The Antibiotic Hunters

Scientists are hunting urgently for new antibiotics -- a challenge that is taking them to some remote and unusual places.

44 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Bruce Mohun
Produced by Sue Ridout
Written by Bruce Mohun and Helen Slinger Editor: Tim Wallin Director of Photography: John Collins Music: Graeme Coleman Narrated by David Suzuki Produced by Dreamfilm Productions in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


"Incredibly informative and thought provoking, I highly recommend this film." Dr. Phil Smith, Assoc. Prof., Environmental Toxicology, Texas Tech University
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Increasing resistance to antibiotics has been called the most pressing global health problem of our time. Medical experts are predicting a post-antibiotic era, in which people will die of infections easily treated just a few years ago -- unless we find more of these miracle drugs.
THE ANTIBIOTIC HUNTERS follows drug researchers as they investigate the slimy green fur of sloths, the saliva of Komodo dragons, the blood of alligators, and the bacteria in British Columbia caves and on the ocean floor off the coast of Panama -- all part of the urgent hunt to find the building blocks of new antibiotics.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2015
Copyright Date: 2015
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-542-4

Reviews "A captivating documentary which clearly depicts, with vivid imagery and compelling personal accounts, the global crisis that is antibiotic resistance...Incredibly informative and thought provoking, I highly recommend this film." Dr. Phil Smith, Associate Professor of Environmental Toxicology, Texas Tech University
"An extraordinarily informative production...Elegantly presents the epidemiologic, clinical, and microbiologic information that is useful to understanding the nature of the microbial antibiotic-resistance dilemma." George Allen Wistreich, Science Books and Films
"An outstanding documentary that addresses the most pressing medical problem of our times...Riveting footage...Uses personal stories to make the challenges presented by resistant microbes immediate and memorable. This documentary is an excellent teaching tool that will fascinate as it alerts viewers to an impending crisis." Dr. Karl Drlica, Professor of Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Genetics, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Author, Antibiotic Resistance: Understanding and Responding to an Emerging Crisis
"Enlightening...This video underlines an important international health problem and highlights medical researchers hunting for the 'building blocks of new antibiotics.'" Candace Smith, Booklist
"Emulating the thrill aroused by the classic text The Microbe Hunters of the 1900's, this 21st century documentary The Antibiotic Hunters animatedly recounts the current quest to detect viable antibiotics...This is a colorfully orchestrated adventure story on DVD that will appeal to a wide audience." Rita Hoots, NSTA Recommends
"An outstanding film that get both the science and the human stories right. We see first-hand how hard scientists work to find new antibiotics and the devastation wrought by drug resistant bacteria. Antibiotics are valuable and hard to discover and should be used with care." Kevin Outterson, Professor of Health Law, Bioethics, and Human Rights, Boston University
"Antibiotic Hunters is a high speed, real world snapshot into the fight and fixes for one of our greatest looming health crisis - antibiotic resistance...Whether inspiring future scientists or informing policymakers and the public, this film is an important contribution to helping the nation avoid a post-antibiotic era." Dr. Shelley Hearne, Visiting Professor, Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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DVD Features SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.
Links Producers' website
CBC's website for the film
Subjects Bacteriology Biodiversity Biology Chemistry Ecology Environment Genetics Geography Global Issues Health Law Medicine Microbiology Science Technology Society Sociology
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