use love and structure to guide and teach youth offenders how to take responsibility for themselves.
The Lincoln School Story  The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.
Looting the Seas  Investigates the looming collapse of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stocks and the role EU policies have played in the crisis.
McLibel  The new feature-length version and final chapter in the saga of the postman and the gardener who took on McDonald's. And won.
The Medicine in Marijuana  What we know, and what we don't know, about the most popular new medicine in the U.S.
Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot.
The Motherhood Manifesto  Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance.
Motor  The controversy surrounding off-road motor vehicles using public lands.
The New Green Giants  Examines the complex and controversial world of today's exploding organic food industry.
Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.
One Big Home  Trophy homes threaten Martha's Vineyard. When he feels he is complicit in wrecking the place he calls home, one carpenter takes off his tool belt and picks up a camera.
Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now.
Our Vanishing Forests  The history and policies of the U.S. Forest Service.
Overload  Before she starts a family, Soozie Eastman wants to discover whether it's possible to reduce her body's--and by extension everybody's--toxic burden.
Patently Obvious  International patent regulations only protect multinationals.
The Perfect Famine  Examines the causes of, and solutions to, severe famine conditions in Malawi.
Plane Truths  With the "Pivot to Asia" increased activity at the navy base on Whidbey Island, WA is making life unbearable for locals and wildlife - collateral damage in the ever increasing militarization of our society.
Power to Heal  The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.
Psychology and the New Heroism  Philip Zimbardo and Daniel Ellsberg discuss why some people are willing to take courageous nonviolent action in defense of ethical principles.
A Question of Rights  Looks at the state of women's human rights in Ethiopia, Latvia, Jamaica and Fiji.
Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.
Redwood Summer  Documents both sides in the summer of struggle between environmentalists vs. loggers and timber companies.
Reflection: a walk with water  Filmmaker Emmett Brennan walks the length of the Los Angeles aqueduct in search of a vision for humanity worth living for - what he discovers has everything to do with water.
Refuge  Refugees, asylees and caregivers share their stories to help professionals and volunteers understand the needs of the more than a million survivors of torture rebuilding lives in the US.
Rena Mcleod in Canada  An aboriginal mother fights for native justice.
The Return  After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.
A Rising Tide  An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families.
Risky Business  A discussion-starter on genetically engineered plants and animals.
The Road from Rio  Questions the relevance and success of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
Rule of Law  A newly-disabled outlaw and country lawyer in Tennessee lead a class action lawsuit that affects the rights of 55 million people.
Save Our Land, Save Our Towns  Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.
Save Our Land, Save Our Towns (Classroom Version)  Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.
Seats At The Table  Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.
Secrecy  A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.
Semper Fi  Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger reveals the Marine Corps' cover-up at Camp Lejeune of one of the largest water contamination incidents in US history.
The Shadow of Gold  An unflinching look at how the world's favorite heavy metal is extracted from the earth.
Shadows of Liberty  Uses shocking examples of cover-ups and censorship by the US media to show how a few mega corporations exercise control over the content of our news.
Shattered Sky  The story of how America led the world to solve the ozone crisis. Will we dare to do the same with climate change?
63 Boycott  Connects the massive 1963 Chicago Public Schools boycott to contemporary issues around race, education, school closings, and youth activism.
A Snowmobile For George  A rambunctious road trip reveals the toll that environmental deregulation has had on the lives of ordinary people, including the effects of fracking for natural gas.
Split Estate  Documents the devastating effect that fracking for natural gas and oil is having on the health of families and the environment in the Rocky Mountain West.
Srebrenica - Looking For Justice  Examines the massacre at Srebrenica on its 10th anniversary.
Stealing a Nation  Award-winning reporter John Pilger exposes how the British Government expelled the population of a group of islands, including Diego Garcia, so the US could build a military base.
Stealing A Nation (Activist Version)  Award-winning reporter John Pilger exposes how the British Government expelled the population of a group of islands, including Diego Garcia, so the US could build a military base.
Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty  The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty.
Street Fight  Tells the gripping story of the race for mayor of Newark, N.J., where elections are won and lost in the streets.
Subdivide and Conquer  Suburban sprawl: causes and remedies.
Subdivide and Conquer (Short Version)  Suburban sprawl -- causes and remedies.
Super-Companies  Multinational companies seldom take the needs of people or the environment into account.
Swim for the River  The story of the Hudson, and the battle to save it, are told as Chris Swain swims the entire length of the river.
Tar Creek  Tells the incredible story of the Tar Creek Superfund site in NE Oklahoma and the massive and deadly remains left by the lead and zinc mines there.
Thirst  A piercing look at the global corporate drive to control and profit from our water -- from bottles to tap.
Thirst for Justice  Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.
Tools for Research  A classic animal rights film that raises important questions about the use of animals in laboratories.
Torture Made in USA  Examines the George W. Bush administration's systematic use of torture and questions whether key members could be prosecuted for war crimes.
Torturing Democracy  Tells the inside story of how the U.S. government adopted torture as official policy in the aftermath of 9/11.
The Trade Trap  Ghanaian farmers struggle to get a foothold in the international market.
Tre Maison Dasan  An intimate portrait of three boys growing up, each with a parent in prison.
Tre Maison Dasan - Special Offer  An intimate portrait of three boys growing up, each with a parent in prison.
Tribal Justice  Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.
Triumph Over Terror  Six films on human rights around the world.
Una Paz Audaz  El camino de Costa Rica hacia la desmilitarización.
The Unforgiven  Should General Butt Naked (née Joshua Blahyi) - now a Christian pastor - be forgiven for his role in Liberia's horrific civil war?
Unguarded  UNGUARDED takes us inside the walls of APAC, the revolutionary Brazilian prison system centered on the full recovery and rehabilitation of the person.
Up in Smoke  Dependence on tobacco crops and manipulation by the tobacco industry has stunted the economy of Malawi.
Valentine Road  In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath.
Varmints  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Varmints (Short Version)  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
Water for Life  Explores the collision of water rights, Indigenous beliefs, and resource extraction through the lives of three Latin American community leaders. The right to clean water is a global issue - in Latin America it has become a matter of life and death.
Water On The Table  An intimate portrait of international water activist Maude Barlow and the debate over whether water is a commercial good or a human right.
Waterlife  An epic cinematic poem that reveals the extraordinary beauty and complex toxicity of the Great Lakes, the largest remaining supply of fresh water (20%) on Earth.
Welcome to Womanhood  Efforts to stop female genital mutilation in Uganda.
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy  Two elderly men possess starkly contrasting attitudes towards their high-ranking Nazi fathers. A study of brutality, self-deception, guilt and the nature of justice.
When Abortion was Illegal  Devastating stories from the era of illegal abortion.
Where Truth Lies  A dramatic case before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Which Way Home  The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Which Way Home - Original  The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Who's Next?  Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.
Wind River  The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.
A Witch Story  Deconstructs the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in order to reveal their connection to contemporary witch hunts and examine women's struggles through a feminist lens.
Wrenched  Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang.
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