
Multinational companies seldom take the needs of people or the environment into account.

57 minutes
Directed by Boyce Richardson
Produced by The National Film Board of Canada

SUPER-COMPANIES provides a revealing portrait of the operations of multinational and transnational corporations. Using the aluminum industry in Australia, British Columbia, Jamaica, and Norway as a case study, the film documents the effects that the industry has had on the economic and physical well-being of people in those countries.
Multinationals treat the world as a single market. They take raw materials from one place, process them in another, and sell them everywhere. When challenged by host governments to make a larger contribution to the economy, the companies simply find more hospitable environments.
SUPER-COMPANIES provides a provocative view of the way our global economy is being shaped by economic powers that are often at odds with the needs of people.

Grade Level: Grades 9-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1989
Copyright Date: 1987
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-522-X
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0392-X

Reviews "SUPER-COMPANIES is an excellent video... highly recommended for adult audiences, college and secondary schools, and any programs addressing environmental, conservation, and development cases." *****Video Rating Guide
"A detailed, well-supported critique that allows spokesmen from the aluminum industry to present their point of view as well." Landers
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DVDs include public performance rights.

Awards and Festivals Gold Apple, National Educational Film & Video Festival
Red Ribbon, American Film Festival
Subjects Business Ethics Business Practices Canadian Studies Capitalism Developing World Development Economics Globalization Humanities International Studies International Trade Law
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